420XXX_____ has joined the game

>420XXX_____ has joined the game

Other urls found in this thread:


>take drugs
>play quake
>perfect game
I don't see what's wrong here

>username is just a single word

>Barry_Suckercorn69 has joined the game

>[420] RickSanchez has joined the game

>MightyMorphinFlowerArrangers joined the game

>Mister Lister the Sister Fister
>Lister's Sister the Fister Resistor

>friend's name is something like this
>he's serious

>be sleep deprived
>play Super Monday Night Combat
>Go 20/1 as Cheston, completely in the zone
>Never have another round that good in any game.

>AffeMitWaffe has joined the game
>AffeMitWaffe: greetings :-) ^^


I smirked.

Last name I saw that actually got a chuckle out of me was "Didgeridouche".

If I could post images from this phone, i'd give you a thumbs up.

SMNC was the shit

>iHateBlacks123 has joined
>banned quickly
>ban appeal on forum
>iHateBlacks123: How dare you ban me I'm just exercising my 1st amendment rights etc...

>Implying I'm not allowed to die after carrying the whole team to victory on my hairy gorilla back

Mein neger

>xX420MafiaXx has joined the game

>[COUNTRY ABBREVIATED]____ joined the game


>dixienormous has joined the server

>Not MNC
You people are the cancer that killed a great game.

I played MNC originally nigger. It was basically dead by the time SMNC came out.

> tfw 21 years old
> tfw too mature to deal with all these children I meet in video games anymore

>posts sam hyde


thanks for the story keep it in ur blog

Sup Forums is my blog and there's nothing you can do about it.


>NateHiggers88 has joined the game

>[single latin word] has joined the game

I just smoosh two Latin words against each other if I can't think of a good name for a character/account. Sometimes I feel a little embarrassed about it.

I try to keep it grammatically correct.

>XXXX[IRONIC]XXXX420XXXISWEARX has joined the server

>[Kanji]____ has joined the game

two is something i have no stereotypes about
one means pretentious "improving streamer/youtuber" that thinks they're Gregor

Thats xXMLG420NoScopeXx to you

Any one else here make there game tags ironicly as edgy as posable? All my tags are xXxYOLOxXx or something similar.

You’re just a faggot.

I use same GT for everything. It's like my nickname.

>Gregor has joined the opposing team

>Dark Spirit SneedFeedSeed420 has invaded

>he's 100% serious about his name
>he proceeds to completely wreck everyone
This actually happened once.

>Chuck has joined the game

>Miss Lister the Fisted Sister

>name is a palindrome
Im guilty

a couple of friends an i once joined a small private mmo server and made a guild + characters with such names
some other guild made fun of those names up until we completely destroyed them in gvg when they outnumbered us 5:1
fun times

>xXNOOBSLAYERXx has joined the game
>spams lenny face in the chat every time he killed someone

get slayed noob

>MOMMY_milkies has joined the game

>he believes in maturity

I always wanted a long enough name field to be xxxXXX_I


>Dickem Kickem has joined the game

>BASEDgivposter has joined the game

>NuckFiggers8841 has joined the game

>DeathAwaits666 has joined the game

>Wifebeater has joined the game
>"The fuck's with your name, dude?"

>Dark Spirit Malcolm Reynolds has invaded


>liammcfc1999 has joined the game


>DarkM4st3rReaper0fShado\/\/$ has been vote kicked

Is "ironic MLG 420" eve a thing anymore? I remember seeing that stuff back in 2011 and 2012.


>Gregor has joined the game

>GregorNotThatOne joined your team

>SuperCSGOSkinsUtlra.com|Noobslayer has joined the game

>leaves twitch channel adress before leaving the server

>Playing TF2
>Dominate twitch guy
>Tries to ban me
Fucking satisfying, specially having the whole server try to ban the guy back

>play any souls game
>invade anyone with a twitch address as username/charname
Legendary rageboner moments


Haven't seen Figger Naggot in a while.

>Havok has joined the enemy team

im 21 and i know 21 aint mature lol.

>someone with a regular name like billy joins the game on the other team
we are fucked

>johnbasdf1234 has joined
>johnbasdf1234: omg fuck you nigger for killing me
>johnbasdf1234: fucking kikes and niggers should be gassed

I wonder what the fuck is wrong with the BF playerbase

>juanperez1998 has joined the game