How did Anet manage to fuck Holosmith up so badly?

How did Anet manage to fuck Holosmith up so badly?
>"Burst" damage with a build-up mechanic requiring 5-10 seconds minimum IN MELEE
>Raw damage in the age of conditions
>Slow as shit
>Sword skills are underwhelming
>"Glass cannon" with no real damage
>Animations and skills are all just copy/paste from existing classes
>Utility skills are complete garbage
>Prime light beam is Okay, but the cooldown is 2x what it should be

Also: Guild Wars 2 thread I guess
inb4 charrposting

Other urls found in this thread:

> need to finish 2 specialisations
> rev is in full wvw condiset
> warrior is pve condi set

at least i'm gonna look at the best armor set in the game for the next 2hours

What class should I go for if I haven't played this game before and don't have friends to play with?

What is the most fun class in your opinion?
What is the most efficient class in PvE?

>pure black
At least put some gold/silver in there.


warrior/necro/ranger are easiest for pve

Why should I put in an extreme amount of work to be slightly less underwhelming when I could put that same work into say: Spell breaker and solo whole squads?

>Why should I
it's your choice, play some other class then

But what about the most fun classes?

going purple + bloodstone weapons

This is also acceptable.

Of those 3: Necro for sure

not saying those are not fun, mesmer and necro are fun

So you deliberately CHOOSE to play a decidedly underpowered class?

Elementalist is by far the most fun class in this game. You just get so many more abilities and your mechanic is more fun to use than anyone else's and you've got stuff to do while waiting on cooldowns. Engineers are probably up second.

Did someone mention Charr?


What class is this? Warrior?

Someone asking about holo last thread.

I spent most of my time in forge mode or grenade kit. I run a dodge build now and its fun. The sword is not too bad,and with shield it gives good breakbar damage. And ths super sword skin is awesome. It feels as if it does some nice damage and is better in pve than engi and scrapper.

I know the raid benchmarks arent good and suck really but oh well. I havent done pvp with it and before this i used to run a marauder rifle engi spec which two shot thieves with nade barrage and the jumpshot so that was fun.

Holo is wvw is great and i can finally run with the frontline now so im satisfied in that regard. I like it, tho i hope they tune it up a bit.


>someone thought that was a good idea

challenge? dunno, make up your reason


Idk why everytime I look at a still image of gw2 I find the graphics look like shit but when I play the game it looks fine

Graphics settings.

That guy is playing on a potato.

>main engineer
>hammer is underwhelming as fuck
>holosmith forces you to use skills that look like they are asuran racials
>every meta build is built around the idea that you use elixir gun as your main weapon

Also, rate my charracter.

>Cook outfit
I can dig it.

Is the expansion good?
Is the game worth returning to? I quit at release of HoT

With the big gloves and the apron, I like to think it can give the impression of working with machines or chemicals.

Its the best thing ever happening to this game. It makes hot look like it should be ashamed of it self.

Was replying to you.

Will I need to play through HoT to really appreciate the expansion or can/should I skip its content and go straight to the new stuff?

how do i find erp asura sluts? that girl asura voice is perfect

post characters

you probably want to grab the glider from HoT at the very least, other than that there's no reason to play HoT at all

I bought it way back when because it seemed promising and Revenant was fun but I didn't play much of the new zone before agreeing with myself that it was boring and the mastery system being tied into the story was a poor way to extend the play time

Reposting summary from earlier thread.
Engineer, mesmer, elementalist, thief, revenant. Charrs just have so cool looks and animations, no furry.

Verdant Brink is pretty good area.



>no furry
Explain this.

THE TAXIS (for 5 ecto each minute) ARE COMING

HoT isn't bad my any means, but I was just saying you don't need it for PoF whatsoever.

Mastery system is also kinda tied into the story of PoF, but they make it more appealing by requiring you to get mounts.

Here's a handy pastebin for guilds/guides.

>mounts for multiple people

Should I buy PoF immediately or play through HoT first and then judge whether or not I want to play more? I'm getting the MMO itch again and WoW vanilla private servers aren't really hitting it

>legionnaire tries to lift up some heavy metal scrap to keep the base camp in order
>she looks back at you
>"ufff... user, this thing is too heavy. Come lend me a hand"
See? Perfectly innocent.

You could fiddle around with the f2p base game at first, even if the basic leveling isn't the main content of the game in any way.

So I'm coming back to the game after X years of not playing. I played back at release and got to 80 then fucked off.
I have no idea what to do at end game. I'm currently playing through PoF and having fun, but how or where am I supposed to get new gear from? I've bought some weapons from the Citadel of Flame vendor after doing some daily runs but I don't know if I should look for upgrades or not? I've never done fractalas or raids btw. I think I've never done some of the dungeons either.

Honestly, I haven't played since before the release of HoT, a week before PoF hit I bought the double bundle that included both expansions, I played a week or so HoT and then hopped to PoF immediately. In my opinion, you're good getting PoF now and playing HoT later, unless you're incredibly invested in the story and get confused about certain characters being dead or something, but there is a mission in PoF that basically recaps you on what happened so far.

