Why are people like this still employed? if you're a construction worker that's bad at building a house, you get fired. If you're a lifeguard that can't swim, you get fired. If you're a chef that can't cook, you get fired. Why are people that are bad at playing games still employed as game reviewers?
When will this shit end?
Why do you give a shit?
Why do you look for shit to be angry at?
Why do you go to those websites?
Why cant you leave me alone and stop showing me this garbage?
What the fuck is it like being someone like this?
"waaaaa i want my medal for trying! i wanna feels special too!!!"
>dark souls of
>reverse trolling
I'm beginning to think this is all a very well thought out plan to make this game the next "big thing".
It has to be, right as the journalist fucked up at the game, hell I'm beginning to think he was paid to.
>Any amount of challenge is threatening to my ego
Fuck your shit, and I'm fucking your girl
ANSWER HIM! I didn't realise that people could just ignore this shit and not try trigger others by how fucking spastic some gaming related media is.
In case you faggots are too brain-damaged to tell, OP's pic is shooped
>Why are people like this still employed?
Because retards like you keep giving them clicks
You guys are all pretending to be retarded right? Or is the average modern Sup Forumsirgin THIS bad at detecting shoops?
That's a fake article by Mister Metokur you mongoloids.
This is the real article it's parodying, and it's only slightly less retarded
It's about what I'd expect from a cabal of cunts like RPS.
My point still stands
This one's real
It's obvious trolling,mocking the chink retard that was struggling to get through the tutorial
left wing politics, i.e. equalism, a.k.a. communism, is the belief that if something is 'greater' it must be made 'equal', that is, torn down to the level of the rest of us.
Losers, babies, emotional midgets, all feel like Cuphead propagates a culture that glorifies challenging games, and because they can't feel the same enjoyment out of it as those who can, they feel 'less than equal' and so they have to take away the thing that makes those people happy, so everybody can be miserable together.
"hate sharing" is the new meme, just ignore any and all vidya journalist shit, move on, shitpost about other stuff, this niggas are desperate for clicks and writing shit that falls in between legit mad at "toxic gamers" and "haha I was just pretending to be retarded"
Regardless of whether or not this article is the real thing, when will the endless stream of "Cuphead tutorial too hard" satire articles and videos end?
It was funny the first two times, just stop it
>Dark Souls of
>Went and watched lets plays
>3 hours on tutorial
>3 mortys out of 10
Its obviously a bait but its still a very good fake in terms of making fun of people who actually are spouting these things.
>I can only give this 3 morty's out of 10
I wonder who could be behind this post
gaining ATTENTION is the only way they get PAID
be it good or bad, you're supporting them
how fucking hard is it to get?
the only way to solve stuff in the real world is with money
the main audience for video games likes dlcs and lootboxes and microtransactions, if they didn´t they wouldn´t keep buying them, this is undeniable
its time to accept we are not the target of video game development anymore guys, we are the minority here
Do you know how many views the tutorial meme video probably got?
They want their reviewers to be shit and spout controversial opinions about the game because that equals to more clicks which equals more revenue. Integrity doesn't exist in game journalism.
>John Walker
Read his article against Myst, you'll never take anything he says seriously even if you tried.
Just to quote a pearl: he argued that in 1993, the year fucking DOOM came out, Myst should have featured fully rendered 3D environments, and if it didn't it was just because of stubborn pretentiousness.
Didn't Jim have a twitter debate with John Walker earlier today and Walker called everyone twitter animes or some retarded shit?
Because their main job is "journalism", not playing video games.
typical pc gamers
How is this faggot even relevant? All he does is spout out whatever the newest memes are as if they were funny.