Who is the best vidya youtuber of all time?

Who is the best vidya youtuber of all time?

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Not him for a few years now


I ain't gay, but I like his face. One of the only "E-Celebs" that I didn't feel weird about once I saw the face behind the voice.

I'm gay, aren't I.

Why do people think this faggot is attractive

Pussy fart dick nipples xD


rate plz

This is the best face of all time

>reviewbrah is considered neo/v/ by neo/v/edditors now


>Angry Joe

Ross Scott.


Always has been. Sorry but this is a Broey only board. Ja/ck/ is ok too.


Dunno, I dislike his personality for some reason.

I only watch Vinesauce for some reason.

>markiplier is on a nation-wide tour
>it's actually sold out

What the fuck is going on? Have I gotten old or have the kids gotten retarded?


why'd such a handsome man chosen to be a faceless voice on youtube and spend all his time playing video games?
did he use to be a hungry skeleton or something and was self-conscious about his looks or did he just not want to be known for his face?


That's not avgn though


>The chad creator vs, the virgin reviewer

Yes to both



happy console gamer.

He has the same taste in games as me and is just a positive, happy guy like the name implies.

Hey, Arino did it.

Kys yourself

>make vidya thread
>0 replies
>make e-celeb thread
>562 replies

i hate nu-Sup Forums

8 Bit Brody
because he actually gives a shit about us
even though his recent videos have been garbage, I hope this is just temporary

>Let's play Binding of Isaac: Episode #7493


Despise everyone there but Sargon, he can come across as arrogant but after watching him for a few years, he's the only one that seems like he has genuinely good intentions.

This. He's really gone downhill.

Who is this guy?

Anthony Sullivan

He’s a manlet with a decent personality. Kids and Fujos eat that shit up no matter what he does.


e-celebs are not vidya


>mfw Miitopia just ended and there will be no more LORE for a long time

Used to be really funny and entertaining, now he just tells life stories and other boring shit.

They look identical except one is fat.

Yes, they are. If Sup Forums can make threads about sports commentators and /o/ can make threads about car reviewers, then Sup Forums can make threads about vidya players.

he's happy now, depressed people are always more entertaining

Jahn was the hero of miitopia.

Him Gordon and Mario where the only valuable team members

Never liked him, find him really obnoxious, especially with this hair shit he's doing now.

Mods really need to come to a decision and either ban e-celeb stuff site wide or make a fucking e-celeb board already. E-celeb stuff has existed since Sup Forums was made, but it exploded in popularity the last few years. We have a generation of kids growing up watching youtubers and twitch streams so Sup Forums will be inundated with more and more e-celebs with each passing year.

I'm a fan of Kilian.


ManlyBadassHero is a really good channel to sub to for the purpose of finding weird games.

>tfw Pat is the only thing holding SBF now and now's this and is on the verge of going nuclear at any moment.

Lol no. He's an actual retard.

He's a well-intentioned guy but he's punching way above his weight in the sense that he puts out too much content to properly do research on. It doesn't help that he's not particularly smart even if he's somewhat well-read.

This actually. I used to think he was just a calmer Amazing Atheist, but it turns out he's actually a nice man who thinks vaguely rationally.

MA NIGGA, I fucking love killian

Post your face so we can compare it to his.

>making a proactive decision

Cr1tikal seems like an alright guy. His content is pretty ridiculous and generally it doesn't seem like he puts a lot of time into editing or anything. But from what he's said in the past he just genuinely enjoys making videos and being a moron on camera. I'm not much of a fan anymore but he seems like an alright guy. Certainly not on the same level as worthless faggots like Game Grumps orJoe.

Objectively it's Dunkey. He's pretty funny, unique, and actually good at games

Great taste. Love Kilian

>DSP and black DSP

Are e-celeb threads even against the rules? It's completely fucking random here. Some e-celeb threads reach the bump limit while some are deleted immediately.

How the fuck can you despise Reviewbrah?

If it's a videogame YouTuber then it fall under "videogame" culture
Some mods just ge butthurt about it

>One of the only "E-Celebs" that I didn't feel weird about once I saw the face behind the voice

I was weirded out by the fact he wasn't an obese neckbeard due to hearing his voice for so long.

I've watched Markiplier's newer videos a few time and I'm pretty sure it's something 10 year old me would've loved. He's silly but still "clever" in an accessible way without being too over the top like PDP's older shit.

>why are children going to see a popular children's entertainer?
I think it may be you that's become retarded. Also, don't use "gotten", It makes you sound like an infant.

Why is Sargon even on here? I never see him mentioned ever.

I used to like Kitetales for her social commentary and then I found out she sucks dick at videogames, talks over cutscenes with annoying character voices, and has shitty opinions on movies.

>It's a YTer has a skinny avatar/drawing while actually being fat episode



Joel and Vinny are A+ quality content
The only 2 streamers I can bare to watch

Now apply this to every single avatar on every single website on the internet. If they never show their face they are hideously obese or plain ugly.

Men Drinkin' Coffee have the only "brand" that appeals to my sensibilities as it were right now, good clean family fun, interventionist foreign policy and corporate tie-in promotions with fine franchise restaurants.




I haven't watched them in over a year now. Whats going on with them?

Who the fuck is even Sargon in this image? You guys are fucking creepy fucks to track down their faces over simply using their avatar pic

Cr1tikal is literally the only vidya youtuber I like. Everybody else is too annoying or boring.

one up from bottom left of the "neo-v" approved
his face is pretty common knowledge

General Sam

Scoot was pretty good too.
Owerall the series turned out to be really enjoyable, even despite clingpacagon shilling

Fat guy middle right with headphones.

Liam quit, pat streams, matt and woolie also do stuff on their own sometimes on their channels. Other then that same as always.

I thought Mat and Pat were the BFF. Why does Mat always hang out with Woolie? That guy is boring is fuck.

based ross

I still genuinely don't know what people have against Vaati

>"ugh guys I hate my audience HAHAhaha oh it's a meme not allowed to find that funny buy my CD everyone"

Certainly not him. Ever since he's shown his face his content has gone downhill. By contrast fucking Pewdiepie has become more based.

>tfw watch Brody 20 times a day

patxmatt playthroughs are the best hands down out of any pairing.

patxliam was pretty good too.

Jerma985 is pretty great. Makes real, proper videos with actual jokes and skits and so on instead of just sitting there playing a videogame or whatever



>I hate my audience
His vocal audience does have a history of bamboozling him and being annoying in general. Can't blame him.
>oh it's a meme not allowed to find that funny
He finds plenty of memes funny, but at certain points memes become unfunny. He's had a bunch of streams just showcasing meme games, do you think he'd do that if he hated memes?

I tried eating a pepper when I was 10/11.
I threw up


Which ones have been shit, senpai? The DaS and the PDP ones? I feel lost sometimes when I don't have a lot of con footage, but I do my best. I haven't missed a weekly upload in over a year, which I think is something most YTers can't say. Either way, give me some feedback. I'm always down for criticism because I do care about all of you.

You literally only like him now because he said nigger

Thank you.

>patxmatt playthroughs are the best hands down out of any pairing.
This. I stopped watching them forever ago because Woolie started replacing Pat a lot and kept coming in even when they were playing.

Also, Casca is shit.

>actually making videos
What year do you live in?