What the fuck happened on that day, Sup Forums ?
What the fuck happened on that day, Sup Forums ?
Old Man bombed himself and his entire family through a crazy tranny.
Except one of them didn't get exploded.
But they all died before the bomb...
Next you're gonna be asking if I'm a sailor.
Who REALLY died that day?
Old Man dreamed he bombed himself and his entire family through a crazy tranny.
Except one of them didn't get exploded.
A series was ruined by a terrible conclusion
>been trying to spoil myself on Umineko through Umineko threads for the past years
>still know absolutely nothing
It was all Gohda.
>mfw Umineko's shitty final chapter prepared me for the ending of Danganronpa V3 being the same shit
Same here kek. I hoped for a umineko reference from Yumeno though
dumb goat
Money happened.
That day wouldn't have happened if the family wasn't retarded to a comical degree, 40 year olds bickering like they are 12 year olds.
How the fuck do you operate a gun with such large fingers ?
It's been a few months since playing the series, should I celebrate today by watching the anime adaptation for the first time?
there is no umineko anime
only with damedame subs
I was planning on it after watching the regular anime. I know the anime is supposed to be pure trash but I feel like I need to see it.
Wrong thread
It's simple. You use magic[spoiler/]
Some of you goats are alright
Don't go to Rokkenjima tonight
Magic is real.
I should read the manga sometime.
>2 protagonists
>with one dumb broad in the middle
Rudolf was about to go bankrupt and made a plan with Kyrie to kill everyone off and steal the wealth while making the entire thing look like an accident. Eva, however, survived and foiled the attempt but hid the truth from Ange forever which was part of the game; Ange wanted the truth more than anything but the real truth was that her family aside from Battler were monsters.
Also Beato is a retarded confused tranny who wanted a pony.
Lambdadelta best girl!
Beato did nothing wrong
The manga it's pretty good
hide goat threads
ignore goat posts
don't reply to goat posters
Am I the only one who still can't get that old fucking tripfag out of their heads when they see this?
Everyone was asshole. Then people died. Then the island exploded.
PTSD Batora survived and became a little less of an asshole.
Erika best Seacat
I need a Chiru anime adaptation just for the sake of Erika getting art
Kinzo, no, GOLDSMITH was everyone on the island.
Nothing else to explain.
Umineko is a masterpiece.
btw, here's what happened.
Eva solved the epitaph, reached the VIP room, activated the clock without realizing what was its purpose, then explored some more reaching out to Kuwadorian through the secret passage from the VIP room.
In the meanwhile, Shannon and Battler went to the harbor because Shannon wanted some privacy with him to explain the situation with George and all. While they were there the bomb exploded and here we are with only 3 survivors. Eva was eventually found in Kuwadorian, Shannon and Battler tried to circumnavigate the island to check for survivors using the yacht since the tunnel collpased, but they fell in the water.
Shannon drowns, Battler is then found by Ikuko and that's it.
Sleep peacefully, my most beloved witch.
We reject Umineko!
just watch the damedame subs
A gay castrati got his boipucci pounded by his fathergrandfather while wearing his dead mother dress and he rused everyone into killing each other and nuke the entire place.
That's more or less the story.
Me, after reading the ending.
Well to be honest you wouldn't know absolutely nothing even if you read the actual thing.