Guy is by all accounts on of the most brilliant people to ever exist in the Fallout universe

>guy is by all accounts on of the most brilliant people to ever exist in the Fallout universe
>nearly kept Vegas in pristine condition with his private arsenal of anti-nuke targeting systems he designed himself
>uses math like a literal wizard to predict the future with about 95% accuracy
>also built an immortality tube so he could continue to protect his assets via eternal autism
>civilizes a bunch of assholes who live in the sand and eat shit into a replica of his era, literal social engineering
>proceeds to singlehandedly fend off the remnants of new actual civilization through the power of robots and capitalism
>from a purely observational standpoint his character is pretty interesting and well-written
>is willing to give you anything you want in exchange for cooperation and doing the same stuff you've been doing to even reach him

>a majority of players kill him

not a hard code to crack mate
>independent: mary sue OC my character can do it better
>NCR: government cuckolds and brainlets
>Legion: fat chicks who want to get raped by chads
the fanbase for this game is horrible outside Sup Forums

What game is this? It almost looks like Fallout 4 but less favored by an aggregate critical score and less fun.

>NCR is canon courtesy of Bethesda

todd please

Not many games offer you the choice to grab power yourself it's just too tempting not to screw him over.

>Muh Snowglobes
>Muh keep everything the same forever

Why are his shoulders so tiny

cause fuck Vegas, that's why

The majority of players is able to recognize that he is manipulating you, that's why they kill him.

Not our fault nephi's driver posseses us and makes us go do it.

>get paid generously for a job

Leftypol please

Why can't Bethesda just let Obsidian borrow the Skyrim/Gamebyro 2.0 engine and let them make Fallout 5 instead? Is it a matter of pride and a bit of jealously?

It's the 20th anniversary of Fallout and everybody is busy fawning over FO 2 and NV instead of 3 and 4.

house is literally the reddit option

Well, it's true obsidian was more autistic about invisible walls and forced pathing than beths ever has been...

It's extra confusing because they let another company make DOOM so it wasn't fucking shit. Just make Obsidian the Fallout guys.

He words his requests as commands, and speaks to you in a tone that implies you are a simpleton, a serf.

Also, you can manipulate people using money.

>civilizes a bunch of assholes who live in the sand and eat shit into a replica of his era, literal social engineering

He didn't change anything, they just got a new coat of paint. They're still literally cannibals and gangsters.

>the only fault anti-housefags can come up with is he's rude

Every time

Well, there's obviously more, like the fact that he is a megalomaniac, he turns New Vegas into a police state, etc etc.

>Washed up senile old playboy who can't let go of the past
>Cares for nothing but preserving his little sphere of nostalgia and shitty snow globes
>He's not even living a real life, he just wouldn't even resign himself to a natural death in his short-sighted stubbornness to hold on
Yeah I'm not siding with this faggot.

He also doesn't represent the good of the people as evidenced by his treatment of the Kings and the Followers.

>an employer treating his employees as such
>meany manipulation

>majority of people destroyed the greatest chance for survival that humankind has seen since the bombs dropped
>all to side with some dirty robo xenophobes

>No Gods No Masters Ending


Mr. House is the best and only choice
Shame he also wants you to destroy the brotherhood, I'd like to see an alliance between the two

>"Why are you doing any of this?"
>You wouldnt understand!

Bravo Nolan

he was a cunt and I saw the opportunity to really fuck some shit up by killing him. I just love to screw things up.

>Let's make robo slaves!
>Let's also make them sentient so they can realize how shitty this is

Fuck Fallout 4. Fuck the plot, fuck the endings.

>treating the relationship between governors and the governed like you treat employers and employees

This is why you fail, Mr. House.

Niglet is cute! CUTE!

works for trump

>he was so smart that he only made one(1) upgrade chip for his robot army and the lucky 38's defense systems
what a smart guy

Work implies you've accomplished anything

Unless you stack Perception, Charisma, Inteligence, and Luck to 9 and then get the implants, House is the objective choice for the long term prosperity of humanity. It doesn't fucking matter if you like him or not. It's either you do it or he does it. There is no other options.

>invite someone into your home, a privilege no one else in 200 years has had
>talk to them directly, a privilege no one else has had in living memory
>offer them an important job far above their station as delivery boy
>stay aloof in conversation because you've already sucked their dick enough with all this grandstanding
>they come back and brain you with a golf club because you hurt their feelings

Well, he's right. Only a simpleton would fail to recognise the big deal he's making of them just by asking them to stop by for a chat.

