Tfw some people ask if they can play a series in release order or chronological order

>tfw some people ask if they can play a series in release order or chronological order
>mfw people actually choose chronological order

Name one series where chronologica l is no better

Devil May Cry.

>mfw I played the MGS series backwards (V wasn't out yet though)

Always relese order unless replaying, I thought this was the standard

Saying you should play a vidya series in chronological order is like telling someone to watch Haruhi Suzumiya in Haruhi order.

always release
always, the right order?

You shouldn't suggest weebtrash to people in the first place.

Where do you think we are?


Hey guys I want to read Jojo's, which parts should I skip?


Star Wars

>play chronologically
>graphics and gameplay mechanics divebomb every other game

Yakuza 0

That's how you should watch it. The LNs are in that order.

I play in order of highest metascore to lowest because my time is precious

Read Phantom Blood. That's it, skip everything else, it's trash.

Chronological is a completely retarded meme. Every prequel is made to be watched in release order. Have fun watching Star Wars in chronological order and missing out on all the OT references they put in the PT.

>hey guys i'm gonna start watching a movie should i start from the beginning, the middle or the end?