Will the Elder Scrolls VI ever be made?

Will the Elder Scrolls VI ever be made?

Sure. In 2019 or 2020.

i think they gotta do skyrim 2 first

They need to port Skyrim and Fallout 4 onto mobile phones first.

when they're done milking skyrim, so maybe in a decade or two.

Depends if the watered down and stripped apart result can even be called TES.

yes. the one and only thing that matters for Todd is money and TES VI will be another auto-sale

Who cares after Fallout 4? Oblivion and Fallout 3 were really really bad, but holy fuck did they manage to top themselves with their latest piece of steaming turd

this, i expect TES6 to be one of the most beautiful hiking simulators of all time and not much else

As soon as they can properly figure out how to implement p2p in a single player game

Horse armor DLC was the first step

Paid mods with Valve was the failed second

Creation Club is their second try at it

Too busy milking skyrim for all its worth.

Fallout 4 was good. I spent in it more time, then in F3, F2 and F1 combined.

They're furiously trying to find out a way to justify only having one playable race so they can have the MC be voiced again without spending half their budget on voice acting.

>fans won't define what we do

T-thanks, Todd.

Maybe after Skyrim VR PS5 ed. with speech recognition and smellovision

you shouldn't brag about having brain damage user

>fans won't define what we do

But they do. That's how you make a successful sequel in the AAA market. You make your game as accessible as possible while retaining the right sort of image.

Good for you, my special dude-friend. Your enjoyment doesn't really change the fact that it was one of if not the worst AAA ever released. Don't bother yourself with these negative thoughts though and enjoy your day

>Speaking with Games Radar, Bethesda Vice President of PR and Marketing Pete Hines expressed that he is worried about what to tell to the series’ fans. He added that a few years back he went to Bethesda Game Studios Director Todd Howard to ask for guidance on what to tell the fans.

>Everybody’s going to ask us about The Elder Scrolls 6. You have to help me, you have to help me come out and say what the studio’s path is, and when The Elder Scrolls 6 is coming, to try and manage expectations.

>It’s not what you would call a big, active project right now. There are some other ones that we have going. We know it’s important to our fans, and we need to be careful about setting expectations. It’s certainly a game that we’ll be making one day. I could sit here and explain to you exactly what we want it to be.

They've already lost most of their good talent. I really do believe that Bethesda themselves doubt their own ability to make grand games. Which is why you're seeing them milk Skyrim and Fallout so, so much. And why they've used the same engine and everything for so long now.
I also think that they probably have doubts on whether or not that'd even be acceptable for TES6.

Lastly. If they actually do invest heavily in the making of TES6, and TES6 flops. It'll probably greatly affect the sales of Skyrim and Fallout negatively. While having also lost everything on the development of TES6.
They're probably afraid of that.

Bethesda are no longer the rapidly expanding company with /tg/ and Sup Forums veterans alike. Most of their seniors have retired and or left for something else.
The only region where Bethesda are still seeing great success and are expanding, is publishing. But as far as in-house development is concerned, they have no doubt stagnated.

Wonder if they're really making that GOT game. It might kill TES, like Dice's Battlefront killed any hope for BF2142 sequel.

never. single player games have to figure out how to produce daily revenue first.

God I remember the outcry over the horse armor dlc. That kind of started everything, look where we are now with loot boxes, etc.

They can never make a game as good as Witcher 3. So why even try?

This sounds really bad.

This, Bethesda wants some of that sweet subscription based money.

There is a reason they are desperately trying to monetize mods

Starfield mobile game early next year.
Starfield main game late next year.

TES 6 is shooting for 2/2/2022

I seriously fucking doubt you played F1 and 2 while somehow enjoying F4

The what field?

>Fallout 3 dumbs down from Oblivion
>Skyrim dumbs down from Fallout 3
>Fallout 4 dumbs down from fucking Skyrim
how much further can they dumb it down, will the next even have speech options?

He probably bought them on sale and then played them for 15 minutes combined and decided the combat was " shitty " and then went back to his rooty tooty point n shooty.

