What do you think Sup Forums?

What do you think Sup Forums?

I don't know any of them

>hbomberguy above shit tier

>moviebob in great tier
this is bait

who the fuck are these people?

People still watch JewTube?

jesus fuck. I searched the first name and it's just a bunch of nerd shit. Get your own opinions on things and stop consuming pop culture

>eceleb shit
If you're too retarded to analyse shit on your own then you should just kill yourself.

>spent time making this ranking
>spent enough time watching youtube guys to have enough information to rank 20 of them
reconsider some things

>reviews are not analytical
You what

>Stop consuming pop culture
What are you trying to say friend?

I think you wasted your time

any one of them that makes a video longer than half an hour reviewing a fucking game is a hack, this is literally always the case

he's saying that you should be able to analyse and consume media by yourself without somebody else doing it for you.

i'm not reading this
no one is going to read 1000+ words in a fucking image format

God damn dude, go away. This has nothing to do with vidya.
>fucking cinema youtubers

Take away the sjw losers or put them in the lowest tier. Otherwise, this list sucks

>twin perfect at best, first thing in this image

Trashed this shit faster than the splitting of atoms.

I bet you highlight text as you read like a robot, ya freak. You couldn't read the broad side of a barn.

this is why editors exist.



>Still watching YouTube
You have to be at least 18 years old to post here.

>why they are so many words it hurts :(
>me am used to 2,000 characters max
No wonder all you fucks watch is youtube shit, you're all ADD children.

>twin perfect at the best tier
>super bunny hop and that baby killer in great tier
>kaptiankristian only in good tier
>Jim sterling, hbomber and digibro not in shit tier
Kaptiankristians editing skills alone makes him more fucking talented and puts more effort into videos then all these shmucks combined.
I'm surprised that fucking sjw cuck who reviews video games while huffing his own farts out of a hipster van isn't on this list.

>watching TV
>watching deeptube

What are you, a caveman?

He's saying get a fucking life and stop living vicariously through neckbeards on the internet.

I don't think that's the point of these type of channels. To me I just like to see people with interesting and different ways to perceive and approach videogames. For example, I don't even agree with Errant Signal's opinions on some games, but I still think his way of reviewing games can be interesting in its own way.

Some channels focus on thematical development and literary content, others focus on breaking down the mechanics and systems, others do a bit of both, etc. You don't have to change your opinions based on reviewers, but they can help you spot strengths and flaws you hadn't noticed and basically gain supplementary insight on how you look at videogames as a whole.

BTW, Joseph Anderson is trash.

I guarantee if I gave enough of a shit to read the frictional article I could chop it in half, at least, and it would be just as informative.

>Turbo Button in best
>Joseph Cuckerson in great
>Youmoviesucks in anything but absolute dogshit for impressionable 10 year olds
>Mark Brown that low
Meh could be worse