Not to mention, right now HoT is comparatively dead, everyone's playing the new content and it'll take a while for people to start populating the other maps again. And all those reasons aside, PoF is really fucking fun, mounts change the way you look at traversal altogether and exploring the map has never been so fun.

You need lvl 80 exotics.

Either get your crafting high enough, buy them from auctions, dungeon reward vendors or the armor vendors in WvW bases.

Why the striped panties though?

You can buy a full exotic set for about 1 gold per piece on the trading post, that'll set you up for end-game stuff until you start getting ascended stuff, which is just slightly better.

shimapan japanese meme

pretty much everything gives you gear including the story so play though it! Use lfg to find people if you don't want to do the missions alone.
exotic tier is really all you'll need to complete 90% of content
only do raids after you find an understanding and fun guild

Necro is boring as shit, I am a necro main and scourge is so OP that you just faceroll everything and never have to think or press more then 3 buttons

I think elementalist is the most fun, in terms of having a large variety of skills to use and master, high skill ceiling gameplay, and you're squishy so you need to be aware of and make use of defensive options rather then just autopiloting through literally everything

I would honestly switch mains to ele but I'm too committed to my necro character at this point. Engineer is another choice that offers high skill ceiling but it's like twice as difficult as ele and half as rewarding. Monster in pvp though.

Core Engi is very boring in PvP.
Scrapper is only good in conquest.
Holo is garbage in both PvP modes.

They'll likely buff Holo at some point, but Anet is very, very slow to buff things.

How is thief and it's spec's?
never played them.
Is it FUN?

Thief is probably super fun to play, it's annoying as fuck to fight though. One of the best classes for solo roaming/ganking in wvw. You can play a build where you stack venoms and then just spam sword 2 teleport and back off cooldown for free kills, it's unbeatable 1v1.

What's the best greatsword using profession?

Daredevil is capable of soloing 10 people, but gets destroyed in zerg fights given how the target systems work.

Deadeye deletes one guy every ~30 seconds if you get left alone.

Nobody really gets a lot of mileage out of greatsword these days. Maybe warrior, but meta warrior is condi now and greatsword is a power weapon.


SB is power though. Condi SB is pretty bad.

Pretty sure the only builds that exist are

this game is so boring
>try to do PvP
>not meta fuck off
>try to do PvE
>not meta fuck off
>try to do WvW
>not scourge useless
it's like they took all the bad things of GW1; made them worse, distilled them, drank it, then took a fat shit, pissed all over it and called it a game.

game has 4 lesbos and a tranny, not a single human/charr (or any inter species) couple to speak of

Literally worse than metabattle.

>Following a meta
Fucking retard

>not a single human/charr (or any inter species) couple to speak of

What armor/dyes?

Are they together?

>Rox has eyes the size of my salad's entire head
What did Anet mean by this?

>make pistols thief
>join pvp
>spam 3

That's how you make kawaiii uguu -characters, amirite?

i am waiting for Human x Charr

Literally every class has a meta build now, you can play whatever you want

>scourges being desired in wvw over firebrands

Bramah and Rox are not couple though...
Braham can fuck off anyway for bein a total emoboi cuck

How about these two?

Id rather see logan get cucked by rytlock

Gona reroll since maining engie is giving me cancer. Which light class should i go for?

holosmith is bonkers in pvp, but thats really it

sidecapping 1v1 holo has won so many ranked games i've played. Whenever I see it I'm worried about it

Scrapper is superior in PvP though.


I just got to 80 and my only exotic pieces are my weapons, can I do the fractals ?
How do I find a beginner friendly group ?
Everyone just wants pros it seems.

You can always make your own group for starting fractals, feel free to post on lfg, people will probably join

no, fuck gayness

Tempest Eles are the highest damaging class in the game and Chrono Mesmers are guaranteed to go with any group.
I would say ele since Mesmer deals shit dps and your only purpose is to give everyone quickness. Plus, it is expensive to properly gear one.

don't you have a text file rather than a video ?

>Complains that Chrono is expensive to gear
>Ignores that Tempest needs full-celestial.

I thought necro would get the short end of the stick compared to holosmith

I'm surprised even Power Scourge is viable and fun in PvE. Though what happened? I thought Holo was fine back in beta

fuck no

Nobody uses celestial stats on anything

25% damage nerf and they fucked all the cooldowns.

Fuck, man that sucks. I thought the only nerf was the damage reduction on the elite.

Nope. They Bitchslapped holoforge HARD.




>He doesn't know about stat weights
>He doesn't realize it was so retardedly OP that they had to remove it from PvP

he's currently a scourge, in this pic he was a reaper

Never played Ele and Thief, which one should i pick for maximum fun without going into tryhard territory. I want comfy game, not playing piano on keyboard