Dubs decides which one I get
Dubs decides which one I get
Get both.
>not getting both
Get Metroid. Also look for deals online. I got the British version of the game for €35 including shipping.
get stories
Dubs don't exist anymore unless your post ends in 00 dude.
That said, MH Stories because why the fucking would you ever buy a Metroid game, the series is overrated.
Stories and join the hime club.
Metroidverse is fucking dumb. Aliens looks stupid. Federation doesn't make sense. The entirety of its world-building is outright trash and poorly thought out sci-fi.
Also Castlevania is better.
Get a £30 32 GB sd card and put CFW on your 3DS, pirate both.
Get Metroid fagget.
Buy Persona Q, if not MHStories.
>not hacking your ds and getting everything
How is MHS? I know almost nothing about it. It's character-driven, right?
We get it, you have shit taste.
Clerk saw what I was doing. Apparently Metroid is out of stock
Guess I'm getting MHStories then
Monster Hunters isn't an all ages game, it's very specifically for children.
Go Metroid
Get it off the Eshop.
Go Digital Metroid over MHS. Seriously.
I'd suggest not buying digital Nintendo games until they have a system set up to get your games back if something happens to the system they're locked on, outside of having to contact them and provide details about your purchases.
You better get Metroid, mother fucker.
This Metroid is boring, I'm already regretting purchasing it. Get that other game.
OP is baiting. He could just go to another store or order the game online and save some money.
You just have to contact them and have your serial numbers written down like a well put together person. They'll also be willing to help you out if you have next to know information to go on like I did.
Avoiding digital at all costs is tinfoil hat tier.
If 7 go buy halo 3 and halo reach instead
Samus Returns
Welcome to the club.
Buy a PC.
Metroid, I played the demo of MHS expecting something interesting but it was just Rock Paper Scissors where to pick what monster hunter monster your left hand resembles.
>Judging the quality of a series entirely on its plot
seriously don't buy MHS it's baby garbage, just get a $50 point card instead and get metro if digital
Stories is quite literally for toddlers
Get Stories
So like Pokémon?
Fucking nowhere had Metroid, so I had to get MH
In an ideal world I would have gotten Mboth
mold a piece of shit into a cart shape, put that in
We tried to warn you.
Like a dumbed down Pokemon
Get fucked.
So like gen 1?
I hope you die, mother fucker.
Why the fuck ivory Lacrous is thunder? I already have zinogre for that, thanks for the thunder boost L gen, though.
Ok nigga, listen up: use female, fuck male, female is cute as fuck and you can tune her up with loads of haircuts, colors and shit.
Don't listen to this fag males have cooler armor AND the pomp
get a life
>ESRB rating when OP is from Europe
Nice try, imposter.
Why buy from Game?
I don't see point in arguing as we will get an update that let's us change gender midgame.
Because Lagi is always thunder? You can turn him to water anyways.
Metroid will last you maybe a handful of play sessions. MH Stories is short for a JRPG, but that's still several hours of play time.
But water attacks in this game are so weak, oh well, i got another larcry with 8 slots, i guess i can run a water poison one.
>Fucking nowhere had Metroid
Where do you live, just out of curiosity?
>Why is that young, obese man standing with his phone, in front of those two games?
>I dunno, sir. But he's been at it for half an hour. And I don't wanna approach him.
>on Sup Forums
Is this 2011 or what?
That said, in case this ends in 00: Super Incest Rape Orgy Festival 2017 - Copytheftmurderer Edition or whatever game seems closest to that.
Ireland, this was Belfast
Again, would probably have gotten Metroid too if anywhere still had it in stock. I really want to own both these games. Metroid because I like science fiction stuff in general, MHS because I just really want to ride a Tigrex >he wants to fuck the wyvern lol
I'll still get Metroid. Just later. Might try out AMR2 while I wait
The Tigrex varients are real solid monsters in that game
Based as fuck
Memetroid is shit for normies
Don't waste time in regular tigrex, it learns fucking lock on and spams it.
I think I'm the clerk you just talked to ;) thanks for visiting Game today. Metroid should be back in Friday.
How about you just stop being poor and buy both?
Nice choice user. You will have fun.
Hnng look at that sexy little slut
What do you mean its out of stock, its right there!?
Not for lewding.
should've hacked for both
Join the hime club.
pirate both
>not supporting the series you like
>devs turn to make freemium mobile shit
this, but with a 64 one
its like forgetting a password retard it only takes 5 minutes to fill a simple form and get your account back
so its like playing with dolls?
>supporting a series
bwahhwahawhaw enjoy your monhun on the switch oh wait.....
Metroid get
Pirate both, buy Culdcept
Get Yokai Watch 2
A doll that kills monsters, ride them, make them kill other monsters, play god with genetics and create abominations that go against the natural order?
Get Cardgame Monopoly: Can't believe Nishimura did the art
Samus is my waifu, so I must promote her game
Metroid ofc
Buy Culdcept, you nigger
get monhun
I do favors in exchange of gold.
Save your money for Stange Journey:Redux
Get Conception 2
Boku no Pico
Monster Hunter, easily
There hasn't been a good metroid in forever and Pokemon monhun has a cute charm
Get both poorfag
The good metroid is this game, dumbass.
Pirate both, numbskull