Is this a good price for these two games? I never played them on PS2.
Also PSN deals thread
Is this a good price for these two games? I never played them on PS2.
Also PSN deals thread
They're good (2 moreso than 1), though probably a bit dated now. Try Ever Oasis if you like them, since that's very influenced by the pair of them.
On a slightly more modern note, Malicious Fallen is 58% off, which is pretty decent. Worth a try for people into DMC, NG, Bayo etc.
>Replayed Dark Cloud 2 again last month
>Tfw still no Dark Cloud 3 or 1&2 remakes
Just fuck my shit up.
>paying for games you can easily emulate for free
>emulation is better to boot
kinda this desu especially when you can turbo the emulator so it doesn't take so fucking long to walk around
Because I'm not a cheap piece of shit
Dark Cloud 2 is the better game.
they both have their fair share of problems, but I agree
yes, easily worth it
Malicious sucked so much ass on PS3, dunno if this is the same game.
It's a technically a new game, with the levels of the PS3 and Vita ones recreated. So probably somewhere between an enhanced port and a new game.
If they lacked random dungeons they could have been the best games on the PS2. In fact, Level5 could have probably created the greatest JRPG of all time if they simple made one game that contained the strong points of everything they've made (e.g. DQ8s world, DC's gameplay).
Imagine thinking Dark Cloud 2 is better. 1's building mechanics are very simple but great and satisfying - at least the first three or four areas.
2 has this recruitment shit, buying stuff to build etc. It's not fun at all. The dungeon crawling is better in 2 than 1 though. And Monica is best girl
Skip Dark Cloud 2, it sucks.
People who pretend its better are out of their mind.
Don't skip dark cloud 2 OP its a fun game the story isn't the best but its leagues better than dark cloud 1 in every way possible. Save for instead of a gay ass genie being the bad guy its a rabbit lion guy
Instead we got White Knight Chronicles, a series so shit that Sony gave up on funding their own console JRPGs.
>not wanting to support the devs so they make a sequel and get compensated for their hard work
Rogue Galaxy was slightly better than both of them and its graphics hold up just fine desu.
While I agree, especially for recently released games, I doubt buying those would help the team/fund DC 3 at this point.
>Gravity Rush 2 and The Last Guardian so cheap already
I'll wait for Christmas sale.
I kind of get what he's saying in regards to DC, though. Hino-Pig's been saying for years now that he wants to do a DC3 if Sony are willing to play ball and Yoshida said to Famitsu subs a couple months ago that Sony are rethinking the whole post-WKC2 "console JRPGs aren't worth funding anymore" mentality in the wake of Nioh, Nier Automata and Persona 5 all selling really well internationally.
>said to Famitsu subs a couple months ago that Sony are rethinking the whole post-WKC2 "console JRPGs aren't worth funding anymore" mentality in the wake of Nioh, Nier Automata and Persona 5 all selling really well internationally.
My bad then, didn't know there was interest about that. Then i'd say buy them, not like they're expensive and you'd get your money's worth.
Here's the quote, just for reference; fingers crossed it actually leads to something.
>"We hear that Sony has received many requests from veteran fans – not limited to Arc the Lad and Wild Arms – for the resurrection of SIE Japan Studio’s titles focused on the Japanese audience, especially a few JRPG franchises. Yet, in recent years, due to the soaring of development costs, investment has been mainly focused on titles which could be hits on a global scale. That being said, recently Japanese studios’ games developed for Japanese gamers have received high praise overseas. This is leading Sony to begin considering whether it could be profitable for its Worldwide Studios to make that kind of game again."
>Wild Arms
Now that's some nostalgia trip, PS1-2 era had so many nice jrpg franchises.
There's still hope!
Eh, i'll get what I can, hopefully it's true and it leads somewhere.
Fucking spheda man, I swear this was one of the reasons for my anger issues back then. Still, such a comfy OST in general, personal favorite coming through