Why do casuals even play video games?

Why do casuals even play video games?

at this point
we don't need 30+ cuphead threads at once you fat virgin

Lovely projection

All games should be at least as hard as cuckhead from now on
Fuck casuals get away from my hobby

This thread is made to try make women feel better about being crap at games, I feel sorry for them too so I'll allow it.

Because they want to you stupid faggot

True, you shouldn't consider speedrun timings to be the average gameplay time. You also shouldn't have trouble with a jump dash tutorial.

Agreed. That title doesn't make me feel bad. Since when do other people's gameplay give people inferiority complexes? Git gud or give up and watch lets plays to feel like you accomplished something by watching a game be "completed" for you. I don't watch speedruns of games I am playing actively or casually to avoid spoilers. Even if I wasn't, speedruns just remind me that some people have skills or are massive spergs.

give it a month at least
it's funny to see game journos and women crying about a game that's even slightly hard (cuphead isn't)

gotta be hip and trendy

because modern western gaming nowadays are based on ''feel good, experience and be part of a community'' bullshit instead of being just, you know, games.

Casuals want to be part of something, even if they don't have the skills or time to do so, that's why walking simulators and Telltale ''''''''games''''''' are a thing.

>being good at a game after hours of practice is hurting someone's feelings now

>normies assblasted
>v shitposters assblasted
>liked by retardos aspies and self-mutilating weeaboos

this game ain't so bad

a) it's not funny, it's what they want. they want you to share their blog articles because all they care aobut is clicks and you're helping them get what they want
b) it still doesn't need 30 fucking threads on the catalog

When I watch speedruns I try to absorb some of the tricks used and enjoy seeing the game getting raped due to mechanical abuse, really can't get into this "upset because other people play better than me" mindset described here

Jesus, how many dicks have the devs sucked to get their game this much media attention?

Read the article header
They play them to feel good about themselves, implicitly because they don't feel good enough in real life.

Only Chads play video games even when they feel great in real life

sure they haven't sucked your ;)

>good visuals and aesthetic
>gameplay that actually takes skill

The game markets itself

They want to pretend they're good at games without actually demonstrating any skill.

That doesn't make any sense you dopey cunt

When was the last time you've seen """"gaming outlets"""" care about any of that, though?

Why do you visit clickbait sites you literal retard?

It just has to look pretty, literally all it takes.

Are you going to let that impair your judgement of the game, cause that seems like a sad state of affairs to be in.

Why do you give a fuck what other people do?

go back

Shouldn't we give a fuck about what other people do for the sake of a better society?

Because movies and tv r so shit nowadays

Why do you give a fuck about if that user gives a fuck or not?

No, I'm not. In fact I'm perfectly capable of judging the game itself on its own merit. However, I'm a very jaded individual, and bullshit articles like this make me wonder.

>some people are really good and dedicate a lot of time to getting good
>"i-its ok guys, d-don't be discouraged because someone is better at a video game than u ;_;"
Fucking faggots

This isn't real. I refuse to believe anyone wrote something this stupid.


Newfag, Sup Forums always only talks about one game at a time and uses the other ones as shitposting and trolling devices.

Video games are for casuals.

I hate casuals so much. They whine and beg for games to be easy and then when a real hard game comes along they eat it up and love it.

The problem here is not actually casuals, believe it or not. Casuals play games for fun at least. It's the people below casuals that are the problem, people that pretend to play games, such as Feminists/SJW's and Journalists.

Casuals don't actually care if the game is easy or hard, or what the character designs or art style is, or even the framerate as long as it's 30 at minimum. And they don't get their fee-fee's hurt when they find someone better than them because they are only playing for fun. The article here is clearly written and intended for the people below casuals.

t. casul

someone is better at something than me, this shouldn't be allowed

I got to the dragon then uninstalled

How many thinkpieces do we need about how this game is LE HARD and it's OKAY TO BE BAD AT GAMES

/vg/ was quite literally created because Katawa Shoujo threads were clogging the catalog here, my newfag friend.

quit making threads

It takes a minute thirty seconds to beat each boss on average for me. No way these people can be this bad.

Thirty minutes is how long it took me to expert S-Rank a boss, too, other than the obscene ones like robot

Because it's in.

Well S-Ranking them is a bit different than just beating them. Although 30 minutes to S-Rank one seems a bit much.

What does this article entail? Speedruns have been a thing since video games were a thing

>quit talking about things I don't like

What the he'll is wrong with someone that they would think a speedrun would make someone feel bad, instead of being impressed or even providing a challenge to aspire to?

>being an actual contradiction
Nigga I dont even look at articles. Do you really need to justify yours by comparing others? Are you that fucking insecure?

Did you not see the retard that took a minute and a half to get over the first couple jumps in the tutorial?
Everyone making fun of him hurt the game journos' feefees, so now Cuphead is a centerpiece of the casual bitchfest.

Cuphead would've have a 95 if it weren't for casuals. I'm glad those fucks didn't fuck over Original Sin 2's score because they're not the target audience.

remember, never listen to people

they are retarded

They're insecure as fuck. Participation trophies were a mistake.

IMAGINE the edgy autists ITT that take this headline seriously. what a sad state of affairs.

Videogames are a casual pursuit by nature; they're a consumable media children's games, and sometimes they're not even games, they're toys (aka no failure or victory state).
They're a sedentary, require little effort to master, you can compete on a world stage within a year, etc.
Saying a game is "casual" or "hardcore" is like winning the chin-up competition at obesity camp.

You have trouble playing games too, eh?

I don't understand this mentality. Going by their logic, people would lose confidence to go out in their backyards and play pickup games of football after watching professionals play on TV.

>feeling bad
>about a random stupid speedrun
do these idiots even brain?

Sounds like you're the one having trouble with video tbqhwyf, I can't remember the last time I had real issues with game difficulty that affected me, and I crushed Cuphead in a day. The only "hard" game experiences I've had in recent memory was a FT10 in ac+r with a dude who played a broke-ass Eddy.