>girl joins the guild
Other urls found in this thread:
>guy joins the guild
>gril dates half the guild
>girl dates ALL of the guild except you
>girl joins server
>starts singing
>it's actually pretty good
>everyone votekicks her
This is what I imagine every Sup Forums guild is like
>frogposter makes a bad thread
>you are the gril and dates the whole guild
>guild joins girl
>be girl (male)
>join guild
>they want me to join their Discord
>leave guild
post boipucci
dumb frogposter
>girl joins circle of friends
>starts connecting with anyone but you
I'd rather listen to jamal's cousin and neglected dogs whining in the background to shitty rap music.
is the inside layer around her eyeballs swollen? what is that red shit at the bottom? freaking me out
I wish. Sup Forums and /vg/ guilds are filled with terrible players, trannies, tranny orbiters, circle jerkers, and like one or two guys that legitimately enjoy the game.
>tfw was once part of a small Guild Wars 1 guild that was all women and gay men and i was the only straight male
it was like a reverse "girl joins the guild" situation
>Say nothing to her ever
>Get angry that she's not talking to me
>Leave the guild
I dont know whats wrong with me.
>girl joins guild
What did gamers mean by this?
This shit is never hot. Virgins just eat anything up as long as it breathes hmm?
You forgot some picle rick with that autism
spotted the roastie
That's because most actual, decent Sup Forums posters know better than to even attempt to associate with other Sup Forums posters.
You have social issues stemming from social experiences in which you were often handed what you wanted without any effort.
>What did gamers mean by this?
ashowing those whores their place
Sup Forums and /vg/ guilds for any game I tried to lurk in so far is full of very awkward people, most are anti-social, but those who aren't show their autism in the chat. It's a very sad state of affairs and whenever I try joining such a guild, after reading the chat I just start to think to myself how pathetic these people are, close said game and uninstall it. It's the same anti-social autists who are afraid of places like discord. An outgoing funny person in a Sup Forums guild is 1 in a 100.
>girl joins guild
>she's terrible
>call her out
o ok
>It's the same anti-social autists who are afraid of places like discord
fuck you
Every week. Every single week since ICC released the gm's dumb fucking whore of a girlfriend could not grasp the concept of ice tomb. I'm an idiot for staying but he was irl friend.
This is your own fault. There are only 2 scenarios in which this has ever happened.
1) The guild was literally called Social Justice Warriors
2) It didn't actually happen, she wasn't actually terrible, and you just thought this would be a crazy scenario and thought about how you'd react when we all know you'd just keep your smarmy little mouth shut, you spineless virgin.
What does the fact that you keep joining them say about you?
Have you really never gotten into an argument with a woman online?
She put her makeup on wrong famm.
>join guild
>guild leader is female
>laugh and gquit
>friend asks me whats wrong did something happen
>say i hit the wrong button plz invite back
Huh chill. She's cute and it's funny how excited she is.
>guild is pretty quiet despite having a good amount of people online
>even saying hi people dont really reply or start any conversations
>girl logs in and says hi
>suddenly the chat is in full swing and everyone is making dumb jokes
half my guild is actually girls. You only get 90/10 guy/girl ratio in casual PVP WoW clones and autism simulators like Eve Online.
Why not? Been here for many years, eventually you end up joining out of curiosity when a new MMO or something is released, only to have its appeal be lost on you after you come in contact with the elusive Sup Forumsirgin.
>join /vg/ guild on Vanilla WoW when Elysium-Nostalrius started up
>just a bunch of memers
>"Hey anyone want to run WC a couple times? I can tank"
>no response
>just memes
your guild is 50% healers and dps that can't out dps tanks?
The girl didn't cause much trouble. She was sort of an SJW, but the guild leader didn't really listen to her when she was unreasonable. Found out later that she was an attractive cheating cougar which was sort of arousing. I was the only one that knew.
The faggot with the squeaky microphone was much worse. I felt a little bad for him because no one told him his mic was squeaky and annoying. They just kicked him out when he logged out one day.
Post the other webm of her
I play a few games with a friend who's a girl and most of the guys in game shit talk her thinking she's a kid and when they finally find out she's a girl they all send friend request and it's hilarious, what's better is when she goes into full toxic mode talking weeb and moaning to anyone with an anime nickname
I've had more issues with neckbeards than girls.
