Roast me Sup Forums
Roast me Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
my first waifu
>Dolcett fetish
Top-tier, OP. I like it.
Cypher did that for me.
You have two types of limit breaks and they both suck.
>Teaching the dogs useless tricks
You only need Wishing Star and Invincible Moon
Rinoa a cute
My one and only waifu
you're a fucking fag posting FF girls on Sup Forums
you know you're shit
You've had so many Black Mages inside you, you're almost Lisa Lampenelli's cunt.
Sick reference bro.
Your references are off the chain.
Hey look, Meg Ryan is here in the audience tonight! Oh, oh wait. That's just Tidus.
Thanks for coming out Tidus, I know you're usually busy with your Hanson cover band.
These don't look anything like her.... it's like watching bad cosplay
Sit on my face
>attention whore tripfag thinks he's funny
Added to filters, thanks.
I love her
>Used Goods
>princess syndrome
>dumb as a brick
Holy fuck Squall wtf were you thinking not going after Quistis? Or at least cucking Irvine for Selphie?
that's not barneyfag
you're in one of the worst ff games, although 2, 12, 13, 14, 15 are all shittier at this point
ff8 has suddenly become a better game to me
You know, I'm glad you and most people have this wrong and shitty opinion about ff8.
That mean we are never going to see a remake like the awful ff4 and ff7
You again...
the plot is a clusterfuck, and level scaling+draw system ruined the gameplay for me. its true you'll probably never get a remake though so congrats?
This is a fucking video ya know, to a some sorceress fuck from Timber named Rinoa Heartilly. Now I'm tired of this sorceress fuck popping up in all my hang outs when I'm looking for fucking Seifer ya know, and I don't give a fuck about the aftermath from any of you Rinoa fans who feel sorry for this sorceress fuck. You fucking disgusting dog launching! Friend stealing! Resistance group leading! Can't fight! Go to the Cafeteria but they're already out of hot dogs! Space drifting! Owl! President kidnapping! Dad hating! Ya know! Dead Mom having! Shitty model making! Train stealing! I know there's gonna be a lot of people calling me a bully ya know. Guess what, I'm not. I just don't feel sorry for sorceress fucks who don't do shit all day and fail to overthrow their government while doing absolutely nothing. While a bunch of sorry fucks like yourselves play into it ya know. If you don't like what the fuck I'm saying then fuck you, ya know!
What the fuck was """her""" problem?
I dunno but it was pretty funny when she talked normal at the end.
They're 17.
There might be a better way of localising someone speaking only in kanji, but I don't know what it is.
Can you even talk in kanji? or is it just awriting thing. we need a runecaster in here.
Speaking only in kanji makes your speech look Chinese instead of Japanese (kanji are Chinese words). Grammatically, it's like talking in word stems only. In Egnlish it would look something like this:
"There good way to-local one speak only kanji, I know not is what. Can kanji talk? Or write thing. We need speak-man here."
True kanji man can always makes shit up.
Taken from Gamefags:
"As noted in the Japanese version her dialog is in a different character set. IIRC, it's actually a character set that was originally Chinese (I think she only spoke using 1 symbol at a time as well). (the character set she used, don't remember what the name of it was, each symbol represents a complete idea or word, as opposed to the more comman japanese alphabet where each symbol is basically a syllable). So they likely just wanted to make her dialog similarly different in the American version.
Also, from what I've heard, in Japanese you cannot make a complete, grammatically correct statement using one one character from that alphabet the way she does. You could get the general point across but it wouldn't be correct, sort of the same as saying "Hungry." instead of "I'm hungry." Which can also be a reason for the way she speaks in the American version. Her "sentences" are not grammatically correct by only being one word, but it does convey the general meaning."
Also if I recall correctly, she spoke normally before you fight Seifer for the last time
I love the Japanese and their commercials.
This. Quistis and Selphie at least had more character and were legit better girls.
They're fun and all, but they wreak havoc with my recommendations
This for sure , Hot for teacher
get killed u humorless fuck
nice Raijin impersonation, ya know?
Even though she's kind of a bitch, she's not as retarded or as unattractive as Selphie.
>Plot twist comes along.
>Quistis does a 180 on her feelings for Squall in such a retarded way.
>All the better to force the Rinoa romance down our throats.
I mean, Goddamn, I've never seen a romance in a game more forced and hamfisted than VIII.
Worst of all Rinoa came off more as clingy and annoying than anything else, and considering most of the plot involves Squall's introspection and thoughts on shit, it comes out of left field when he goes from "Annoying clingy client" to "MUH RINOA!" without any true realization beforehand from Squall; the guy goes from reluctant nanny to going into space to safe her ass
rinoa? m-more like riNOa!
Reminder that Quistis is the only major character that's still single by the end. She must have been pretty depressed sitting all by herself while everyone else is with someone. At least she dies a virgin I guess.
she starts up the orphanage and fucks little boys
Her and Seifer could get together. She's got that ara-ara shit he wanted as a sorceress knight and he's basically Squall 2.0 so why not?
Seifer is already with Raijin and Fujin. It's a known fact that if a character doesn't get with anyone in the game then they die alone, unless there's a sequel of course.
Quistis is kind of a fuckup.
Fucking filtered.
>Dude with a large scar across his face brooding in the corner.
>"You're the best looking guy here."
Who else would she pick? Zell? That fuccboi back there? Quistis?