Sup Forums literally getting blown the fuck out

>Sup Forums literally getting blown the fuck out
How does it feel

Shouldn't you be in class user? You shouldn't be skipping English if you don't even know how to use the word literally.

Fez is a better game, don't see anything wrong

>picture of your computer screen

since when did metacritic scores even mean anything
and before you shitpost, I haven't played either game

nice pic


>fez is a better game

It is a shitty obtuse puzzle game with little to no coherent structure.
It got praise because it got nice marketing in the form of a indie game documentary. It also appeared during the renaissance of indie games (back in the mid 2000s.

No one would even glance at it if it was released today

Did they not teach you how to screen print in middle school?

>le hate jap guy game

truly the hero from the nu-male race

>Original platformer with deep, complex puzzles and interesting gameplay elements
>Metal Slug ripoff which is only good because it's basically Metal Slug with ancient Disney-esque graphics

wow, it's almost like the scores perfectly reflect reality

>game where you can't die beats a game that makes game reviewers cry in score

really makes u think

The world literally doesn't literally mean literally anymore, though.

I mean sure if you're so dense you think you can change a words definition just because there are so many people that use it incorrectly. Let's just remove their and they're while we're at it no one uses them there now we don't even have to worry about which there to write cause every there is right!

Unfortunately, people are the ones that make the language. You can, ironically enough, use the word literally figuratively, in order to emphasize or to exaggerate something.

You can but you look uneducated to any functioning adult.

When you're having a normal conversation and not writing a report, or a book, or a scientific essay, then it's a completely valid thing to say.

Actually, if you use "obtuse puzzle" as an insult, you're probably just a brainlet who fails in even the most basic deductive leaps. Fez was a perfectly logical game with masterful design and care, and the problem is that one of the guys who designed it was a complete dump. In all other ways fez was great.

Maybe in your group of little brainlet friends.

2 overrated beloved indie darling games

No it isn't.

You think you're among adults here?

No it isn't, stop.

I literally exploded from the inside out when I read your word stuff that was pointeroonied at that gay

both games are overhyped 'muh true art' garbage

There was no pretension coming form Cuphead's devs though. They also have a unique (in vidya) art style unlike Fez's pixelshit.

>It got praise because it got nice marketing in the form of a indie game documentary.

I know it's common to try to rewrite history on certain boards, but stop your bullshit.
Fez was hyped since a long time, way before that movie. His popularity is certainly what got it a place in this documentary in the first place.


Sure fez was overrated as fuck but you guys should know review scores are fucking worthless

This manbaby gets it.

Well to be fair Fez was being hyped up so much reviewers responded to it like "we have to give it a high score or else gamers will be disappointed" because reviewers are so detatched from what actually makes a good game and what types of games core gamers want

bro I don't care.


If by this point you don't have some friends with taste as well as your own established taste in your favorite genres and what makes them good or interesting you're a dumb faggot. Trust people with nothing to gain and experience not some faggot who does it for money and has probably touched like 10 games.

which gun should I use

>having game reviewer friends = better reviews
Who'da thunk it?

What do these games have in common?

Spreader, charger, boomerang one are my faves

i hope the big video game review sites suffer more than they already have. hire people who have actually picked up a controller or keyboard/mouse for longer than 2 hours.
>taking a game journalist's review into consideration

>Fez is a better game

Hi Phil.

Your game is shit.

>2012 was the mid 2000s

>Attempting to compare two entirely different games
Why are you even trying OP?

FEZ was only popular because of indie circle jerking.

Can' t happen with this game, as you actually have to be good to finish it.