how do i kill him lads
im getting desperate
How do i kill him lads
Charge shot.
Shoot him until he dies.
This third phase nghgggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Be careful when you shoot in last phase, hitting his fireballs will make them explode and create more projectiles
What I did is wait and shoot him while he's doing is "flame breathe" phase
Don't use the chaser on his third form.
Give him a smooch
OwO You pound his scalie butthole till he begs you to cum inside.
A naughty dragon needs a naughty dick inside
Don't shoot the fireballs, at all. It got a lot easier after I realized that given the movement + unpredictability, I was better off not moving at all.
After this battle I realized that I could've been using 2 different weapons at once. I did it with only the Peashooter, but I bet the lobber works well too.
git gud
give up, it only gets worse from here
I found the lobber very good vs him, the bullets just fall on him
>that part where he cock vores you
so sudden so unxpectedly arousing
I used lob shot and roundabout
This. Roundabout is great for dragon's last phase. Lets you focus on movement.
any pics of his heads making out with each other or anything of him in general
>he missed the thread yesterday
hoo boy
charge shot + lobber
>beat dragon in under 5 tries
>died to the cuckoo clock at least 50 times
Charge shot kills him faster and doesn't create screen clutter so you can actually see enemy attacks.
he's a slut and not a pure boy like werner werman
Do you guys reckon this game is easier single player? I swear like 50% of my deaths have been because I confused my guy for the other player.
Desperate. Your turn
Use charge shot on phase 1 and 3 and the boomerang on 2. Save some super for phase 3, at least for me it becomes a DPS race
the third stage is the hardest because of those cheap fireballs that break into scattershots when you shoot them, use stay on the top clouds and use the lob shots sparingly and take your time
Dont shot the fireballs nigga
But if you use the charge shot for 2 then it forces you to position yourself lower, which makes dodging the flame fuckers easier and finishes the section faster
Hell nah
Those shits will hit the fireballs
Your turn
I switched between roundabout shot and the regular default shot. Problem with phase 3 is if you shoot the red fireball things you basically almost guarantee you're going to get hit as it's way too much to compensate for. By having the precision of the default shot you can avoid this problem for the most part. Just keep shooting him down and no don't use your super because you're going to be landed in a spot with no clouds doing it. Regular shot is fine.
The background or boss don't even load for me, the dragon just flagged off and on
just kill me, I wanted to beat this game so fucking bad
This i killed it on my 3rd run with just charge shot and super1
I just beat it 5 minutes ago after about 50 tries. I used the roundabout at first but it definitely fucks up the last phase since every dragonball is shot and it's impossible to dodge. My advice is to use the default shot and try and keep 3 health for the last phase, then focus on dodging the dragonballs and you'll get your shots sparingly but safely. I used the super to finish it off as well.
I don't understand what's supposed to be hard about this boss
I felt others were much harder
wait what
You spelled Lobber wrong.