Not wanting limitless energy

>not wanting limitless energy

I also don't want to contract space AIDS

Was DS intentionally inspired by Martian Gothic, because that game also had a really similar statue as well as mutations and shit.

both felt like event horizon

Entirely plausible. That was on PS1 and PC, no?

>There will never be another Dead Space game
>EA forced Visceral to turn Dead Space 3 into an action game, killing the series.

>There will never be another Dead Space game
EA trademarked "DEAD WORLD", but so did Deep Silver, so I dunno who managed to actually trademark it.
Regardless, yeah no DS game.


Never played 3, did the story with the marker end? Was it just spooky aliens turning everyone into zombie monsters?

They literally just blew it up and found out there are more

Spooky aliens turning everyone into zombie moons actually. It's about as stupid as it sounds.

It turns out the marker signal isn't coming from the marker but actually a giant moon made of necromorphs. You kill the moon at the end but before it died it called it's moon buddies for help and in dlc you arrive at earth to find out the other moons got there before you and everyone is screwed the end.

Actual spoilers
Consuming entire planets/civilizations and mashing everything together once enough necromorphs are created , forming a Blood Moon. Multiple Blood Moons confirmed which were the original cause of the signal.

Yeah. Had a pretty decent story and the 3 main characters were neat, just a shame the gameplay was pretty bad.

>tfw dropped ds3 shortly after getting the little robot
does it get better?

so it's literally just the Flood?

the flood are actually the good guys, Dead Space zombies are bad guys

Highly unpopular opinion incoming

Dead Space 3 is probably my favorite Dead Space. It's the one I had the most fun with.

Story definitely had some fucking flaws though.
Like the ending and the dlc



Why do Necromorphs just give up and die after you cut off their arms?

Some of them do, some of them don't, some of them regrow arms.
Fucking space magic who even knows.

Did they ever reveal why the blood moons existed in the first place?

They don't think anybody will ask them out anymore, they've got very low self-esteem

I am not the villain in this story

>the end

I didn't play 3 but in and 2 I think the only ones who can regrow limbs were the Regenerator and the wall guy, everyone else just kind of layed down after their weapons got cut off.


It's simply a reproductive cycle. There's no real reason for humans to continue to exist, but we reproduce because we feel like we must.

Brethren Moons are just a very old, very advanced life form - like any cosmic horror. They significantly pre-date the lore-aliens that you eventually see in Dead Space 3. Not unlike the Reapers to the Protheans,
The Markers are simply the moons tools for reproduction.

Damn, that's unsatisfying.


Reminder that the MP sprawl security officers are the real heroes

>implying the MP was canon

except that was a bad movie

It literally was
Ever wonder why tideman got the array online to rape your tram line?
Earthgov security you lil engineering nigger

>DS1- Marker kills off necromorphs
>DS2-DS3 - Marker creates necromorphs

Can someone explain this shit?

even in DS1 it made people go insane and start killing each other for the necromorphs to get started

>But I will be in DOOM 2, PRE-ORDER NOW

Yeah but placing it back on it's pedestal killed the rest off, no?

They're literal baby killers

It didn't kiil the giant one

Humans should have been making dyson spheres instead of mining planets

where did the actual necromorph scourge come from though? I only played 1 and 2 and never understood that

if you didn't kill gravemind, the chunk of the planet crashing down would have done it anyway, but that was what really stopped the necros

That retarded cult ruined everything

Irrelevant, they're big fucking heroes doing what's gotta be done
Sprawl security dindu nuffin, they was just protecting their assets, Isaac continued existence is a bad thing, and the universe would have been far better if he died to the first slasher in dead space 1

it was
every time they complete an objective, they either fuck up Isaac's path, or Gabe's path or the Necromorph's usual "kill everyone and infect them" path
Every time Isaac or Gabe complete's an objective, MP officers have to run around and do shit
Every time MP officers die, Necromorphs fuck up Isaac
It doesn't matter though, out of the Security officers, Gabe, and Isaac, only Isaac survives.


wasn't Severed supposed to be the first part of some more DLC that never materialized iirc?

B-but solar array guys made it, and their mission is set late game, so they have a slight chance unless they managed to make their way back to the security sector, in which case they're ded

For me it's gotta be 3>2>1

1 is obviously the best horror game of the series, with the best atmosphere and spooks. But as a game, it has a lot of 'ugh this part' moments.
Same with 2, but 2 had cooler set pieces; more 'holy shit' moments, and just better gameplay overall.
3, while maybe the weakest from a story standpoint, I had the most fun with it. I loved messing around with different gun combinations n shit.
I also liked the setting. I'm a slut for snow areas in games, and the second half of 3 is just one giant snow level.

This raises a point, what happened to each team?
Solar array guys clearly made it, but what about the rest, I assume the marker lab guys made it too

Brethren moons as a concept are interesting but they raise more questions. I wish DS3 had explored the background of the necromorphs more.

I like that the moons weren't given background, they are supposed to be lovecraftian, and explaining them too much would ruin them

I can respect that.

it was so bad bad it inspired a bunch of video games

>you get a sassy back talking ugly black women sidekick
>in a cutscene she overpower doomguy


yeah but consider this: the video games are also bad