Sup Forums complains about modern HUDs being obstructive or large

>Sup Forums complains about modern HUDs being obstructive or large
>meanwhile nobody can stop sucking this game's dick with its HUD that takes up literally 16% of the entire vertical space

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Are you retarded or baiting?

All games should show the character's face.

>tells you every thing you need to know
>is in the least important part of the screen
>not distracting at all
Compared to modern games where the hud is all over the place and takes up half the screen flashes randomly when you get a kill

>>tells you every thing you need to know

Remind me why the number of which gun I have selected (and a list of all possible numbers) as well as a total count for all ammunition for all guns in the game, and how my character is feeling are things that are "need to know"

who are you quoting

>Remind me why the number of which gun I have selected (and a list of all possible numbers) as well as a total count for all ammunition for all guns in the game, and how my character is feeling are things that are "need to know"
because it's an fps game my man

>lets you know what guns you have. It doesnt just tell you what gun you have equipped
>are you even asking this? Why wouldnt I want to know how much ammo i have in all of my guns? It lets me know what i can and cant switch to and how much ammo ill have if if i switch to a certain weapon.
>doomguy is cute

>number of which gun I have selected
Correlates with the number that selects the weapon.
>total count for all ammunition for all guns in the game
Good to know when you're in a hectic battle and don't want to switch to an empty gun.
>how my character is feeling
at-a-glance health status, he also looks in the direction of an attack so you know which way it came from. Glad I can help, please continue to enjoy Doom.

>correlates with the number that selects the weapon.
Not him but this is retarded, think about it

Feast your eyes on this. This is what Marathon 1 looked like originally apparently. Here is a Aleph One mod if anyone is interested.

>implying Doomguy's face isn't vital game information

> looks in the direction of an attack so you know which way it came from.
Wait are you fuckng serious?

Very fucking serious

It's not though, as it shows which weapons you currently have, and that's something you can't tell from the ammo alone as you can collect ammo for a weapon before picking up that weapon

>having to press more then Y/triangle to change to a second and only 2 guns allowed
back to call of fields 1:WW2

you mean

>make hud smaller

having overly large HUD's in old games was more out of necessity than design as they could save on performance simply by reducing the size of the drawn game window

I still can't believe Ultima Underworld came out in 1992.

Speaking of HUDs, someone had problems playing Deus Ex GOTY before?
I am using Kentie launcher and I have a 768p monitor and 1x scaling is too small, but 2x scaling is too big that makes the bottom interface unclickable because it's offscreen.

yeah, it was way ahead of it's time

pm'd you the fix

when I played the game like last year my game looked like this.

>768p monitor

That's a laptop screen resolution. The most common one.

Yeah, this is how it is here too.
Damn, my eyes are not augmented, in fact, I have terrible vision. I think there is now way then, Kentie's Launcher has a bug on this resolution, thank you, user!

You didn't know this? Its hard to play DOOM 2 without it on some levels. You don't really look at it but you can see it from your periphery and know where you're gonna Hitscan sniped from. because DOOM 2 is full of hitscan sniping

You doing something wrong. I played on same resolution with my laptop. Wiggle around with the settings. Or ask in offtopicproductions forums

You forgot the most important part.

>Shows Doomguy looking around

I am seraching since yesterday and tried all the settings combinations I could think. I pluged my laptop on my 4K TV and tried to run in 1080p.
It worked, the 2X scale was perfect, this is why I think it is a problem with the resolution of my laptop.

minimalist by today's standards

Wish the source wasn't lost, as it'd benefit massively from modern resolution and proper controls/keybinds.

No more fish-eye lens also.

just set it to auto you retard

it looked alright to me user

I can disable or activate x1-x5 times.
On my laptop disabled and x1 is the same, while x2 cut parts of it. On the TV x2 scales perfectly. It's not this.

Yeah, I don't know then. Or I play this way or I don't, thank you.
I probably won't.