Im 28 years old and living in Russia. Of course ive played F1 and F2, it's like a fucking cult here for old fallout games, you can't grow up here in 90s without playing original fallout games.

this is actually plausible with the new A11 processors. Don't give them any ideas

Hopefully not

You are pathetic.

if its possible then they'll make it happen. oblivion actually had a shitty mobile phone version that never saw the light of day

>spring 2006 - fall 2011
5.5 years
>fall 2011 - fall 2017
6 years
it's been longer than the wait between oblivion and skyrim. can you fucking believe that?

he hit too close to the mark huh?

Good like my hairy shit encrusted asshole

What if Obsidian made the next Elder Scrolls?

Something on Skyrim EE version of Gamebryo but set somewhere else.

based pete hines

They're finding a way to make sure that the only mods for TESVI will be paid mods from Creation Club™

Too far.

>TES 6 is shooting for 2/2/2022
that's fucking retarded which is why I believe it
>>Skyrim dumbs down from Fallout 3
lets give credit where credit is due: Skyrim was at least an improvement over Fo3
the mobile phone version actually was released. it's the PSP version that got canned
>be me in 2007
>want oblivion on PSP so fucking badly
>follow all the news
>save all the screenshots
>radio silence forever
>now still me in 2017
>skyrim coming out for switch
>now I have a switch but could fucking care less about skyrim on it

Bethesda has a very high retention rate so I don't know what you are basing the loss of talent part.
Unless you are one of THOSE and are talking about MK.

As to not expanding I believe you are incorrect there as well.
Skyrim is closing in on 2 billion
Fallout 4 has made over a billion
Shelter has made 500 million
Hell they even got 500 million from Carmac and that should help cover the cost of falling for the VR meme.Bethesda can't lose it seems.

If the Starfield rumors are true it will be interesting to see what the sales numbers are when it comes out.

then it would actually be good. I'd say let Obsidian tackle something like Akavir or Elseweyr (with eastern/middle eastern influences in culture and story) and have TES VI set in High Rock and be fucking huge

Fallout shelter made 500 million dollars? Are you fucking kidding me?

>so I don't know what you are basing the loss of talent part.
Kirkbride + almost all of the Oblivion writing staff

TES already had an N-Gage game.

That sounds like as bad idea as what's happening with it now, fuck that

The thing was announced back at their first E3 conference, back when Bethesda dick sucking was at an all-time peak.

why would that be bad? I'd kill for a New Vegas style TES game with intricate factions, condensed setting, character driven stories, and a world that's actually designed to be role played in

>High Rock
please no. we dont need another boring and generic fantasy setting like Cyrodiil or kind of Skyrim

>so I don't know what you are basing the loss of talent part
The fact that the people who used to work at Bethesda no longer does?

I'm just waiting for Todd to go full nuclear once he gets fed up with all Toddposting. iirc some Beth dudes told him about it.
>yfw Todd makes Elder Scrolls VI have AssCreed or For Honor gameplay

Yeah and let's get Bethesda to make fallout games while we're at it!

Yep. He said at e3 that they're not currently working on TES 6

>boring and generic fantasy setting like Cyrodiil
bad meme. Ayleid + Germanic architecture gave the game an incredibly unique atmosphere

plus I fucked up, I was thinking of hammerfell

>iirc some Beth dudes told him about it

Profits is not the same as expanding. As mentioned they've been moving heavily towards publishing and other venues. Their actually in-house development staff, resources, and efforts. Have stayed surprisingly stale and in certain areas even been scaled back.

Bethesda remaining an incredibly successful business doesn't really change that much.

You’ll only have :) and :( as dialogue options and there will be two spells: “heal” and “hurt”.

Hammerfell + High Rock is the patrician choice
Anyone who says blackmarsh deserves 100 lashes

>there will be two spells: “heal” and “hurt”.
the horrible sad fact of this is that Skyrim really isn't a far cry from this

Not everything they touch turns to gold though.
The card game Legends is limping along.
They are hoping the console launch will save it like ESO.

Do not worry little consumer. Skyrim 2 is on the way.

Maybe, but either way, we all lost.

>the horrible sad fact of this is that Skyrim really isn't a far cry from this
>Far Cry
Don’t give Todd ideas like this, user.

Skyrim and FO4 put the last nails in the coffin for Beth. There's no reason to get excited over anything they're going to do.

Left Bethesda to kill 38 Studios


Pick one.

I can see why some anons like him.
He is the personification of Sup Forums.
An unlikable cunt who has absolute belief in his shitty ideas.

