He has friends on steam

>he has friends on steam

>using steam at all

I don't have any friends.

>having things

> existing

Thanks George.

>he has friends


Put me in the screencap, reddit!

How do I get steam friends

>play online game
>send friend requests

don't be a sissy faggot

send nudes


where can i buy a friend

very nice

>not having friends on steam
they help you in games and buy you shit, got witcher 3+dlc from a friend


thats a big gamble
Im gay but not sissy meme tier

>thats a big gamble
then add your irl friends

send fully-clothed images

Getting steam friends is easy. Getting friends who you can talk to who actually care about you is impossible.

absolutely degenerate

>irl friends
S-sure yeah....

define "care about you"

dont kinkshame

send images of just your clothes, without you in them

>S-sure yeah
I know youre acting right now but you piss me off

>define "care about you"
Like FRIENDS friends. Real friends instead of acquaintances.

>mfw my brother have steam friends
>mfw he met girls on steam
>mfw he goes out with them every weekend

Life is suffering when your brother is CHAD.

I really dont have irl friends

>I really dont have irl friends
same, it's impossible to get even one if you're an adult and not a normie

yeah, i can see that. i'm real friends with a few people online, but it's not like it was instantaneous, and i'm sure some people aren't interested in anything more than being acquaintances. that being said, there are different levels of intimacy across the broad spectrum of friendship, so don't expect bff-levels of caring from someone who is a "play video games and chat"-level friend

well, i figured we'd cover the whole range of the you/clothes spectrum

send images of an empty space you once occupied or plan to occupy at some point in the future

>I really dont have irl friends

hey man, I don't think you belong here.


How do you make genuine friends?

Piss off back to high school


i feel like you have some strict, preconceived notion of what friendship is, my dude. like i said, people expect different things out of friendships and are comfortable with different levels of intimacy. i consider a friend who i play games with and bullshit around with as genuine as a friend i can go to with my troubles.

as for making friends, idk. talk to people. make acquaintances and be social with them. sometimes you click, sometimes you don't, and it's fine either way. there's no one-size-fits-all strategy for making friends, as far as i'm aware, but you do need to interact with people to have a chance.

>having fun playing random matches
>some guy sends a friend request
>now they're inviting me to play with them all the time
>stuck trying to play to their strategies and no longer having fun
Friends kind of suck.

just talk to people bro, dat easy man, it's dat easy...

The best Steam relationships are the ones where you don't communicate outside of game invites.

Yeah it's so easy haha

where do I find other pathetic Sup Forumsvirgins to befriend irl

just get out there bro

I've only ever met one person like this
He became a normie at uni, I moved away and we basically stopped talking