Unsharted: The Lost Legacy


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Not sure what this has to do with a game being a financial flop.

>financial flop

Did he forgot about DS9?

twitch is not a good tool to measure a game's popularity, especially if the game is on console and is singleplayer

Twitch is for meme games and multiplayer

Better off looking for sales figures online.

Cuphead has 15K+ viewers right now who disagree.

>Did he forgot

>games with female leads don't sell
>what is lara croft that eclipsed every single major ip and mascot back in the days.

Series like Resident Evil saw popularity even tho the majority of game from that series has a female lead.

Games with female leads sells. Shitty games don't sell.
Tomb Raider reboot sold because it was a fine game. Rise of Tomb Raider didn't sell because of exclusivity rights and shitty quality.

Silent Hill 3 is for many the best SH game, and it has a female protagonist.

Streamers are PC gaming faggots.

ah i still have to watch this game on youtube thanks for reminding me

yeah, the game didn't flop because of girls

it flopped because the girls were ugly

I believe this as well. No normal human being had a problem with Peach, Samus, any of the other Nintendo girls, Aya Brea, Chun Li, Any of the girls in Mortal Kombat, Lara, Cortana, Tifa, Rayne, Claire Redfield, Jill Valentine, Jade, Alyx, or any of the other women in games we grew up with. It's pretty clear that the problem most gamers have is the meme women of modern games that spring from the modern dev studio philosophy of "ugly dude with tits is a beautiful woman."

Lost Legacy flopped?

No op has been trying to force this twitch = success meme ever since the game came out

It was the 3rd best selling game in August despite being out for only a week

still apples and oranges

>people have been citing twitch for a week

So you're either that new or you've got a chip on your shoulder over a failed Youtube gaming channel. Please don't respond to any more of my posts with this Tom Foolery.

It's not that female-led games don't sell, it's that games where the selling point is simply just that there is a female lead don't sell. Gameplay forms the backbone of the game and if it isn't solid enough then the game is crippled and can't stand on its own. When you got a game like Metroid or Shantae, which are almost entirely female-led in terms of characters, the enjoyment in those games come from the gameplay and not from the realization that the character you're controlling has a pair of boobs and a vagina. Being able to jack off to them is just a bonus.

>Druckmann debunked the myth by "creating" Dude Raider: Female edition

More like Unplayable: The Lost Dignity

As far as the Uncharted series is confirmed? Sold less than the Vita game

Lawbreakers had 35k once, so I don't get your point

How can gender diversity exist when gender is just a social construct?

do you know anyone who bought it? No one on my list bought it lmao.

As retarded as this is, it's well animated


>Beat Splatoon 2, Mario + Rabbids, Sonic Mania and everything else except for Madden and GTA
>I-it flopped guys!

Stay mad

Stay seething

it's a six hour long single player game that came out two months ago, why would it be popular on twitch?

Amy please come back

Cuphead just came out, this game has been out since august, in a few months cuphead is going to be struggling to get twitch views too

>Tomb Raider reboot sold because it was a fine game.

Oh god no did you read about her UC4?

I don't really play the Uncharted games, I liked and enjoyed 3 and I would have to say I liked the "bromance" aspect of Drake and Sully.
I doubt you could get that kind of writing out of 2 girls.

It's motion capture you dummy

Tomb Raider reboot games sold because of brand recognition and marketing pushes made by Square Enix and AMD

How are women protagonists sill "few and far between"?

Off the top of my head, Gravity Rush, Horizon, Uncharted, Battlechasers, Tomb Raider, Mass Effect, Metroid, and Bloodstained came out in the past year/year and a half and starred women.

They're not a fucking rarity. Why do they keep pushing this fucking bullshit narrative? This is dumber than when wonder woman came out and you had these retards claiming they'd "never seen a female superhero before".

It was a pretty good game. It wasn't anything like it's predecessors and probably would have been better off not actually being a Tomb Raider game, but it was still good. Just make sure to play it on hard and enjoy the shooting mechanics and the action while trying as hard as you can to ignore the dull story, bland characters and perpetually exasperated protagonist.

Cliche plot yeah, but her set pieces are miles better than the watered down shit of Drunkman's UC4

It's a decent third person shooter. That's about it. It had good market potential so they sold well.

As a game the platforming is brain dead but you can see where it could've been great. Shooting is alright.

Not even the plot but she wanted it to be melee focused. Fucking UNCHARTED

Also if you liked that cringy dancing part from Sly 2 that was going to be there too

But the shooting was boring as fuck since it's just the same shit as every other covershooter that came out around that time but with less weapons.

and everything aside from the shooting pretty much played itself

Remove those Japanese games.

