Why is a game like this allowed to exist?

Why is a game like this allowed to exist?

>portrays white people as evil
>portrays Christianity as a crazy death cult
>portrays rural America as hicks

If there was a game that had you shooting muslim terrorists, people would be boycotting it until they were changed to white.

Are you triggered, you snowflake? Do you need a safe space?

>Why is a game like this allowed to exist?

To make snow-monkeys like you squeal

The white race is evil.

Also this

>cumskin is THIS triggered

>If there was a game that had you shooting muslim terrorists, people would be boycotting it until they were changed to white.
And every other game based in the middle east.

Because the villain's in far cry are always much cooler than the hero

Have you kept in touch with the current state of America m8?

>portrays Christianity as a crazy death cult

it clearly doesn't mean all white people are evil
and it clearly shows that it's a specific weird rural cult
not representative of america as a whole

fuck off back to

At least you'll be staring at white people more, r-right?

>>portrays white people as evil
They are.
>>portrays Christianity as a crazy death cult
It is.
>>portrays rural America as hicks
That's true as well!

>fanatical doomsday cult killing the peaceful residents of montana and you're a police officer who has to stop them
>"reeee this is an attack on my white identity!"

fucking lmao

Stop shilling your dead board, poltard.

i do, yes. if lefties can have them why can't i?




>portrays white people as evil
there's black goon enemies
>portrays Christianity as a crazy death cult
there's actual christians in this game
>portrays rural America as hicks
they're not?

The locals are the ones fighting against the cult.

Most realistic game I've ever seen

its like OP doesnt realize a new COD comes out every year

Attention Sup Forumstards.

You do not have the right to express hate speech.

If you consider your self a white nationalist, you literally do not have the right to speak. Ever.

Just shut your mouth or we will shut it for you.

But its not Christianity and all types of people are part of the cult.

>If there was a game that had you shooting muslim terrorists
There's like 100 games like that. Why are right wingers such snowflakes?

Its a video game who gives a shit
If it bothers you that much then just dont buy it or talk about it, vote with your wallet

>Sup Forums tries to counter-counter-counter troll itself on Sup Forums

fucking moron its a videogame take your politics and shove them inside your dickhole

t. LARPing shitskin

Christianity should be a death cult

>haha i called them snowflakes again xD

What if triggered Sup Forumstards are actually stealth marketing agents for Far Cry 5

This is bait but Ill bite.

They have the right to be autistic just as much as you do.

yeah but only white males go on shooting sprees from 32 feet up

I don't get this. Couldn't you say that the vast majority of enemies in games are white, yet those games aren't racist?

Also religion is always terrifying when it has power and it's not your religion, cults are some of the best and most interesting villains.

i am not buying these piece of shit


So if i made a game where there was a coven of transpeople holding a single university hostage with weapons and menstrual blood, it would be perfectly acceptable?

Welcome to a free country, commie.

Anyone who refers to people as "males" and "females" needs to be put down like a filthy dog, along with all these noisy idealist subhumans.

Yes because it's a video game and the first amendment.

Yes. But you wouldn't sell much because people aren't as dumb as you

because it's not illegal to insult white people


>If there was a game that had you shooting muslim terrorists, people would be boycotting it until they were changed to white.
Okay, I laughed, but it's a bit too obvious. That say, Sup Forums will buy into it anyway.

>LARPing on the internet
How do you retards manage to misuse so many phrases?

because it wouldn't hold a moral high ground regardless of how much truth it might depict

>portrays white people as evil
they've spent the last 4 games having you kill brown people because those were the parts of the world the games took place in. this one takes place in rural Montana, which is overwhelmingly white

>portrays Christianity as a crazy death cult
they're a cult, not normal christians

>portrays rural America as hicks
some of us are hicks. especially in places like Appalachia and the Midwest t. Pennsyltuckian

this game is really not that big of a deal. I'm still not buying Tower Climbing Simulator 2017 though.

Cumskin said the fucking sand monkey, or gorilla nig nog.
Its called supreme race, blackie

>Constantly demonize every other race and religion
10/10 great games guys!
>Add white people

>If there was a game that had you shooting muslim terrorists, people would be boycotting it until they were changed to white.

Ever played call of duty 4?

Didn't you get the memo? White people are open season now, hence the las vegas shooting.

Not enough though we need more MSM anti-american propaganda, people don't feel good for self destructive white guilt yet!

Wait what

>all these people falling for this bait
jesus fucking christ

If this was a realistic 56% land, most of the people you'd kill would be niggers and mestizos.

