>I choose wether or not to enjoy a game, based solely on the collective consensus of Sup Forums
I choose wether or not to enjoy a game, based solely on the collective consensus of Sup Forums
Who does this?
said no one ever
Literally happens all the time. It's happening with Cuphead right now.
>a random fapbait weebshit game gets released
>gameplay wise it can be complete garbage
>still gets praised to no end by Sup Forums
that's when you stop giving a shit about collective consensus
these images get dumber by the hour
those are some big words for a dumb guy, I just don't buy this
Happens all the time. Pic related, it's the best call-out of this mentality to date.
>i posted a response to a random moron and samefagged it endlessly, before proceeding to take a snip of it
What a lame image.
You would think that considering you're exactly the sort of person he was railing against
The fact that Kermit defends PoE, even indirectly, while it is an objectively and proven bad game, undermine his argument a lot. Too bad he would have been right without that.
No matter how bad his taste is, the point is still valid.
People should form their own opinions and not parrot those of others.
So now we're just projecting to protect a lame image?
kermitanon has a point but he picked the wrong game to go nuclear about
>has to parrot some retard who posts kermit
Make up your own opinions, dude.
you share your espace with literal children and people that who just turned 18 or 1-2 year ago. I say, 47%+ fall into that catergory. Now look at the catalogue and proof me wrong.
it may be true within a certain group, not everyone though
Sup Forums fellated to witcher 3 and nier A but personally they're really average, especially the walking simulator that is witcher
>stop parroting others, start parroting me!
His point makes zero sense. First, there is enough information to be inferred from videos, hence the name video game. Second, he is allowed to have an opinion on undertale sounds like that Kermit user got triggered and didn't actually refute anything undertale user said.
wow you guys are so smart and enlightened, you're like Rick from Rick and Morty hahaha, did you ever see that show? hahhaa
>proof me wrong
I cant because even you are one of them
I dont give that much of a shit about the image but its fair to say you're overly-cynical if you think its more likely that he samefagged his own post dozens of times than his post could have possibly got any replies. And the fact that you now accuse me of projecting just further reinforces the point
There is a special circle of hell reserved for those who complain about games they haven't played.
epic btfo, like haha you are so grumpy grrrrr Sup Forums CULTURE!!!!
I'm so fucking tired of this layers of irony horseshit, I want old genuine honest anons back
He didn't have to say anything about memetale, that the point. Way to prove his point
>just further reinforces the point
How's that? Sounds to me like you're just parroting what he's saying.
if you like dumb games then your dumb, and the majority makes up what is or isnt dumb so there you go
They get insulted by literal children for heaving more emotional depth than a pond. Only people left are baw threads, druggies or hardcore tisms everything else is brainfarting, this whole bord is
There's that word again. I can't even tell who's baiting who anymore, irony was a mistake
Except it's inferred from other sources why undertale is bad. He's doing exactly as Kermit says he's doing: parroting opinions and there's nothing wrong with that.
The creation of the meme where you call anything with depth 2deep4u was when i knew the board was gone for good
if you follow the majority just because it's the majority you're doing it wrong
except that's what literally society is so sorry but your wrong
because its just more stale, empty buzzwords. At what point did I parrot anything, I didn't even say I agreed with the guy. Do you think I'm the one that posted that image? How was I projecting?
A better analogy would be:
If you eat food where everyone eats because everyone eats there then you are in good company. Food being video games and everyone being the consumers.
Blatant fucking shilling brought people together and they stayed for the sake of it like a fucking community instead of being just some infividuals that happened to enjoy one and the same thing. You know that meme of building a hobby and how it gets destroywed with more and more people joining it until nobody njoyes it because of the hobby but because of the social contacts? This is what killed Sup Forums, it killed basicly itself going from niche to mainsteam and there is nothing one can do
whatever makes you sleep at night
>food analogy
>mcdonalds must be good, everyone eats there
>you're the one parroting opinions like he said
>i'm not parroting his opinions by the way
>from other sources
Oh yeah, Sup Forums. He didn't give a single reason. This fucking board is turning people insane
>until nobody enjoys the hobby for the sake of the hobby itself sry
>food analogy
consider suicide. I'm convinced there are no real "people" on this board anymore, just bots. The same fucking posts every single time
>muh kermit
He's right, but everything he says is undermined by his irredeemable shit taste.