You can easily point at Tales of Berseria, Blue Reflection, the latest Neptunia game, the latest Atelier game, Senran Kagura and the Japanese games you just mentioned too and even more.

Japan loves using female protagonists, the market there supports it.
When America says "We need more women in games!" Japanese games do not count.

It's what feminists do these days. The western world has basically no need for feminism anymore so they have to keep manufacturing make believe 'issues' to get offended over and justify their continued existence.

I mean, not only are there tons of modern games with female protagonists being sold to a male dominated demographic, but they always have been. In fact, there were even more games with female protagonists being sold in the past to a demographic that was almost overwhelmingly male.

Part of the problem is that feminists are a lot like the moral guardians of the past in that they actually don't know much about the games they criticise. They have no knowledge of the history of games and no understanding of why they're marketed the way they are. They basically don't know or care to know the facts because they're only interested in fabricating a narrative that supports their ideology.

Imagine a video game company run by a bunch of Sup Forumstards. Now imagine that they made a huge AAA game that had a trophy/achievement called "Praise KEK". Now imagine they did that without a hint of irony.

This is basically the feminist SJW tumblr equivalent of that.

The ending was cringe/clinicalinsanity kino

There's nothing wrong with the gameplay in that webm. Honestly, what does it need to be otherwise? It needs to be maze-like and have keycards in 20 different locations, which you need in order to progress to the next piece of wood ready to fall down below just as you climb past it? It wouldn't make sense. It's about time you gameplayfags understand that video games have become a lot more than just twitch shooters.

>Changing your gimmick


friendly reminder that when TLOU2 got announced, this is the very first thing he told journos about the game


you can oversimplify literally every single game with this.

>It's not that female-led games don't sell, it's that games where the selling point is simply just that there is a female lead don't sell. Gameplay forms the backbone of the game and if it isn't solid enough then the game is crippled and can't stand on its own.
>Gameplay forms the backbone of the game
Not anymore kiddo! The gaijins are in charge now!
This is why Gravity Rush 2 flopped and Horizon was a huge success.

Thats a blatant generalization.

>October 14 2016
>Game announced in December

You might wamt to fix that up next time you fish for (You)s

Thank you JJ for saving Star Wars after Lucas raped our Childhood.

Prais the Lord

most good games have gameplay that goes beyond "hold forward and follow the linear path"

>Why do they keep pushing this fucking bullshit narrative?
Because that is how the mainstream media works, they don't state facts they only try to slide opinions. Used to be that journalism was supposed to be devoid of any bias whatsoever save for personal columns, now you see every fuckwit trying to shove their beliefs into any and everything they write even if it's something as simple as "Zoo gets new monkey" or "Highway traffic due to car crash".

There's a reason for that. Western devs don't need to propose game ideas because games here are so homogenized that everything plays the same.
So if you already know how the game is, all you need is the story and setting.


>neo naughty dog paid for this poster to be made

That's not me. But I was the first one to post that pic on Sup Forums so I guess I share some of the blame.


Whats wrong with it?

>hey there's like ten games with womyn in a sea of hundreds of games staring bald space marines
>equality has been achieved!

>unironically believing this

>video games have had female protagonists since video games have had protagonists at all



Nice strawman.

The webm was.

Tomb Raider has that too.

>A bunch of Sup Forumstards discussing a game they've never played

just had mental images of chris chan
oh god make it stop

only the shooty parts have any modicum of depth to them

outside of that, platforming and climbing are just like that webm since there's a grand total of 0 hazards in the game

Ruiner also came out in the same week as Cuphead and Ruiner doesn't even make the Steam top sellers list. Meanwhile neither Ruiner or Uncharted TLL had more than 1k viewers on release week.

>The webm was.
It's not, 99% of nu-Tomb Raider is dull as hell gameplay-wise with the only remotely interesting stuff happening independent of player agency.
The game is heavily scripted, even the shooting is dull as fuck because of consolized weapons and mechanics and enemies don't offer any challenge because they are all the same barebones AI with different health and damage values.

I watched all the Let's Plays

And it'll have three in a month.

Naughty Dog is good at those, usually

So you agree?

That's not my point.

But isn't Ellie alredy gay on the DLC of TLOU1? At the very least, she's bi.

Why ask a question when you post an image as proof?


thats gay and lame

youre gay and lame

The webm is descriptive of the majority of nu-Tomb Raider, you have no argument.

>horizon came out earlier in the year and was considered to be a big success
>still talks about a spin-off of uncharted when talking about "debunking the myth that female lead games don't sell"
>even if we ignore sony ip's, then games like nier automata also sold much better than expected

Also if anything, Nadine would be factor as to why Lost Legacy sold worse than what it would've done if it instead Featured Sam+Sully or Chloe+Cutter.

Y-You too wanna bang?
