Are weebs just mad that REAL animation is finally getting some attention?

Are weebs just mad that REAL animation is finally getting some attention?

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>what is google?

yeah. weebs are disgusting.

This game is so fucking gorgeous. I'm neither a weaboo, nor am I an anime hater or whatever, but seeing decent animation after all the 10 fps moeshit kawaii ugu garbage is so unbelievably refreshing

This is one time I WANT developers to copy something.
I've waited so long for tweened animation to die

And weebs try to forget or hide that their chink animators just LOVE the western culture that they steal all the time.

Kusoges simply can't compete.



I don't know, I just want to fuck that dice.

Chad games are finally getting the attention they deserve the virgin weeb games needs to go

What? I'm weeb and I fucking love Cuphead

No, i'm just mad it takes 7 years to make it.

I thought Weebs got major hardons for that kind of western animation.

Old Disney, Merry Melodies, since it's pretty similar to old Astro Boy and the like.

people just don't like the idea of having a great non japanese game

Even the Japanese masters will admit they completely ripped off Hollywood animation, and never came close to the level of fluidity

Japanese animation is limited American animation was full, but American 2D animation has been dead for 50+ years and Japan has been on top since the 80's

as much as i hate the nightmare-inducing 30s cartoon art i gotta say technically it's really good and pleasing

>chromatic aberration

There's literally a slider in the settings, you can turn it all the way off if you don't want it.


Good. Most devs don't do that and it just looks like horseshit.

>loved a couple american cartoon series when you were a kid
>they were drawn and animated by the japanese

Make up your minds, do the weebs love it or hate it?

oh that's right, this game has nothing to do with weebs. have a (You).

>most animation is done in korea nowadays

This. Westfags are really insecure

Everything since the 80's has been outsourced to Japan and now even Japan outsources to Korea

Wow it's almost as if the entirety of Sup Forums is underaged or legit autistic

don't forget China and the Philippines for some Japanese companies

Fuck Hanna Barbera for helping kill Western animation and turning it into the soulless merchandise driven business it's become.

I don't know, that seems kinda dicey.

I thimk the blame lies solely on Rocky and Bullwinkle, but really the 60's was just a shitty time for animation

Cuphead is more of a game to watch, have you ever watched someone play a fighting game and look at all the weird shit happening in the background, that's how i feel about cuphead, all of these cool animations would look cool to someone watching the game

I feel like at this point, "weebs" can be just about any placeholder group of people you have a disagreement with.

By which definition of weeb anyway? Weebs on the basis of liking cartoons? Why would they dislike it?


Does anyone have a sav file for around the dice fight or beyond? My save suddenly got deleted and I'm not going to replay the whole game again for just two or so fights.

just play again, if you're at least okay at the game and finished a boss at least once, you can do it again but a lot faster and with a lot less learning

Hanna Barbera was a thing before Rocky and Bullwinkle, look up Ruff and Reddy or the Huckleberry Hound. Hanna Barbera also popularized a lot of cheap animation tricks that the Japanese stole for their own cheap crappy animation, and the sheer volume of garbage Hanna Barbera put out would make most shovelware developers blush. They're basically the grandfather of every horrible animation trick in the book until Flash came along and give us the "joys" of tweening.

i hate it when people who enjoy korean products are called weebs

t. koreaboo


I know Hanna Barbera had a new series every week and they all looked like shit, and existed to sell lunchboxes but even Chuck Jones' Tom and Jerry's looked like trash compared to the 50's ones and his Looney Tunes, everything took a dip in quality and had a shitty psychedelic look, short specials like the Grinch hold up but the 60's is when Disney began to go shit and didn't come back until Roger Rabbit and The Little Mermaid

>tfw when you realize the cartoons you loved back in the 90s were actually from the 60s and earlier

This. Hayao Miyazaki was a self proclaimed westaboo, which is one reason why he fucking hates modern otaku culture that has corrupted anime

>implying there's a difference

>taking out of context meme quotes from Sup Forums seriously

wasn't he specially referring to animators who can't animate since they are otaku which means they never spend time watching real people

>Are weebs just mad that REAL animation


anime means animation, you know that right? it was heavily influenced by pre-trash american animation and still so today.

It's plethora of reasons. But his main beef is that he wants anime/or rather Japanese cartoons to be widely accepted by the people. He hates that it's heavily associated with neets that represent the worst of society, and not to mention the overbearing perversion that has turned into a stereotype against Japan.

>and still so today.

No it isnt. Meme flavor of the month anime are a far cry from the golden age of cartoons.

You realize that Sup Forums was originally a 100% weeb forum, right?

Fucking retards

fucking where
I can only set the resolution and the screen zoom

That's because Hollywood invented pretty much every animation technique back in the 30's and then it all went downhill as budget for cartoons shrunk

>people unironically liking cuckhead
This is why no one takes PCfags seriously.

Just plaster "DARKSOULS OF ________"
And pathetic fucks will flock to it.

It doesnt matter.

You realize the internet was originally a secret network for passing around war documents, right?

Well look at it now. Times and people change. Those oldfags have now all killed themselves. Get used to it, dweeb.

It's just buttblasted Sonybros.

I'm pretty sure the Dark Souls thing was pretty much just a joke after some dumb journalists referred to it this way. They also didn't mean it in a positive way.

You are just butthurt because Japan makes better games than the West. Stay mad white piggu.

>Well look at it now. Times and people change.

Yeah now it's run by an actual jap and trashwords are still wordfiltered to senpai and desu. Certainly not a weeb site when normspeak is filtered into weeb tongue!