Is rural Montana 56% white?

tfw we all buy it knowing it will just be another retexured package

I just hope this game keeps up the tradition of the main bad guy being based as fuck.

>People in middle America picking up their guns and working together to fight off outsiders trying to take over their community.
>Getting triggered by this

>post the same /baith/ thread every week or so
>it always, without failure gets hundreds of replies from baited idiots
the absolute state of /poltv/ moderation

>jesus fucking christ
What did he mean by this?

Sup Forums needs to fuck off, I don't care about le bait anymore.

>>portrays Christianity as a crazy death cult
>Entire symbol of the religion is literally a crucified corpse
>The afterlife is more important than life
>Not a crazy death cult
You're right on rural America though, all of America is made up of hicks.


And it never will be cumskin


>The afterlife is more important than life
yeah but it's still strongly expressed that even though the afterlife is better, you must strive to be as great as you can in life and struggle against death until the end.



>portrays rural America as hicks
now tell me where this isn't true

I'd agree with this if it was 3 years ago but shit's gotten pretty bad even in the small rural flyover where I live. Have a (you) anyway.

The absolute state of Americans

Holy shit, OP didn't even had to spend time on this bait and you guys still bit.

I was expecting the whole thread to be "Try harder with your bait, faggot" or something but... People take this seriously.

How long have /leftypol/ been here? Did they get bored that their board has barely any traffic or something?

>>portrays white people as evil
>>portrays Christianity as a crazy death cult
>>portrays rural America as hicks

I wouldn't call myself white (more like beige) but that sounds pretty on spot to me.

>mfw i just now realized

The truth is, it's ok to be racist against white people in our current social climate. People have gone so far into the extreme of trying to be rid of racism, they've unwittingly thrown white people under the bus.

I say this as someone whos half pierto rican/black with zero interest in politics. I've noticed the rise of anti white sentiment, and I think it's kinda fucked up and hypocritical.

You take this website too seriously. This entire thread is just bait after bait. This most likely isn't even Sup Forums anyway, because while I dislike Sup Forums the general consensus of Sup Forums is "vidya sucks and you should go be a chad"

Sup Forums is breaching upon the point of Sup Forums or Sup Forums tier shitposting wherein people just post whatever will get the more replies and turn into threads into shitposts for fun.

tbqh the only thing that bothers me is how the people are flying the american flag while being anti american terrorists. they're really doing their best to make patriotism into a bad thing.

Cry more you nazi faggot scum

Reminder that Sup Forums cucks are just as bad as SJW's

"be the best servant to the church as long as you can"



>Why is a game like this allowed to exist?

Because we don't live in a theocratic authoritarian shithole like the middle East.

Also we've been killing muslim terrorists almost as much as russians for years in games and action movies

Please excuse typos, misspellings. I'm phone posting.

>This most likely isn't even Sup Forums anyway
There it is. Every time.
Every time someone posts even the most blatant Sup Forums threads, people like you feel the need to go out of your way to defend Sup Forums at all costs, claiming that every Sup Forums shitpost is merely a falseflag/bait.
Die, retard.

Hilariously true.

It's sad because for the most part it's true

>If there was a game that had you shooting muslim terrorists
what about that one medal of honor game? the only controversy around that was the idea you could actually play as the taliban, nobody cared about murdering them

Not exactly Sup Forums but I hear more complaints about 'SJW's' than SJW's complaining about whatever it is they're complaining about, so here's your (You)

Nowadays that's pretty much the only time.

Facebook tier my dude

On Sup Forums this is true. Pol are our resident sjw

hang yourself


well yeah. i stopped going years ago but churches gotta get financial support for all their services and events somewhere. most churches are good, loving communities, there's no need to autistically shriek about them user.


Yeah this. The image would make more sense if it was just talking about SJW shit getting forced on you on Sup Forums. Underage Sup Forums faggots love to act like half of the posters here are SJWs and that basically everyone who disagrees with them is an SJW despite the fact that this is fucking Sup Forums.

>actually play as the taliban

And even then, it was only in multiplayer.

You did it wrong, here let me help (You) out


>Accurate America Simulator 2017
>Assmad that it tells the truth about how evil christians are.

Sup Forums used to be a place where you could escape from the outside world, where you wouldn't be pestered if you didn't believe in god/worship the nuclear family. You could just be yourself here.
All that has changed, I guess.

As a Montanan I'm somewhat excited to play a game in my state, even if it's a series with monotonous gameplay like Far Cry. I'm just expecting them to put in accents that we don't have and largely portray us as southerners like everybody tries to do.