Hey user do you want to play Overwatch with me? I'm good at Mercy!

>hey user do you want to play Overwatch with me? I'm good at Mercy!

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck no.

black belt

>implying anyone wouldn't want a healslut and group xp bonus for reking casuls in quickplay

Sure sounds like fun, I like to play Pharah so we'll be a good team!

Sorry I don't have the game.

how about you heal this
*unzips dick*

> I'm good at Mercy!

Then I'm not going to show you any

fucking hell user, i'd play barbie dress up with her


>"I'm good at Farah, user! I like to be a suicide bomber some day"

Only if you'll let me touch your dick

Oh I see okay
>*slowly dials FBI number*

you idiot, you can blackmail her instead

>I forgot to tell you, daddy... When I fail to res you, I'll smear cream all over my petite tits!

Only under the condition that I heal you, m'lady

You better hope I have Mercy on your tight little ass hole, you fucking whore

w-well, i've never played it before but i'd s-still love to play it with you. can you teach me?

Those tits and nice? Are you a fucking virgin or something?

no fuk u im the healer

>blackmail her into sex/relationship
>get immediately killed as soon as I go to sleep

The only kinda mercy main I want to play with is one that is a cute trap.

uh i don't play dead games, lad

>Pancake nips

>literally collapses on the floor
why are japs so fucking lame

Well I get them for free so I figured you guys would like to see.

Uh, sweetie, it's all about PUBG these days.

Cancerous, retarded frogposter

nice tummy and vagine

All tits are nice


thanks for sharing user, id fuck your gf so hard she would forget your name. and i mean that in the nicest way possible

Even moot?

say that to my face fren..

>the tummy
Very nice.

Is this what girls are these days?

>hey you wanna go out with me?
>here are nudes of me but I'm not a whore
>so respect me and treat me like a princess

literally yes

She's got a huge daddy fetish as well, it's nice to control a barely legal girl like this for my own pleasure, and yours as well.

Even moot

No it's more like

>so what if I cheated on you, it's YOUR fault i took another man's dick

>Is this what girls are these days?
>>hey you wanna go out with me?

>hey bb send me your nudes
>your gf sends you nudes
>strangers on the internet think what people do in their private lives makes them "whores"
What's wrong with you?

Stop user. You are making me sad

This. Plus her lower rank should put you up against more scrubs in quickplay.

>sorry hunnie, we can't do competitive because you are ranked silver, but we can XP farm in quick play

3dpd r-right bro?

Literally the most boner killing thing a girl can say.

>daddy fetish
Women are disgusting.
Hot though

>She's got a huge daddy fetish as well

you're killing me here. I'm heavily into DDLG and looking for someone who's into it as well.

that's fantastic

Also my healslut in GW2.

wow, she sounds like a basket case. be careful user, dont let the situation get out of hand - daddy issues are a huge red flag, and if shes barely legal that means shes probably really immature, too


source of the pics


fucking dropped

>that means shes probably really immature, too
Eh, that's all women in their 20s and early 30s.


wise anime fag

are you saying that someone would just go on the internet AND TELL LIES?!

lrn to english nab

Surprised I'm the only one to just fucking reverse image search them.



and here i was giving actual advice to this piece of shit.

Nice work everyone.

No one really cares, it's just average tits.

Woah, who's this?

not wise anime fag

I liked the tan lines

I don't play Overwatch, so no.

shame on me for thinking someone besides me has a gf here.

so what now? tiddie thread?

Advice from some anime posting twat? If ever need a recommendation on the latest panty-harem anime or jrpg I'll ask, thanks.

>le reddit asterisks