A bomb's a bad choice for close range combat

A bomb's a bad choice for close range combat

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The GEP gun takedown is the most silent way to eliminate Manderly

Pardon me but back in Alabama

A dud?!




Among other things, but

We're 100% black


The anonymous gang banger of the 21st century

Prod with the prod

>JC it's a bomb!

100% BLACK

Dr. Savage, I'm MJ12

>tfw older than JC Denton

Non-lethal takedown


might as well start using coke

Complete JACKASS


Me too.


I know the commander, because he's my pal. Don't think you know something about the commander.
Here's a picture.

>JC you need to non-lethally take down these literal terrorists who bomb subways and execute civilians in the streets
Jesus christ, Denton is fucking stupid

You will be working with agent O-range, I have seen that he knows the procedure of a good prairie dog town.

>Jesus Christ, Denton
>JC Denton

That's just, like, your opinion, man.

>implying I'm not the one who bombs subways and execute civilians

I had a dream and as I wandered around, a little infolink kept appearing in the top of my vision, and Daedalus kept making stupid comments about everything. I'd look at a clock and he'd say "just killing time huh?" If I saw a girl he'd make fun of me for not having a girlfriend. He just wouldn't shut up.

I wonder what people unfamiliar with this game think about threads like these.

>People just shitpost this trash all day

Maybe you all should try getting a job

Okay, where?

Bravery is not a function of firepower.

Majestic 12

What a shame

Maybe you should join Majestic 12, in a bodybag.

I have a proposition for the both of you.

Let's wind the clocks back a year.

Just another parasite.

When the power drops, go in, and go in, and go in, and go in like the US Marshal and his three daughters and we lose the vaccine.

Get pills against my orders!

How about some soy food?

I'll take a vial of people.

You want me to blow the facility up? Why? Its just a hole in the ground.

By the way Denton, my three daughters turned up dead. Here's your op bonus.

Was it kino?

is always the most silent takedown

Pussy cats, 2.50

[examine cat]

I have opened the mayor.

Unatco touched my weenie

Thumbnail looks like a juicy arse

The world is just one big pussy waiting to get fucked


Childhood is siding with Helios
Adulthood is understanding that Tracer Tong made the most sense.

In Invisible War all the endings happened (minus the Illuminati one, I think), but how does that make sense? So JC merged with the AI and then destroyed the internet? but wasn't the internet that allowed the AI to control pretty much every machine on the planet?


Man, his Walton Simons is dead on, especially near the start with the IIIIIIIII hope he was aGREEable part.

Yeah. I wonder how many takes this shit took? Keeping up with the pace and everything, despite the retarded snacklish.

In Invisible War JC Denton merged with the AI, still chose to destroy the Internet which sent the world into about a decade long decline, but by the time the game takes place everything is back to normal, and even the Illuminati stay in control and by the time the game takes place they splintered into two groups again. Invisible War was retarded.

Just started playing. I've missed out on saving gunther and I'm planning to restart. As far as my limited knowledge and analytical autism goes, I was able to determine that the only useful combat skills are pistols and low-tech. Am I right?

The upgraded pistol combined with maxed out pistols skill is the most versatile/powerful weapon in the game. Low tech is for non lethal playthroughs only.

>I was able to determine that the only useful combat skills are pistols and low-tech.
Stick with the GEP gun takedown.

the sniper rifle skills are also useful to take out enemies from distance


Do you have a singlelicious satisfact to snack that up?

Paul looks like John Travolta.

Alright niggers looks like it's time for me to replay this.

What build should I pretend to go for in the start before I inevitably default to the ever reliable stealth/dragon's tooth/GEP standard?



The GEP gun is the most silent way to eliminate Manderley


Maybe you should try getting a job

I forget, is this supposed to be a "lol let's make him waste his points in bullshit" build or is it legit?

It's legit.

Legit. You'll need it a lot in Hong Kong and late game and training in weapons doesn't do much if you can git gud

>You'll need it a lot in Hong Kong
Never needed it

The only instance where swimming is actually useful is when you go fishing in that sunken boat near Harley Filben on the first mission (even then you can just do it on untrained) and in ocean base if you don't have rebreathers or aqualung

Literally jack all to find in the canals in HK and versalife escape is piss easy with untrained swimming

It's borderline mandatory, like in System Shock 2, some shit is just necessary to progress, like hacking and lvl 1 research.

>Mfw I didn't put points into swimming

You mechs may have copper wiring, but I've got nerves of steel.


Yeah but it's better if you train in swimming

>playing GMDX
>no swimming skill
wtf am I supposed to do now? shit mod

Paul was with the NSF idiot

Swimming is renamed Athletics in GMDX, and is now tied to a stamina system as well as swimming. You can also turn stamina off in the Options menu if you don't like it.

They dindu nuffin


I never could take this game seriously, even before the memes and all.

If you mean the player (JC Denton) is stupid if he listens to Paul and takes a boring nonlethal stealth approach, you're right... in two ways.

it was funny at first but then turned into that one video that demonstrates what English sounds like to non-English speakers, it's surreal

Get the GEP gun at the start, it can destroy all but two doors, the other two weapons can be found in the first level while the GEP gun won't be found until a few levels later.

swimming is worthless and the most tired of all Deus Ex memes


Paul I.. I..

a little of Column A, a little of Column B

BS build wasting points on the two worst skills.


I thought were a GEP gun.

>Take it seriously
I saw it in game stores when I was a kid and wanted it, but never got to play it. I first played it as an adult. And never before did I feel like I've descended into a conspiracy and things I shouldn't know about as I have with Deus Ex.

All the while it didn't feel like it was too serious, it was like Max Payne 1 without the internal satire, it's just campy and/or cheesy in the best way.

Reminder that in GMDX, there are no "bullshit" builds. Every skill and aug is viable.

...well, except Run Silent. There's still no reason to pick that over Speed Enhancement.

When the power drops, go in