>lead designer is literally called chad
>looks the part too
>the virgin numale indie developer
>the cuphead avantgarde auteur chad
>lead designer is literally called chad
>looks the part too
>the virgin numale indie developer
>the cuphead avantgarde auteur chad
Insecure much?
Your meme is immature and unfunny and you should improve your personality.
That is one hot guy.
>the virgin whinner
>the chad chadposter
I was going to buy it but I'll just pirate it now.
>Cuphead's head is empty
>Designed by a guy named Chad
Is he saying he has no brain?
I'm not giving Chad any more wins in his life, he's HAD ENOUGH ALREADY. He already took Stacy now he wants to take video games too? FUCK YOU, I'm with this user and pirate it now.
only virgings get worked up over typos
>the virgin video game journalist vs the chad developer
It's a shame Cuphead got turned into yet another white supremacist symbol
>the virgin grammar autism
>the chad freeform typing
>the sony salt
this needs to be made desu
Cup head
Virgin gameplay
Boring generic run and guns
Chad design
Timeless classic design
thats pretty good actually.
>that hairline
>that """"fade""""
confirmed for cutting his own hair
It's a pretty shitty haircut
>cuphead chad
>makes a hard as fuck game with hand drawn on paper animations inspired by both classic contra games and classic fleischer cartoons
>its a huge success
>AAA virgin
>makes a focus group tested moba fps that panders to all audiences
>complete and utter flop
That's how chad hair works, try not to be too jelly
Uh sweetie, you seem to be the one worked up by those posts.....................
>the people who make the chad/virigin memes are virgins
That's leftist psyops, user.
>not cutting his own hair
I do like this. Chad did ended bullying Dean.
Based Chad.
wtf bros will Chad take our animes next?
if it gets the bitches, chad wants it
What if Virgin and Chad met Lester the Unlikely? That character became Chad by the end of the game.
>Being a cuck and not owning your own hair
Chad literally being them in their own element
>being a bitch and not having others do that shit for you
B A S E D Chad saving videogames
>no triple AAA team/corporation/conglomerate
You suck.
You just know
here you go senpai
kinda ironic considering Ubisoft and DICE has the best looking games on the market
especially ironic when AC Unity is one of the best looking games and was released 3 years ago
That's not what that word means. Stop being passive-aggressive and say what you actually mean, gaylord. You think it's inaccurate. No need to be a gimp about it.
its ironic how triggered you are
so did they fuck?
What are Sup Forumsirgin's obsession with chad types?
I mean sure a chad made the game, but you playing it doesn't make you him or anything. You could do all the things he did and won't have women flock to you or have others think you're chad. The only exception is lifting and looking after yourself like a chad to slowly become one.
>ruinerfags on suicide watch, NO hopes of EVER recovering!
>tfw Cuphead runs flawlessly on my 5-year old uni laptop
I only stumbled upon the minimum specs on accident. I never expected to play PC games released after 2014 even if it's indieshit.
Truly the hero we need.
Sup Forums is full of catty homosexuals
I love this
the one on right looks more like duplo not lego
i want that man to ravage my boipucci
I want to fuck her in the ass while she plays with her blocks
>looks the part too
No he doesn't. Just a DYEL with shit hair.
should of thought of this one before
at least the one on the left is hot
So this literally got me to buy it, but why the fuck is it 11 goddamn gb for a side scrolling shooter?
Wait, why would a Chad give a fuck about his game getting honored by some Anonymous fucktards on the internet?
Hell, doesn't that make you a bunch of hovering betas seeking approval from some imaginary ideal than being a Chad yourself?
That manlet looks like the activision dude
That's how it is suppposed to be. People who self-insert their opinions/viewpoints as the chad are killing this meme
How insecure are you?
Fuck are you on about? He just doesn't look like a Chad, and only a retarded teenager who doesn't know what a Chad is would think that.
Using 'DYEL' as a term for anyone that isn't at natty limit or roiding is the ultimate way to air your insecurity.
>the virgin overcompensation
Lifting is something a lot of insecure betas and manlets do to get even with chad. Rarely works though.
It's 1,9 gb
He looks fine.
DYELS detected
Your image literally contradicts your post.
Dom is far more assertive and masculine than Brad, despite being smaller in every way.
Who's the Tiny guy on the right ?
You're really obsessed with virgins OP.
Nice deflection.
Try posting an image of yourself.
I'm downloading it on xbone right now and it's 11.07
yes I have a PC but for this game I'd rather sit down on the couch with a controller
virgins detected
>/fit/ is making fun of us again
>the virgin reaction image
Why are you adding an unnecessary space to every reply? Did you just stumble upon this place through a misc link?
say reddit spacing next
He's already got his own game. It's called Persona 4.
that's the creator? Good for him.
>big muscles makes you chad
t. virgin looser
And the thread is derailed into /fit/ shitposting.
How can a board this small be this cancerous?
Nice grammar. What makes someone a Chad?
who made duplo
>implying the thread was good to begin with
not giving a fuck about speling mistakes
make papa phil proud
please, this was only remotely on topic to begin with
It's not even been on topic since OP.
dude name realy is chad?
>that hair
It's really nice of that big guy on the left to help out that tiny, pathetic guy on the right.
The skull structure makes up for it.
Perfect, stylish hair on a butterface is fucking terrifying. Like beards on numale no-jaws.
>alex jones posting
the most neckbeard shut in eternal virgin thing you could have posted
>all these low-test losers pointing out his receding hairline
you'd have this problem if you had high test and we're over 25
were* before someone points it out