Did you even play Fallout 4? It's hinted at numerous times that the desire of the synths to rebel is also programmed by the Institute as a means of a larger social experiment in subversion, it's left up to the player to try and determine if that's true or if synths really have free will or not.

Niglet looks like he's missing the front top of his brain from how his head is shaped.

Is that from Far Harbor? I still haven't paws the DLC and I'm finally doing a run through of the game and the DLC.

this, people forget house becomes progressively more complimentary and respectful the longer you do his quest

far harbor was about as gay as old world blues

That's nice, doesn't stop him from being a tyrannical dictator who doesn't communicate with the people he intends to rule.

Ceasars legion are the most adapted to live in the post war era. They're a good natural reset for humanity.
Otherwise yeah House is good

He's a condescending asshole to you, he thinks everyone in the wasteland is scum, he doesn't care if you live or die as long as he gets your chip.
I don't care how smart he is, he provokes me into killing him every time.
You would think someone so "cultured" would have learned some basic fucking manners.

They're going to fail because they will run out of people to conquer. House can live for potentially thousands of years if not longer while after awhile micromanaging literally everything. He can get humanity back on their feet and then create an AI or something if he is going to die.

>left a huge attack vector in the form of a poorly-secured computer to access his super-secret cryogenics tube

clearly not as smart as he thought he was.

He accomplished more than you ever will, my fellow redditor.

>I want you to run these casinos for me
>What's the catch?
>I want 50% of your profits but you're otherwise allowed to do what you like as long as it doesn't interfere with anyone making money
>Yeah okay sounds good to us

Oh the tyranny of contracts, how could he, forcing those people to work for him in conditions they explicitly agreed to

>He's a condescending asshole to you,
>I don't care how smart he is, he provokes me into killing him every time.
see>>the only fault anti-housefags can come up with is he's rude
>Every time

Well it's a perfectly valid reason. I don't care about money or status, talk shit get hit.

He thought he was better than me. I showed him what's what.

People also forget house would kill you in a second as soon as you stop being anything but 100% advantageous to him

Anyone who sides with house is a classic beta (actual use of the term, not just Sup Forums cuck poopoo posting) who, while capable, is unable to assert themselves on their own and is only productive while toadying up to an alpha to guide them

Implying the NCR doesn't do the same

Real high bar there, glad he was able to manage it

This will never stick because nobody knows what you're talking about outside of Sup Forums.

>bb-ut he saved your li-
He sent a robot to save his courier so he could get his platinum chip. It was not a compassionate act.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand House. His planning is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of advanced robotics most of the ideas will go over a typical player's head. There's also House's brilliant outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these plans, to realize that they're not just brilliant- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike House truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the complex planning in House's plans to let Freeside rot in it's own shit which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Robert House's genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a House tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>They're going to fail because they will run out of people to conquer.
Exactly, that's the point. Just like the real Roman empire they will collapse and from their ashes lots of new states with a common culture and history (that of the legion) will emerge just like in Europe post rome and this will lead to a natural restoration of civilisation

>and then create an AI or something if he is going to die.
Usually doesn't go well in the Fallout Universe. House will be a god to humanity but the people who take over after him will not have his wisdom or vision and may squander everything he's done. With the legion humanity gets a new start and are allowed to progress at it's own slow natural pace

>People also forget house would kill you in a second as soon as you stop being anything but 100% advantageous to him
Strange, because he doesn't actually do that at all in the game

You can royally fuck up his perfect plans and he still keeps giving you a job and lets you live at the end of the game. It's almost as if you're just making shit up

I killed him because I'm better than him. I haven't seen an argument to refute this

>I don't care about money or status, talk shit get hit.
>Kill the one guy who can literally save humanity because he hurt your feelings

>It was not a compassionate act.
who claimed it was? This is bigger than you. House is a dick but he gets shit done, who cares about your feelings or what he did to the retarded Kings and Freeside when looking at the bigger picture?

>what is Freeside
>what is Vault 21

>it's the "The Legion Is MEANT To Fail!" meme again
we just can't get enough of this one, can we

screw him over and create a shithole out of one of the few chances to rebuilt civilization

That was cut from the game, but there's a mod that restores it.

I can't even get near House, too hated to get near the strip these days

Realistically he would be the best choice, but independent was probably intended to be the best outcome seeing as it's the most thematically fitting. That aside, most people will go the way that gives them the most freedom if given the opportunity.

>goes on a tyrade about how stupid human feelings are
>wants to save humanity because of your feelings for the human race
Don't give me that "le survival" crap.
Admit you have feelings or get the fuck out.

