This game is trash

The sieges are still ridiculously boring, they could have fixed it but no, it's just not fun. I don't mind no settlement battles that much since open field battles are cool but the sieges are an absolute joke

The campaign is a fucking joke, it's a direct downgrade from the first game. In W1 the campaign felt organic and natural since there wasn't a giant bar at the top of the screen telling you what to do, preparing for the chaos invasions could be done in multiple ways, you could conquer half the map and field the biggest army ever, or you could make allies and fight by their side. Instead we get a linear experience here where all you can do is capture more and more settlements. The rituals are boring, and every faction competing for the vortex is so far apart that the best you can do is send AI armies that do absolutely nothing to stop them and just get slaughtered. Seriously how can people say this campaign is better than W1? It's garbage.

I really like all the quality of life improvements and new factions (except skaven because who the fuck wants to play with filthy rats anyways?) but the core game which is the campaign is so much worse than W1

Ok, now leave ...

I'd bet money you said the exact same shit about warhammer 1 when it came out and you just want to suck more history cock.

My AI army destroyed half of Ulthuan. Maybe yours just hate you.

No I really like Warhammer, it's just very streamlined but it's still grat for the factions and unit variety it brought to TW. And as I said the campaign was fun because it wasn't just conquer 50 settlements to win

Its more of an senario campaing. I think mortal empires will have more what your looking for.

I wish WHfags would fuck off already hijacking my second favourite game series.

Why are you fags so mad about fantasy? Ive been playing every total war since med 1 and im happy they are changing it up for a bit.

Age of Sigmar > Fantasy

I have no interest in fantasy, never have even as a kid.

Did you post this on /vg/ or here first?

Enjoying your Space Marines ?

40K >>>>>>>>>> Fantasy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Age Of Skubmar

Thanks for letting us know, now you can stop autistically screeching about history games.

Because they made the games for complete retards, stripped away what little complexity was there rather than working on it, and now they make these shitty ass total wars because masses of depressed Warhammer FB fags gobble that shit up
Fantasy has taken CA in an abysmal direction

warhammer 1 and 2 are babbys first total war games

Basically TW games started sucking when they went for a "more focused approach" when all players want is a border Gore sandbox, that's why I'm with paradox now

>making them bank
>games been shit since warscape engine anyways

>stripped away what little complexity was there
That had already happened by Empire, keep crying you fucking child.

>stripped away what little complexity was There rather than working on it. This total war has the most managment out of any of thr games. It is by far the most complex. Sure it has some issues like blobing but the games over all have seen big improvments.

>Popularity is always good
>Warscape games are inherently bad
Wrong entirely on both account there buddy

Empire had the best trade of any total war you completely deluded fucking moron
Take your own life

Total Load Times: Loadhammer

Is it fuck
TWW is about bringing the right army composition for who you're fighting and making sure you've built walls and income generators everywhere, that's as far as its complexity goes

it's a STRATEGY game, not some twitch shooter apm meme shit. those load times are a feature designed to give you time to slow down and THINK. you ever try THINKING, child? no wonder you complain about this game.

While the game still is inferior to every previous Total War especially visually and the soundtrack, its a vast improvement over the 1st Warhammer Total War and feels alot less shallow

>organic and natural
>color code the world and also kill these specific factions or do this specific thing aka Bretonnia

If you don't like the ritual shit you can literally just ignore it and conquer the world any way you want. The absolute worst that happens is that some other faction finishes the ritual, at which point you just get a "final" battle to wreck them and get on with your shit.

I agree that the ritual is overall poorly implemented because it requires so much going back-and-forth to capture shit and then suddenly have to defend other shit because armies spawn out of nowhere to stop you, but considering that you can choose to play it like a "classic" game or get involved with the ritual stuff (or a bit of both even) means that you lose literally nothing and gain some more options on what you want to focus on compared to the first game.

Someone hasn't done a High Elf campaign

Implying thats not every total war. Did you even play any of the old ones? Rome one was just build every building in every settlement and stack the best troops.

If you're a Total War fan and you still haven't invested in an SSD, you only have yourself to blame.

I join you for the siege but you're full of shit for the compaign and the vortex, git gud.

Rome 1 is a massively out of date joke that is mostly brought up in a mocking way now, it is also try hard babbies first total war, which is why so many retards defend it to death, much like M2

I also dont do cock

How's Eight Peaks doing lately?

>make allies to fight chaos
>chaos arrives
>allies run from chaos
>chaos burns down everything
>dwarfs drag me into war against bretonnia
>try to fight chaos and fend off angry frenchmen
>dwarfs cancel their treaty with me
>mfw you think making allies to fend off chaos is viable

Not so good


>Reminder that in Mortal Empires Queek will start near Eigth Peaks.