Read the reply chain before getting baited. It's what
says exactly the same thing
so you're just going to quote things I never said or implied now? this conversation is not worth having
Is it bad that I see this image and immedately think about that one user who got his laptop hijacked by his sister despite his attempts to sister-proof it?
Genuine honest user here
You don't really want us
We don't want us either
We especially do not want nu-Sup Forums aka videolitically incorrect, to be """honest""", because this will only mean morons spouting inane, childish, simple, politically-charged opinions like they're facts
Irony is a symptom of people realizing that they're surrounded by idiots - it blunts the feeling of
>was he really that retarded?
by letting you pretend that he was only pretending
>people getting mad online over kermitanon
hits close to home for Sup Forums
>i'm not parroting what he said!
>y-you're not worth discussing things with
but he said the exact opposite there, without using a food analogy
But it's a better analogy :^)
I'll sometimes try out a game that Sup Forums recommends, but would intentionally avoid a game that Sup Forums says is shit, because Sup Forums is so fucking contrarian
Let's say I have a pizza store and everyone likes my pizza but you. Who's in the wrong here?
It's you.
>s-s-stuttering and iroinic shitposting
peak Sup Forums
>hay guiz luk user had a tantrum about opinions over opinions lol owned rite?
dumb phoneposter
>"am I being pessimistic enough, Sup Forums?"
>"p-please be my friend, Sup Forums..."
>i-i'm not projecting!
peak Sup Forums indeed
>All fast food places are good
>Everyone eats there
>Therefore all video games are good
Could this be the birth of an epic new meme?
>Lets just say everyone eats mcdonalds because its cheap shitty food and you're the only one who doesnt. Who's in the wrong?
it's called being an individual
you don't have to agree with what everyone else just because
you may do whatever you wish and not be peer-pressured into anything unless it's something you actually agree with
>f-fuckin normies......
L o l
>not deciding a game is bad based on twitter screencaps of stupid shit the developer said
wow kid
It's still you.
Because you don't eat there.
So you're wrong.
End of story.
>food analogy
Quite surprising how individualistic Sup Forums is despite being entirely anonymous.
>food analogies
Pretty autistic thanks for sharing
I love Sans XD
There's not a thing wrong with food analogies
It's more easier to digest lol
And to think Sup Forums has the gall to call Sup Forums elitist when you cant even play games and talk about it here unless it's Sup Forums approved like VmTB or New Vegas. Sup Forums is basically just bizarro reddit, whereas the latter is about parroting positive opinions, here it's parroting negative opinions to make sure every thread is just one giant shitfest.
0/10 but I still laughed
shut up retard, buttzerk sucks btw
>new vegas
>Sup Forums approved
i thought people hated that game and only meme about it recently because of the shooting
>I choose to enjoy and dislike games on my own accord, then somehow manage to sway the collective consensus of \V\ around it
I'd rather do this tee bee haeitsch
New Vegas
And yet it's a hivemind all the same that thinks it has freedom of opinion.
If I had a dollar for every copy paste thread and opinion posted in this shit board, I'd be a thousand dollars richer.
me and i'm not even joking
>I chose to enjoy the games despite being a dying industry full of jewish tricks
The problem is, most of them come out shit
No one is "wrong" here, the man just doesn't like the fucking pizza, let him be, you fuck. He'll go elsewhere and eat the pizza he likes. Unless he's a pizza journalist, then he'll start a crusade against your store, attempting to convince as many people as possible that your pizza is shit.
You fucking sheep's i despise you.
>my appreciation of an entire medium is based on statistical mean quality of it rather than by percentage of it above a certain quality threshold
These have to stop. Now.
They remind you too much of what you see in the mirror rite?
I agree this shit is getting out of hand
I concur, they were mildly amusing the first few times but redditors always have to wring the ultimate last drops of fun out of everything
No, they remind me that Sup Forums takes every retarded meme they can find and take it to the world's end.
I'm sure it won't be long until the next maymay out epics this one.
>These have to stop. Now
I thought the whole point of this meme was to be as shitty and obnoxious as possible. The angry responses it provokes is where the real laughter comes from.
>I can't believe this meme is going to be memed like every other meme since 2003
Blame Sup Forums
I laugh at both desu. Seeing Redditors get triggered over something so inoffensive is funny to me.
There are memes that are tolerable that don't get overused to the point of cluttering entire sections of the catalog.