>not part of the Vegas Strip, the land he explicitly laid claim to and not his problem
>he was originally going to force everyone out but let them stay on and run a hotel because he lost a bet
What a monster

>I killed him because I'm better than him. I haven't seen an argument to refute this
because it's a good point

Best ending.
Einstein tier player character with all the minor factions allied with you, the robot army and all the DLCs and tech from the Big MT and the Sierra Madre

Second best ending

third best
The Legion

4th N*R

holy fucking kek

>Had the chip made elsewhere rather than at the Lucky 38 in case it was needed immediately.
He saw the war coming, why didnt he see the possibily of his chip never arriving?

>but the people who take over after him will not have his wisdom or vision and may squander everything he's done
That's why you create the AI. Create AI isn't hard, it's time consuming. He would have that in spades. He could test and create and test and create and then he'd have one. That's even saying he will eventually die.
>at it's own slow natural pace
Fuck natural everything. Natural pace now has godzillas, zombies, eventually world ending lizard people, hulks, and literal nukes laying around from the ones that didn't blow everything up. Humans are petulant children that need to be guided. It is the worse it has ever been. Without intervention things will only get worse.

>the only counter argument is calling the original argument a meme

Yes Man is Anarchy, the Courier does not run the Mojave, Independent is not your headcanon

Why would they? Even if people generally recognize NV, 1 or 2 as being better than 3 or 4, people will still happily buy anything with the name Fallout on it, not caring whether it's made by Obsidian or Bethesda. I'd bet a lot of people don't even realize F3 and NV were made by different developers.

Well it's literally true. The Legion will fracture into microstates and kingdoms and from them humanity gets a restart, at least in america where they willl now have a common culture.
Eventually a Charlemagne will come and unite them all again

Of course I killed him, did anybody legit fall for the sweet talking sociopath? Why do you think he wanted benny dead so badly? Because he's literally the same as him.

haha fuck thats a good one

WHy couldn't we control the dam and charge the NCR for it's power output?

Because it is. It's not true. It's not any kind of argument because it's based on nonsense. Caesar very clearly lays out what he expects to come from the Legion and it is not "I want it to fail".

Freeside is composed primarily of the people he expelled from Vegas when he rose to power, and he hostilely annexed and filled Vault 21 in with concrete because the residents were autonomous enough to present a threat to his monopoly on Vegas.

When talking about the fallout universe there is only one faction that is ever acceptable to back. Ever. And if you don't support us, you're just another traitor to this great nation.

>no secret ending where you killed everyone
uh brainlets?


>Someone who never actually spoke against him in conversation
I bet you just assumed that and killed him without even talking to his face like a coward, weak justification for your violent cowardice is that he's "rude"

I ate him too

>talk down at you all the time
>starts squealing like an angry pig when you yank him out of his space bath
Cracks me up everytime

On a scale from 1 to 10, how gay is Project Nevada?

Freeside is filled with people who have always lived in Vegas and a bunch of tribals cosplaying as Elvis who used to live in the very specific part of Vegas called the Strip.

Vault 21 was filled in with concrete because he doesn't want anyone getting anywhere near his Securitron vault and Reactor sitting under the Lucky 38. The people had nothing to do with it.

B-but muh OP mary Sue self insert independent Vegas...

All I remmeber is the aknowledgement of Legions existance.

there is literally no more a neutered faction than the clave. there is at least three games dedicated to fucking them directly in the ass.

>That's why you create the AI
Again they tend to rebel in the Fallout Universe

>Fuck natural everything. Natural pace now has godzillas, zombies, eventually world ending lizard people, hulks, and literal nukes laying around from the ones that didn't blow everything up
Ceasar and hte legion would erradicate them just like the Enclave would before it's collapse

>Humans are petulant children that need to be guided
Maybe or maybe let them progress at their own pace. As I said I see House as a good option but the Legion is the more natural

I like the bullet time and sprint options.

Military occupation will slowly turn into a stable government once the Mojave gets secured after Hoover Dam II. Once the region is stable more pilgrimage from NCR territory will arrive at the Mojave. It's colonization 101, america did it in the 1770s-1860s why cant the ncr do it.

Do you think the Romans wanted Rome to fail? Ceasar is a megalomaniac narcissist, ofcourse he believes it will live on. Doesn't change the fact that the Legion will have a positive impact on the wasteland by removing the different tribal identities and uniting the peoples under the same culture

But he leaves the Kings alone if they work against the NCR and the Followers flourish under him, whereas the Followers struggle to provide basic services under the Courier's "rule"

House and Independent Followers endings are the same slide

IE. The Followers struggle because they try to do too much with too little