Reminder that historyfags are irrelevant. All of them are either shitposters or hypocrites or they hate games in general
Fantasy and sci-fi are objectively superior to history based games because you can do in them everything you can do in history games and more. Which is why Warhammer has objectively the best battles in series and why most of strategy games or games in general are either fantasy or sci-fi.
Historyfags never played X-com, HoM&M, Warcraft, Starcraft, DoW, Supreme Commander, Homeworld, Endless Legend, Age of Wonders and so on. Thus they are completely unsuited to any discussion about any strategy game and all their petty opinions should be disregarded. In fact they probably hate all video games and never played Thief, Doom, Quake, System Shock, Deus Ex, Planescape Torment, Divinity: Original Sin, Fallout and most of the best games ever made. They are just shitposters.
Unless they did but that makes them hypocrites.

Reminder to bully historyfags everytime you can.

>mfw they invent some way to have Gobbos, Dorfs and Rats all start at Eight Peaks


Do you have one for Malekith?

spotted the End Times babbies

AoS >>>>>>> 40k > dogshit >>>>>>>>>>> Fantasy

What dlcs are we getting? I want Amazons, Araby, and Tomb kangz!

>make a military alliance with someone
>they never ever help you out and only drag you into half a dozen different wars

The diplomacy in this game (or any TW game for that matter) is such fucking bullshit.

What is hilarious is that many of them have an air of superiority, like they honestly believe that playing with history themed toys somehow makes them mature and refined.

Tomb Kangz is almost certain. Dunno about Amazons of Araby though.

I want muh Vampire Coast. And not just a lazy copypaste vampire faction, but actual pirate-themed zombies and vampires.


Anyone know what the plan with skaven blight is in the first game? I was positive that we where going to get skaven in tw:wh 1 if you bought the second. Guess not.

No but hopefully someone else does

I agree about sieges and the ritual stuff, but since it's possible to just play the campaign "normally" (there's victory conditions for it), the latter doesn't bother me that much.

I waited a year to buy the first game, and if what those that got it at launch have told me is true, that was the best decision; patches, DLC (free and paid) and lots of mods fixed or ameliorated many of issues that would probably have annoyed the hell out of me. I see no reason to not do that again this time, and I recommend you do the same if you're still here, OP. It'll likely be a much better overall experience, and cheaper too if you buy through a keysite or pirate.

Fuck Eagles and Phoenixes, fuck them with a rake

My only gripe is the enemy interventions. The fact that they can spawn an army in the middle of your territory and it can attack instantly is kinda bs

Like the other guy I've been playing since medieval 1. TW games have always had shitty campaign stuff. The point was always the battles and warhammer has fantastic battles. If you're playing TW for empire management play a different game.

If you give them a target they almost always attack it.

Also idk if this is a bug but I confederated maleketh with morathi but I couldn't recruit her

If a lord or legendary lord is wounded when you confederate, they are counted as dead and can't be recruited.

>last ritual
>lets fucking do this
>shitton of chaos forces and intervention forces are going against me
>defeated them during almost the last rond of the ritual, no money, no army, chaos and interventoin forces have destroyed my minor settlements

Fuck this fucking game

But they did the exact same in battles, removal of mechanics rather than improvement
Unit abilities that affected not only stats, but combat formation of troops
Sieges that instead of being worked on more to get the AI working a bit better, are stripped down to gate defences
And personally, most battles just develop into blobs of confusion that are over very fast (assuming you brought the right counter for whatever you're fighting)
The best I got out of it personally was having to general snipe vampire counts, but general sniping to win battles isn't new

Formations weren't really that huge of a deal. The new unit abilities are much more interseting.
Sieges have always fucking sucked dick.

There is more variation between any two factions in warhammer than in most entire previous games.

You missed the point I'm making
It's not that they were good back then, but they've just stripped it to something even more basic, rather than working on those mechanics
Unit formation abilities were nice because it also affected the actual units composition, how and where they stood, how they moved


So they removed some superficial fluff and in exchange we have considerably more complex and dynamic battles. Sounds good to me.

was it all part of the great plan to get played like a fiddle by rat jews?

Anyone got tips on how to play Skavens? I wanna try Queek, I assume I should grab troop buffing skills?

When you have monstrous infantry, magic, flying units, etc then there is already way more depth and mechanics to battles.
Yeah, history games need shit like formations because when the whole thing is Red Spearmen vs Blue Spearmen then you take anything you can get to add mechanics and depth

Play Skrolk, laugh when you have 3 summoning abilities to spam the shit out of + Plague Breath

Like they other dude said I think they added far more than they took away. Even stuff like the wedge formation is actually useful in this game because of the stat bonuses. In most games the wedge formation is a strict negative.

Magic and giant enemies, who aren't scaled to settings which is laughable, and also just come down to the same old rock paper scissors, just like every total war has
It just means you change your roster a bit more often to counter a factions roster, but usually not even then
I don't even think the games are bad, but delusions about them are bad on both sides

How would I build him

Fug that's dumb I wanted to play with mommy

>you could conquer half the map and field the biggest army ever, or you could make allies and fight by their side
How to spot the person who didn't play it
Protip if you ever get round to it;Chaos invasion is triggered by how much area you control.Chances are you already confederated/conquered your allies, and the other races would still be in a state of deadlock if you didn't personally sort them out.