>Normie trash
>Get along with girls fine
>Others get along fine
>That one neckbeard who keeps bringing up Trump and making awkward sex jokes whenever the girls around
>Doesn't know how to interact with women
>Make friends online
>They all say they hate when women join their group since it ruins it
>Cant say that im a girl so i have to pretend to be a guy
>Haha sorry my mic doesnt work
Feel bad
>They just kicked him out when he logged out one day.
>Guild starts to do better in raids because everyone is trying to impress her
>join a secondary /vg/ guild - they're all shitters, even more casual than a normie
>try to join an "e l33t" /vg/ guild - can't unless you spend $2000 a month on the game, like to cause and be apart of drama, and usually have to be a tranny
>Be guild leader in every game I play
>Small band of maybe 6 of us that bounce around MMO's and other games
>We recruit randoms from time to time
>Girl joins
>Tries to cozy up to me
>Every fucking time
>wife sits there kek'ing hard as I string them along before kicking them
Just make your own guild, you fucking idiots. Beta males cannot be trusted to run anything.
No, seriously. Women will behave as women have always behaved, its literally how they are programmed to be like the exact same way we're programmed to do shit. Beta males will literally snap their own spines if it meant getting the slightest bit of validation from a woman online. This shit is fucking intoxicating for them, they're FINALLY getting the female attention they craved all their lives without even having to leave their chair! If you try to talk them down from being such a weak cunt you're not even talking to them anymore, you're talking to their actual literal human programming and he will make excuses to defend himself.
Trust me when I say the moment your leader/gm says some bullshit like "leave her alone guyz" or gives any female any sort of special treatment, just fucking leave. Seriously the moment you identify your leader as a beta then any long term future that group has is doomed because he's weak, he's a weak cunt mentally and this will show in any leadership he has.
Ironically, female leaders who are over 35 can be alright sometimes, even more so with men because they get to a certain age and stop giving a fuck.
/autism rant
>girl joins group
>everyone but you kisses her ass
>she pays more attention to you because you don't kiss her ass
>everyone starts treating you like shit
This looks like something out of Angela Andaconda.
get triggered lmao
Tons of times. Literally thousands. Have you?
Yeah sorry roastie, Jake over there already has HLDJ running to provide our server with suitable entertainment.
Guild Wars was a middle aged housewife magnet for some reason. So many nudes, regretted obtaining every single one.
>leader's gf join the group
>try a hot snapchat whit her
>Gm invites his gf
>Gf healer but can't heal shit
>Below ilvl requirements
>Wont cr unless it's him
That was the point i left the guild, my friend left after the guy started gutting his own rules 5min afterwards to keep his friends in even tho he kicked good players before that.
And yes the last part true, one of those is my role model
>girl you have added on Steam shows interest in game you play
>starts playing with you and your friends
>within a month they all begin playing other games without you
>within two months they rarely respond to your messages and don't even invite you to play the original game any more
>both her and your closest friend in the group assure you it's fine and that there's nothing to worry about and that you aren't be phased out
>within a year said friend and girl are dating and living together
I miss them all so much.
>leader/gm says some bullshit like "leave her alone guyz" or gives any female any sort of special treatment
yeah, thats my red flag right there.
ive gotten shit on before for not learning raid boss fights but the girl in the guild who doesnt know the fights either gets a pass.
You faggots will never understand how horrible it is to be the guild leader's GF playing games you aren't even interested in because he begs you. Even worse is when they take the game seriously and play hardcore, but you're not even good at the genre. My bf made me play in a Day Z group with him and I hated every single second. The first day I played with him I accidentally shot a friendly. Literally my only kill over hundreds of hours.
Fucking this. Not to mention /vg/ guilds have the potential to ruin the community of the entire game because everyone follows suit of their anti social behavior to maximize efficiency.
That sounds absolutely fucking disgusting. Why recruit randoms if you're going to treat them like cannon fodder?
I generally do it with my friends because more people to play with who are good is great and more people/players allows us to do more fun shit.
For clarity, that GM you mentioned is still a beta bitch. I've kicked my wife a few times for fucking up, but she's not a cunt so she was fine with it.
If you're going to choose a guild, make sure the leader actually has a functioning set of testicles firmly between his legs and not in some bitches purse, that's for sure.
That's the good time to bail. It only spirals down from there.
Do not let beta males lead. If they're virgins, weak or somewhat ugly, do not allow them leadership as they will buckle and fold under any sort of pressure from females or otherwise.
Real talk, how do I stop being a beta male like you've described? That's exactly me and I hate myself for it but can never change.
