How do we stop videogames from being normie and popular?
How do we stop videogames from being normie and popular?
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>how do we stop other people having fun?
fuck off normalfag
Yes, once an industry becomes accesible and liked by the mass populace, the quality of the product decreases to meet the demand in quantity instead of quality. Quite simply, videogames suck because everyone likes them. We need to villainize videogames and scare people away from playing them to gain some sort of quality control.
Why would you want that? You aren't special just because you play video games and if you make playing games play or your identity that's just a bandaid to take the place of an actual personality. There is literally no downside to getting more people playing games because it means the devs we like make more of the shit we like because they have more goddamn money.
How did we as gamers forget what happened the last time around so quickly?
>There is literally no downside to getting more people playing games because it means the devs we like make more of the shit we like because they have more goddamn money.
Oh, sweetie, it's so cute that you probably actually believe this.
No, you give devs less of a reason to create a quality product, once they realize they can reuse assets for 5 games in a row and people are too sheepish not to buy the games.
First we begin by eliminating the Sunshinefags. There is NOTHING on this board I hate more than Sunshinefags. I can smell them from behind my monitor, they stink of pretentiousness, of faggotry. You just know that they think they're doing their due diligence as epic Sup Forumscore "Gaymurs" by picking the obscure Mario title on their least popular system to boost their fragile Nintendobabby egos.
>64? Too ubiquitous!
>Galaxy 1 and 2? It's on the Wii, it's casual!
It's embarrassing the mental gymnastics that these retards go through to justify their edgy opinions, Sunshine is simply the worst 3D Mario.
>B-b-b-ut muh aesthetic, muh comfy!
"No". It looks like a music video directed by McG, the saturation is ugly, the camera is wonky and unresponsive. The level design? Simply abhorrent, repetitive and creatively bankrupt. The blue coins are a tedious fetch quest that have little bearing on the levels. The levels themselves, either too big or too vertical.
>B-b-b-ut muh music
Acapella is a for fedora wearing retards and the tropical shit is trite. Galaxy and 3D World are far better in regards to music and if you suggest otherwise, you are being willfully ignorant or are completely aesthetically challenged.
>Whatever man, just like lay off and let me have my opinion
You FUCKING FAGGOTS have gone on too long without being challenged on your like for this piece of shit game. You revel in this title's mediocrity like a badge of honour.
Forget what?
Time machine.
Also emulators and willful ignorance.
What the fuck is wrong with this owl?
Jesus christ, why are birds up close so horrifying?
>They truly are evolved from Dinosaurs
Kill yourself, you brain dead sheep.
I do, I also think you think games are a super secret special club. If anything is hurting games it's the number of shitty games being released these days and saturating the market. If we try to make games just for social outcasts and shit we're going to end up just like modern anime. I.e. Nothing but shit designed only to appeal to Otaku, which hey, maybe you are the kind of person who actually wants that. In which case we just have a difference of opinions here.
noot noot
Support niche developers and stop buying AAAshit
it's pingu
We can't stop them
This is what fish see.
Do you know WHY there are shitty games user?
People, more and more people. Mean more and more viewpoints and demographics to sell to, which means a game that would normally be considered dogshit, may be fun to someone who doesnt understand the concept of a good videogame. That game is now very popular, and the rest of videogames suffer, trying to recreate the success of that game.
>you give devs less of a reason to create a quality product,
You also heavily decrease the amount of sales they can possibly make, decreasing the amount of money they can put on the line for their games
Increased barrier of entry from higher priced systems and games. Nothing we can really do about that. Games offer large amounts of entertainment for their price when compared to other leisure activities.
I agree with you but you're a fag
We need to come up with something so heinous, that it would stop every mother from buying a videogame for their snotnosed brat again. We also need a way to make something so offensive that hipsters lose respect for anyone who plays videogames.
They just are.
Build a time machine and erase the PS2, Xbox and facebook.
>which means a game that would normally be considered dogshit, may be fun to someone who doesnt understand the concept of a good videogame.
I didn't know you defined the exact definition of what makes a game good user
Just give game anime artstyle with fanservice
If it sells well then it works, let those people have what they want and buy what you want. How is them getting games they like hurting you in any way? Just don't buy shit games. No one is forcing you to get Butterfly Soup or whatever, but if Tumblr wants to spend her money on it that has literally no affect on your life, and the people who spent their time making games for those people aren't the same ones making games like Cuphead. Support the good guys with your wallet
You don't understand user. Having a diverse array of titles for different people to play is DESTROYING VIDEO GAMES
Heres what retards like you dont understand, monkey see, monkey do. If one company is successful at a shitty popular game, then 10 other companies try to copy that companies' success. Thus saturating the market with dogshit until that trend goes away.
i.e. LoL and now PUBG
This means NO GOOD GAMES will ever be produced ever again at some point. Because its more profitable to sell a shitty game, riding off the popularity of a similar franchise.
>This means NO GOOD GAMES will ever be produced ever again at some point.
That's weird, cause I played a bunch of good games this year
Video games have been mainstream since before you were born.
Name them user, I fucking dare you.
>browns don't feel as pressured to learn the strict guideline of the group and game
sounds about right
Holy fuck this is so true
You can't.
t. chad
Nex Machina
Golf Story
Hollow Knight
Rain World
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Gravity Rush 2
Nier: Automata
Sonic Mania
Battle Chasers is apparently pretty good too
It's too late. Videogames are too surfacelevel to go back now. Especially since everyone has a device powerful enough to play SOME games conveniently sitting in their pockets now.