It would be strange for weebs to hate this kind of animation, anime is heavily inspired by it

>they didn't mean it in a positive way
Pls douse yourself on fire, this is literally the "We want the dark souls crowd" and like the kiddies you are instantly flock to it.

This game only, and I mean ONLY got popular when that one journalist couldn't get past the tutorial and was labled the "DARK SOULS OF PLATFORMERS!!!"

Look at this weeb trying to justify his degeneracy. No one likes furries or weebs. You are disgusting freaks of nature.

>understand culture

They would never admit most of what they like, both in game and animation, is just the nips aping west styles.

>Yeah now it's run by an actual jap and trashwords are still wordfiltered to senpai and desu.

And yet it became even more cancerous with more normalfags and redditors than when it was managed by an american.

Fuck this place. 2010 is when Sup Forums truly died for me.

>This game only, and I mean ONLY got popular when that one journalist couldn't get past the tutorial and was labled the "DARK SOULS OF PLATFORMERS!!!"

Why would you believe this? It's been in development for years and people have been waiting for it long before that moron touched it. The animation alone had people interested before anyone played it

Tbh old western animation looks ugly as fuck, the characters are like tumblr tier monstrosities.

so weebs?

I fucking love Persona and I'm going to fucking love this game when I get it.

Who the fuck are these straw man weeaboos you're talking about? I haven't met those.

I feel like the word "weeb" means nothing but "a person I disagree with" at this point. Just kill yourself.

>modern Japanese animation is largely traditional and hand-drawn
>modern western animation is largely flash or toonboom
Where's your logic coming from OP?
Japan has one of the few animation industries that hasn't started to completely focus on 3D

>REAL animation

kys, weeb scum

There is nothing wrong with furries and weebs.

You must have never watched E3 like the faggot fuck you are, this was HARDLY in anyone's radar, no one even mentioned it when it was brought up.

This was a literal who game that ONLY became big because of that journalist.

You're exaggerating. Traditional animation only really died around the turn of the millennium when CGI overtook it entirely. And even there, there are old vets like Ralph Bakshi are trying to keep it alive long enough for some new people to take interest.

>Are obsessive fans of traditional animation happy that a game glorifying traditional animation is doing well?

Congratulations, OP. You have just reached a new low, previously thought unreachable.

kys kys kys

>modern Japanese animation is largely traditional and hand-drawn
Is this 1995?

I am glad there exist people who can see past this bullshit "animation"

>modern Japanese animation is largely traditional and hand-drawn

>He seriously believes this

Haha no. Most modern anime are drawn digitally and have had an increasing reliance with CG, like most of Ufotable's anime. The last studio to use traditional hand drawn stuff was Gainax and Madhouse and now theyre dead as fuck.

weebs =/= otakus, dumb cunt.

>I played the game on easy mode and got fucked off at the end
nice try reddit

I'm pretty sure you're arguing for the same thing, just different definitions of "weeb". You're calling out the wrong people here, mate.

You must be new here then. You'll see in due time.

What's more a lot of anime now are outsourced to fucking chinks, gooks and flips. There's no such thing as traditional anime methods these days. Everything is mass manufactured to cater to filthy otaku.


The Good: Music and Art

The Bad: It's not that hard

The Ugly: Run and Gun/Parrying

Good game, just not as amazing as everyone was hyping it. I still prefer Metal Slug.

>modern Japanese animation is largely traditional and hand-drawn
I'm pretty sure it's almost all digital now, and we are starting to see fully 3D anime

Not really. The original post clearly said weebs and the other user is trying to act like this site was strictly an obnoxious weaboo haven.

>outsourced Toei animation team in Korea is better than actual Toei animation team in Japan

really tinkers my brain cells

If with weeb you mean person who loves ONLY Japan and treats everything from Japan like gold even if it is shit.. I have to disappoint you, I'm not a weeb. I still think it is a fascinating civilization with a lot of potential though.

Mickey Mouse, superhero comics and fucking Scrooge mcduck gave us anime in the first place. This shits just come full circle and I’m fucking love it.

Fuck off and kill yourself. The only thing you'll find here is obvious false flagging and dumb "straw man weeaboo" shitposts. The genuine weebs, by actual definition, you despise so much hardly exist on here.

>This was a literal who game that ONLY became big because of that journalist.

Why do you believe this? I've heard noise about this game for years. Even in 2015 industry pros were giving it attention too.

Just because you personally don't know much about the game doesn't mean no one does.

I think you don't understand what traditional animation means. Pro-tip, the medium doesn't matter (could be pencil, could be stylus, could be whatever), it's referring to the way the animation is done which is never going away in the Niplands.

Also, you're full of shit about the digitalisation as well since they are still clinging to pencils and paper, to the point there was a national crisis after some popular brand of pencils wanted to stop production due to low sales.

Fuck off normalfag


Weeb = obnoxious japanophiles that believe is the best thing in the world and is infallible

Otaku = anime fanatics, but its real meaning to refer to just about any obsessive hobby like model kits and guns

I want to play this stupid fucking game but I literally only have like 10 buck in my bank account.

this is true.

>literal who articles
Yeah whatever you say son, like I said the only time this EVER got big was from the journalist and being labeled the "Dark souls of".

Now stop talking.

>paying attention to the news of your medium of choice is normie

Basically yeah.

No, the digitalization thing is true.
The largest producer of plastic animation cels in Japan stopped making them around 2001 or so, which is where you started seeing heavy transitioning to digitally drawn anime.