>Any color
>Any hairstyle
>Any body type
>Gender slider
>"You can be anyone and do anything.
>Can't be left-handed.
Any color
>Who are you quoting?
Eeew gross, why would you want to be left handed?
Because being left handed is a mental disability, same reason you can’t choose to have downs.
Lefties were probably all placed in a vault and killed off.
>Not Ambidextrous superior race
Fucking righthanders are behind this
Handedness is meme, people more commonly use the hand they used all their lives and that's all there is to it. It's not something you're born with.
>wank with left hand
what's wrong with me
Keeping your handfu pure
you are just efficient
keep your work hand for work and your pleasure hand for pleasure
All left handed people are gay.
mein negro
do the exact same shit
>1 INT
But in that case, I guess 1 AGI would count as being lefty
lefties are the chosen people that will be LEFT over after the great culling.
>Who are you quoting?
Who are you quoting?
>rpg where firing/reload/clearing rate is affected by lefthandedness
Has ANY game even attempted something like this?
I do this too.
My left hand is my STR hand, my right is my DEX hand.
likely started fapping with the internet
left hand faps, right hand uses mouse. im the same way
Over 300 endings, fellow gamer!
Was he /ourguy/?