>play maplestory
>meet gril
>grind together
>both are assassins
>ask her to be my gf
>she says yes
>she grinds more than me and outlevels me by far
>sends me 2x exp
>"u better catch up to me soon user!"
fast forward to 2009
>she got max lvl (200) while im still 57 (lol)
>she stopped playing
>never saw her again
wonder what shes doing now
>guild leader is an older woman with empty nest syndrome
>treats us all like her kids and worries about us
>tfw lost mom at a young age and it feels nice but weird to have a long distance mummy
Sup Forums is filled with people like this; is it really any surprise?
One of the most frustrating things as a "normalfag" (who's been on this site for damn near 11 years now) is that I can't just say some magic advice that will help, or fix you.
You see this all the time on /r9k/ for example, you get people like me who decide to play "saviour" to the people there and try and give "advice" to people, only for it to be the most generic and unhelpful shit ever read. I'm as normal as it gets and even I think the shit other normals spew to try and "help" is fucking retarded.
With that in mind, you'll have to give me some very specific examples so that I can give some very specific advice, it would be incredible arrogant of me to just think I can give some "just bee urself" tier shit and think it will help.
Why do you think you act in this way with women? We'll start there.
what happened to your mom?
Realise that women are meme humans and treat them like the children they are
>because they get to a certain age and stop giving a fuck
It's when they have a husband and children. Then they stop giving a fuck. A 35-year-old woman without either is ten times more thirsty for attention than a teenage girl.
>get mommied but no obligation to do what she says
That seems nice
>kissless frogposter joins the imageboard
mom couldnt handle his autism
>girl dates the WHOLE guild including you, but it is actually a guy
>A 35-year-old woman without either is ten times more thirsty for attention than a teenage girl.
If they're unmarried. However a wonderful to witness power shift happens when a a woman hits that age, in that when the betas learn of their age or see their appearance they back down from their ambition to be some sort of knight in shining armour, but still try to maintain the polite tone they had before realizing.
Honestly its a very funny thing to watch, I've seen it happen a good three or so times now over the years and it plays out the same each time, lol
At least you are self aware and didn't start sputing the "just b urslef" shit, thank you
Examples? I don't want to be too specific. How about the time I met a girl on this very board, became obsessed with her, was tempted to stalk her and shit (and did a bit, too), would get excited whenever she'd discuss lewd things with me to the point where I'd literally physically shake, got extremely depressed when she'd send nudes to people I knew but never to me (ever) and still think about her daily despite having blocked and removed her over half a year ago.
Why? Not sure. I'm a virgin with no self-esteem in his late twenties. I have no women to talk to IRL beyond my mother and the occasional shopkeeper and even then it's just some old women I exchange pleasantries with.
I am fully aware of the fact that I am more pathetic than even some of the worst of /r9k/. There's more but let's not go into that.
Ye pretty much why we made a guild and we do things the way we want and we got enough members to do anything.
Another "fun" run was me pubbing
2mages doing 400k on a boss while a regular dps does 800+
I died because the tank used a cd so the shit hit me before 50% of the fight and i still had more damage done than both mages. If you have green debuff soak green if you have yellow soak yellow and they manage to fuck that up.
Also i have a friend who's a great player and all but if a girl reads his message and doesn't reply instantly he's down for the day or two, they crave female attention and the girls get sick of it sooner or layer anyway and then they blame it on others
Im kinda good because i got my autismo from my mother so we're both pretty insensitive and lack the ability to give a fuck
Fuck that and fuck him
I played weeb games for my ex with her sitting in my lap for hours and she played games with me too, it either goes both ways or it doesn't, if you don't like it you dont have to do it
Give it a shot you never know but he's just retarded
can I lick your butthole?
>old man joins the guild
>fills chat with a story of what he did on his anniversary
>this game is boring, I don't like it
>go do something else
Wew that was hard, stop being so submissive
She was killed by a drunk driver whem she went out to buy groceries.
>read the FF14 general to learn about the game
>all drama
>attention whores avatar fagging constantly
>drama from people "cheating" on their husbands/wives in game with other guild members, divorcing them and marrying the other person
>nearly every other week
>tons of traps and most of the rest are prison gay betas
>one person avatarfags so much the mods ban them for a month
>when they come back, as soon as a single picture of their character is posted one sperg goes on a rampage
>posts 15 - 20 posts of moon runes on cooldown
>called "chemo" because thats how he "fights the cancer in the threads"
>one actual female member of the guild and a guy start long distance dating
>buys her shit in game and in real life
>he flies her across the US to visit him
>he takes a whole week off of work to spend it with her, buys all sorts of shit
>she arrives, is there for 3 hours, tells him that she "doesn't feel that way about him anymore"
>but still takes all the gifts, and enjoys her free week vacation
>someone from the guild discord posts the convo between her and another girl in the guild
>other girl asks her if she even felt bad about leading him on and taking the stuff after dumping him
>her response was incredulous, "you saying I don't deserve the gifts?"
