What went so fucking right?

What went so fucking right?

not a weeb game.

People got so used to shit games that when a decent one shows up it gets big attention.

This. Devs put gameplay before waifus and 2deep4u stories about the power of friendship.

It got labeled the "Dark souls of _________".
And like the tryhard kiddies that consist in the PC community every faggot and their dead dog has to play it to prove to their mothers that they are """"hardcore"""" gamers.

they made a video game instead of a platform to sell you garbage. they deserve every shred of success

Not even worth a (You).
Absolutely abhorrent.
Consider suicide.

Massive marketing from that Journalist fiasco
Game is trash otherwise



Hating on a 'namefag' is very reddit.

They didn't listen to game journalists.

King Dice being the most dapper fellow I’ve seen in over half a decade of gaming.

They took their time and dedication to make game good instead of selling undercooked mess for quick cashmoney.

this. also the art style. everyone now pretends to have always loved 30s cartoons to seem nerdy, unique and interesting. the game does look nice though, i'm no arguing that

And randomly associating everything with Reddit to try to deter others is fucking retarded. Do you lick the wallpaper?

I don't think you understand what "Reddit" means.
You need to go back.

Hating on me is very reddit tier, I agree.


I bet the Owlboy devs are raging that it isn't their developmental hell gorgeous 2d platformer that's getting all this attention

Chad developer.

damn you just sold me on the game

always happy to support a conservative, fit non-cuck white male dev

>cuphead is a runaway success
>microsoft flips its lid at the potential
>start making 30s cartoon themed games
>do all their franchises in this style
>30s halo
>30s gears of war
>30s forza

Best timeline confirmed.

spotted the real redditor

Always happy to help.

Why does everyone think Cuphead is hard? I can only believe it if it comes from someone that never played side-scrollers or Shoot'em Ups.

Imagine how happy this man must be that his game succeeded. Good on him.

wait is his name literally Chad?
brb buying Cuphead

>Dev name is Chad
>Make the best game of 2017
How can virgins like PhilFish, Sean Murray, and Todd Howard even COMPETE?

Indeed it is. Chad Moldenhauer. Leave it up to literal Chad's to make a GOTY.

>art style from america's greatest era
>everything looks classy and polish
>indie game without muh memes muh inclusion or muh feelings
>unique art style among any video game
>fun and simple to play
>kinda hard to dominate
>no japanese shit
>no deep story
>no story at all

Even if you're shitposting, there's like a dozen Japanese indie games that does what it does better. They just don't have free marketing and an art style that makes you take 6+ years to make it.

>no lies during development
>the game was as they promised and more

t. Yooka-Laylee dev

I'm more bothered people are calling it hard when they didn't unlock expert yet for S-ranks

You're free to name a few.

This is unironically the correct answer.

i'll take things made up on the spot that arent even remotely true for 200

>unique visuals
>good marketing
>good "viral" marketing aka Dean Takahashi
>good gameplay
Basically it's a good game with interesting visuals/musics even non-video-game playing crowd would buy (but don't play because it's hard) with a successful marketing.

>Implying any of you actually played
Rabi Ribi
Koumajou Densetsu 1 and 2
RosenkreuzStilette 2
Cave Story

>all those chinese cartoon games


i did and they were all trash, like your life

God damn the webm is smooth as fuck with the artstyle.

Unironically Microsoft happened. Pic related is one of the best JRPGs of all time, a genre with moutains and moutains of mediocre and shit titles, and yet MS helped fund this one and got one of the very best. Games like Scalebound and Fable Legends were cancelled because they were going to be garbage. (Fable Legends had a beta and it was literally a 1/10 game., not at all up to MS standards) Meanwhile Sony allows shit like Knack and that fucking Black Tiger game release on PS4

>T-t-they're all shit!
Sup Forums always working on all cylinders as usual.

>the virgin coder
>the Chad developer

>T-t-they're all shit!

big 10-4 on that one good buddy

Rabi Ribi is fucking unreal. I thought it was just a meme because of the qt anime girl aesthetic but it's actually a solid game.

No user hes right, theyre fucking wank. Now put your dummy back in.

You would totally call God Hand and DMC3 garbage if it "triggered" some "weebs".

when I did that jump i honestly put the controller down for a good 5 minutes because I could not believe the fail webm of the tutorial. I just couldn't accept that someone was that inept on something that easy


they are garbage

>hey guys, the game is pure shit but it has nice design and it is HARD, 10 OUT OF 10

so fucking sad

Alien Soldier

But what is the point? Let's shitpost instead

Its actually a really entertaining experience to play, only streamers are trying to prove something. Most people just like it.

>hey guys the game is great and has incredible design as well as being challenging 10/10

copy that good buddy, over and out

nonstop shilling on v and reddit, the only communities that are well populated so marketing. ithink the game looks fucking shit and i wont touch it mr marketeer but the bandwagonners sure will so keep spamming one and the same thread for one more month and you are golden


It became a meme, yeah... the gameplay and design might be solid but the only fucking reason its doing this well is because of that vg journalist drama

Isn't this basically Metal Slug?