>Instead we get a linear experience here where all you can do is capture more and more settlements. The rituals are boring, and every faction competing for the vortex is so far apart that the best you can do is send AI armies that do absolutely nothing to stop them and just get slaughtered.
You can carve out a small area and hold it while focusing on quests, shoring defences and sabotaging everyone else, or rush it and just win by being ahead of everyone else.
You can easily sabotage someone else personally, since everyone but Queek and Kroq-gar are in ideal places to rapidly move to their ritual sites, and even they can still get to water quickly.
Given you have a bar showing everyone else's progress, and they immediately start rituals as soon as they can, you have no excuse for not being able to predict when they'll start if you need to move troops.

Sounds like you're just a bit shit, m8.

I disagree, I believe the majority of their time goes into asset creation due to the variation of the setting, might not be a bad thing, it's certainly needed, but then it seems like certain features are either unworked on, stripped down or removed overall

Well he's mostly a Wizard so magic first, but he's a decent melee fighter too. Throw in some Censer Bearers, Stormvermin, etc and you'll be able to hold a line decently well while you summon stuff behind them.

Max spellcasting to get stronger reserves for even more swarm. Troop buff your monks and rats since the former will make up a notable part of your army and the latter will be summoned in constantly.

If you're talking about empire management sure. But the battles have never been better imo.

>was made Teclis' personal bitch the one time they fought
>ran away for mummy milkies
Spotted the Dark Elf

My only gripe with the VORTEX as all other games with a time limit gimmick (Majoras Mask, Lightning Returns, Path of Radiance, etc) is that they limit what you can do. They give you tunnel vision in that you aren't allowed to explore and experiment to do what you want cause any negative yield is a set back that you can never undo.

It very strictly guides you to always go for what you know is effective rather than exploring for what may or may not be useful/fun/engaging, which is the whole FUCKING POINT of playing large open video games. I wouldn't mind be goaded in a linear progression game but in an open world game, it tush tickles me the wrong way. It gives you the symptoms of being locked out by a check point when you explore too far in one direction, leaving the other unexplored venue in your mind.

>Not sending a 20 stack with your LL to go personally fuck AI rituals while your other boys take care of things at home
Come on mate

Mortal empires will do away with it entirely.
Before that, though, you can pretty much do whatever you want provided you win the final battle

>one 20 stack taking out an entire faction
Stop playing on normal

My military alliances are basically winning the vortex campaign for me (or at least preventing anyone else from completing a ritual). I usually only allied up in WH1 as a stepping stone toward confederacy or helping out with Chaos.

>It took Teclis and his homo-bro Tyrion going 110% onto a lone Malekith to barely edge out a win
Goodness knows how hard the two would have been fucked over if it was Morathi.

>taking out an entire faction
Who said anything about that? I just coordinate with my intervention army to take one ritual site, and maybe some of the easy settlements around it.

wait hold up, the difficulty affects fights? I thought it LITERALLY only added hard to please cities?

>runs like a bitch because he can't handle Teclis utterly raping him with magic
>I-it took two of them!
Stick to incest, Malekith. it's what you're good at

I play very hard and mostly just use one doomstack with maybe one mediocre one on defense.

>Says the elf lusting so hard for his brother's cock it makes Slaanesh uncomfortable
Congratz, you and your lover-brother managed to just barely push back a burn victim.

IIRC, legendary just makes the AI cheat with shit like having Goblins be harder to break than longbeards.
It's why it's generally better to play on normal/hard and mod the AI to be smarter/have better unit composition.

Malekith was fucked over from the beginning. He was jewed out of his rightful place as phoenix king. Then end times comes around, and lo and behold, who turns out to be the chosen Phoenix king? Fucking Malekith
What a grand waste of time

>u-ur a faget!
The absolute state of Druchii "bants"

nice blog

>Thinking I'm one of the paste skins
*Laughs in Dinosaur*

So it encourages replayability

Easily the worst retcon of the series, and I'm glad CA contradicted it.
Malekith's end times story should have been Grombrindal stringing him up by his foreskin

But you can't though. A lot of things are locked behind the vortex rituals and you can only do them five times before the ending scenario triggers. You know what I did in the 1st game? I channeled my inner Trump built walls in all of my settlements then I would start working my way towards gathering all the LL, then once I had them, I would comfortable trigger the Choas Invasion.

You don't "have" that option here. All of the LL in WarHam 2 are tied to opposite sides of the map from each other, and if you try to aim for them, you're going to be making an enemy of everyone in the map along the way cause each faction wants to collect the Vortex energies. This new game simply doesn't support my way of playing and they threw in the bone of being able to "win the final battle" as an after thought to appease people like me.

What sort of fucking game dev makes a game focused on one particular feature of the races, rituals, talent trees then allows you to just ignore all that? THEN WHAT WAS THE POINT?? Limited time gimmicks in vidya never work, and this Vortex ritual should have been a side adventure or side quest, not the main focus of the expansion.

Malekith being the chosen king isn't a retcon and it is also amazing. Eat shit Asur nerd.

it all depends on whether they spawn next to settlement with an army or not. full stack army + capital city garrison rape any stacks of dragons AI can magic out.

TLDR But Cool story bro