>join /vg/ guild in elder scrolls online
>actually play the game, raid, do dungeons and pvp, worked to get a few members made emperor, help out alts with gear and such
>some memes but all very chill
ESO's characters are butt ugly. Probably why it doesn't attract that crowd, but I wish there was a balance. I can't get into games with ugly characters.
>that first part
can't be real
No worries. One of the most irritating things is seeing that sort of bullshit take place.
And then they always sperg out when folk don't want to follow their generic, useless advice. Always with the fucking hurt egos, jesus christ.
Honestly, despite having fucked more cunts than cervical cancer I'm no expert on women. Nobody is, and anybody telling you otherwise is just fluffing up their own ego.
With that in mind, take what I say with an extreme bit of salt as it were, as I don't want to come across as some sort of "lol I know everything", I don't and its impossible too.
Interacting with women as a man is sort of like a drug, in that you chase feelings more than anything else. Love and lust are like drugs in the way that the first time is ridiculously intense, and the come down when you're getting dumped or over the girl is fucking horrendous. And then as time goes on, you get more and more used to it and you end up trying to chase a feeling you'll almost have a 0% chance of recreating.
The sad truth is, that the way you feel, the way you've acted is literally because of chemicals in your brain you're not used too giving you an almost pseudo "high" as it were, no different than shooting any old shit in your arm or snorting something.
The best advice I can give that might be even remotely helpful is to remember that women on the internet ain't shit. If you've not already put your dick in them, you owe them nothing and they ain't nothing.
Now I know you said you're a virgin and as a result, my advice may come across as useless, but let me clarify: I am telling you that any female who is not doing shit for you, is not to be given any shit by you. Always treat your family females well, but if they're not blood related or sucking your dick, you owe them nothing.
With this in mind, next time you feel a bit "crazy" about a girl online, just take a step back and try to chill a bit. Maybe jerk off and see if you still give a shit.
I just struggle to imagine the people that make these threads actually interacting with their guild to the extent that they would care
>girl joins the girl
>"hey guys, nice to meet you!"
>"Hey! a woman finally in the guild, we are tired of only talking to men! Have fun!"
>starts behaving like the fucking boss, yelling what to do all the time
>we fail
>"didn't I tell you to move there?!"
>in private, the old members chat and decide to kick her
Whoa, I thought I was on /r9k/.
I cannot even begin to tell you how many bad choices I avoided making with women by just jerking it first, and seeing if I gave a shit after.
I'm being deadly serious. I've avoided relationships, risky sex and even betraying a friend just because I smacked my dick around a bit first, got all that "ooga booga" out my system, and though clearly.
That's honestly the best I can give you unless we talk more. The more you give me, the more I'll give you and do the best I can.
>and doesn't reply instantly he's down for the day or two
He's beta and will drop you the first time a girl shows interest in him.
I say this as a bitter person who has lost friends like this to women like that. I'm not saying drop him as a result of a comment on an indian smoke signal website, but keep your guard up. Weak people don't like being controlled, but nothing is stronger than "muh dick" at making people act in ways they will regret later.
keep your guard up, he's not to be trusted fully.
Men are infinitely more destructive than women are.
Dude, 100% hand of god its real. Mention it in the general if you ever desire to see white hot raging autism at work. Be sure to have some booze on hand, since it will get very entertaining very quickly.
that guys seems really cool
She's not excited and it isn't funny my guy. It's fake as fuck.
>"Hey! a woman finally in the guild, we are tired of only talking to men! Have fun!"
*tips legendary fedora*
I appreciate the advice you're giving me, user. What other sorts of things do I need to tell you about?
Also, is it possible to actually be friends with a girl online? I know one and she's probably quite nice although I don't trust myself enough to actually know if I think that or just want to think that. I do get a bit weird around her but I'd like to stay friends with her. If I could magically transition her into a guy or something it would probably be OK. Not sure what to do but I don't want to remove her.
One last thing, is it actually weird or is it just me who's kind of amazed at how many genuinely attractive women are on these boards? I've met some real hotties and it's very surprising.
>when you get called a normie by someone in the guild
>you're still better than him
Who /flexible/ here?