>Skyrim and FO4 put the last nails in the coffin for Beth
No one cares about you, games were great success.

Elder Scrolls VI
It's like Far Cry: Primal without slings - game journalists

He knows.
He was behind it.

Well the marketing dept with his blessing.

This the saddest post I'll read all day.

I don't think it was Rolston's fault that Amalur sucked. And the world of Amalur remains its most interesting aspect.

They aren't afraid to make changes in their games and take chances.
All of them try something new.
It doesn't always work and they are not afraid to just drop something that isn't working.

I would like to see them use the radiant quest system in addition to faction/side quests instead of in place of.

Remember all the unironic "The bugs makes it better!" claims that were going on around the time?
Even some review outlets resounded the very same statement. It was ridiculous. And it still is.

He was in charge of gameplay.
MacFarlane designed the monsters
Some dope that wrote D&D novels wrote the lore.

The gameplay was the worst part.

Not sure what you're referring to but are you trying to say bugs can't make something better?
Because they most certainly can

>getting unlimited of their shitty microtransaction items so you never have to pay a dime
>not better
whatever you say ano

>I can see why some anons like him.
>He is the personification of Sup Forums.
>An unlikable cunt who has absolute belief in his shitty ideas.
Most of his ideas are pretty good. Ideas need to executed well though. You don't get far on ideas alone.

It's sad if you can't enjoy games, not if you can.

wrong. Enjoying shitty games is sad. Not enjoying shitty games is good. Having standards is the only way to genuinely be happy in adulthood. Enjoying everything that comes your way without using your brain is not a sign of intelligence

>I decide for everyone which games are shitty
Oh, that's sad.
You can just accept that someone enjoy game, instead of this you cry about this game being shitty just like little baby.

we're talking about fallout 4, dude. it's widely accepted here to be an objectively terrible game

>most beautiful hiking simulator
Excuse me, that title goes to Sexy Hiking

>implying it will be a good hiking simulator when you’ll get attacked by wolves every 30 seconds so that the player dosen’t lose interest

Like i give a fuck about vocal minority. More - most of you just hate game because it's bethesda's game, and hating bethesda is a trend thing. Game objectively is decent 7.5-8 out of 10. And this was decided by steam reviews before it was bombed because of creation club shit.

It's going to get a lot of hate no matter what it will be. It will not live up to the hype. There's been too much hostility built up over the years and they also screwed up with the Creation Club nonsense lately.
More likely this will be end up like Half-Life 3 and this honestly seem to be for the best. They higher-ups probably already decided to just focus on other games that don't have this burden.

Bethesda is a victim of its own success.

Different user.
The widely accepted part is wishful thinking on your part.
Not liking the voiced protag is not "Normies waking up" it is normies not liking the voiced protag.

is elder scrolls 6 the dark souls of open world skyrim games?

>vocal minority
>most of you just hate game because it's bethesda's game
I hate bethesda because they make shitty games, not the other way around
>Game objectively is decent 7.5-8 out of 10
it's closer to a 5/10
>this was decided by steam reviews
why would the majority opinion be a standard of measurement? the majority of people are idiots
I never said anything about the voiced protag and I don't give a fuck about """""""""""normies"""""""""

The only hostility comes from the bloodthirsty shut ins from the RPG Codex and NMA.
The die hard Morrowind fags as well but they have a love hate thing going on.

They are loud but insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

I just don't understand Bethesda. They could have
>fixed the thieves guild
>fixed the college of winterhold
>fixed the civil war
>created another expansion
>let obsidian make a TES: new vegas
>add multiplayer

Instead they make fucking Fallout 4 and the creation club.

Your welcome.

The voiced protag was the thing that drew the most criticism.
Going by sales it wasn't a deal breaker.

Actually - yes.
>I hate bethesda because they make shitty games, not the other way around
Their games is decent to good.
>it's closer to a 5/10
No, it's not. Objectively it is 7.5-8
>why would the majority opinion be a standard of measurement? the majority of people are idiots
Oh fucking god, are you serious?
> I don't give a fuck about """""""""""normies"""""""""

>loar iz four fagitz

Read that shit again retard

FO4 has potential for its engine, but got screwed because of crap DLC and Creation Club shenanigans.