All you can do is enjoy niche games. No matter what the era, there's passion projects made by lesser known people that go back to making games be about fun and greatness rather than mass appeal and popularity.
If it sells well, everyone does it. This means the only games that get made are normalfag shit for people like you which you of course don't see any problem with.
Literally what
Literally what
Literally what
Literally what
Shitty name
>you should sacrifice your fun so someone else who isn't you and does not care about you can have fun.
Not my fault you're a normalfag disappointment who doesn't pay attention to games that come out, yet frequents the video game board
The same people who made fun of us 10 years ago for playing videogames are now million dollar chads who exploit videogames for views on youtube
This argument goes the other way around too. Why should normies stop having fun so an elitist basement dweller who isn't them and does not care about them can have more fun?
More sexy and pervert girls.
If someone was really into rock climbing and suddenly a bunch of people in their town started a community of rock climbers, and the original started bitching about the trails and cliffs were changed/added ledges to appeal to new climbers you would tell them to just stfu and go do something else. So stfu
First 4 are indie garbage
Entire video game genres have died out as a result of them no longer being profitable with modern audiences. The Japanese console market has been replaced with mobile gambling machines because it makes more money than console games. If you think "more money = gooder games", then congrats on having the 360 as your first console.
Drink bleach or grow up faggot.
Are you fucking retarded?
Thats not how life works shithead. You should feel really fucking bad about taking that mans rockclimbing spot away. That was probably his only enjoyment in life.
are there cases of pelicans having that part tore apart?
>Normalfaggot """intellectuals"""
>"more money = gooder games"
It doesn't but it does equal games being able to actually be made like the old ones to the current graphical standards from the sheer amount of manpower required, and that push for the newest and best along with the console wars to go with it wasn't started by the normies
Play more intelligent and complex games that normies cannot understand, like Rabi-Ribi.
The lid is off. You can't. So stop being a fucking gatekeeping cunt.
People can have multiple hobbies, not all cost money.
Some people like shooting guns and target practice or fishing. In some places/certain times of the year/certain areas it is illegal.
>That's their fault, they should live in a better place.
>That's their fault, they should just play better games.
>He's right
Sunshine > 64
Sorry but I hate anime, also the market has gone completely polarizing.
One one side bad AAA cashgrabs, and remakes.
On the other side shitty niche games like visual novels or 2D platformers made by hipsters.
Where are the good games?
Not everyone has more than one hobby you selfish fuck. I hate people who have multiple hobbies and who are well rounded individuals because they ruin the fucking fun for hardcore enthusiasts.
>i don't like thing
>these people are offering the alternative to thing
>i don't like it either
Back to /vr/
>Sorry but I hate anime
Sorry normie, but that is just one of the reasons why Rabi-Ribi is a game only for people who truly appreciate video games. It has already filtered you out for being a casual.
>Not liking anime = normie
So this is the point we've reached?
I don't like anime because its "kawaii sugoi" super excessive cute garbage. The artstyle makes me want to vomit. I hate everything cute.
Add H-scenes to every game. Doesn't even matter if they're half-assed or not, you can just skip over them and play the game normally. Most normalfags will avoid games that have hentai in it, even if the gameplay is good.
>Do you know WHY there are shitty games user?
To appease the the original core audience.
>I hate everything cute
I pity those who cannot know such joy.
Rejecting a game purely based on it's use of an anime artstyle is exactly what makes you a normie.
t. Normalfag
Everyone pretends to be a weeb these days.
Why I so at am shit video games?
Wouldn't decrease in sales lead to poor quality of product anyway? Production of games requires lots of money, even more so for AAA titles.
I'm sure it happens
Anime is an exclusively normie medium.
we need more people calling you a faggot
like seriously, you are such a faggot
Its unnapealing, what is the point of having a cute anime girl if there is no way to fuck it.
Isn't the reason AAA Titles cost more is cause of marketing?
Mr Grape got to keep his waifu
No, it would spark a train of thought, as in "Oh fuck we're all going to lose our jobs unless we really put some effort into this next game"
>i came to this vietnamese bakery imageboard so i could post about not anime
ah, i see you're both a normie and a dipshit.
>video games in 1960
barely accessible
>video games in 1970
coinops and major tech-head
>vidya in the '80s
getting graphics to work on standardized platforms
>vidya in the '90s
becoming popular and thus becoming demonized
>vidya in '00s
markets solidify and digital distribution is a thing
>vidya in '10s
early access, microtransactions, and other alternative pay schemes are invented
out of that list, where are games at their worst quality? is that the same as being at their most normie?
No, it wouldn't, because good gameplay doesn't cost $200,000,000
>Cute anime character MUST also be fapbait
>He thinks a game being good automatically will lead to sales
not by being a sperg on Sup Forums
1990 to 2007 was the peak, everything after 2007 began to decline.
You stay in your fucking lane and support what you want to support so that it continues to exist
stop worrying about what normies do and like you autistic faggot
>everything began to decline
Only you.
Unless its fuckable its just fucking annoying. Just like women.
If you look anything like this, you shouldn't be allowed to make videogames.
This is the modern Sup Forums user
I'd say it takes a big chunk, but not the whole thing. Even then, that's a cost that won't go away, if you want to sell your game, you need people to know about it.
From what I saw, bad sales usually lead to stuff like death of a franchise, more focus on pachinko and questionable new business plans. Rarely does a company score a really good developing team that fixes what's wrong.