Would you Sup Forums?
Would you Sup Forums?
This faggot wishes he was cute
I don't support any game on patreon.
Heavens, no!
I don't mind dating trans people, but I this one's ugly as a dumpster.
>Ugly people in dating sims
I don't even give a shit if they're trans
Looks cute as an anime character
Why is her throat slit open?
it's amazing how westerners can make even 2d be pig disgusting.
Someone post it. You know what.
>can’t date Christine Weston chandler
That’s a no buy for me famalam, when are they gonna make a good trans dating simulator?
No... just no. And I'm a grill, had enough of these fuckers.
These endogamous bastards shitting on video games... Why don´t they fucking ruin modern art or some shit?
You know what I don't understand about modern day trannies?
They don't even /try/ to pass. They don't care about passing at all even. They don't even /want/ to pass.
Most of these trannies have jobs and can easily afford facial feminization surgeries and other such surgeries that'll help them pass 10x more, but they don't want to get these surgeries.
They ENJOY looking like ugly monstrosities.
I don't fucking get it at all man.
These trannies don't even use fucking make-up or even TRY remotely to live as girls do. They just pop hormone pills and think "yeah that's enough I'm a girl now."
If they pass you don't notice them dummy
He wish he was that good.
Even as a cartoon this retard is ugly.
Pass for what, a 4/10 female? The whole point is being the center of attention.
Why make yourself better when you can force others to lower their standards
>modern art
They ruined that long time ago.
>2D vs 3D
Keep in mind the only ones you notice are the ones that are bad.
There's a lot out there which completely fly under people's radar.
Sorry, I already preordered another dating sim.
Whatever you tell yourself, Wu.
That´s what I´m talking about. Its so fucking ruined that no matter how bad they are or what shit they do.
>Complains endlessly about objectification of females and rigid gender roles in video games
>Has no problem when if it's them instead
I'm positive these "girls" are born with a defective self-awareness sensor.
Will /ourgirl/ be datable too?
>Most of these trannies have jobs and can easily afford facial feminization surgeries and other such surgeries that'll help them pass 10x more, but they don't want to get these surgeries.
I don't think you realize how expensive that is. You can't afford that on a minimum wage job in America.
Looking forward to these journalist trannies killing themselves in a few of years desu.
i knew this was some tumblr bullshit the second i saw the blue hair
Are traps gay?
Its almost as if they're mentally ill and actually see themselves as women even though they all boast massive manjaws.
He's just doing it so peoe will draw open of him as a girl.
>animu art of tranny
>looks nothing like them
Every time
>tranny with colored hair
you're lying if you're saying the 2d version of 'her' isn't at least cute. If this was a character with no basis on 'her' real-life counterpart Sup Forums would eat this shit up and claim her for best waifu
You realise most cosmetic surgeons offer financing solutions that'll let you pay off the surgeries over time, right?
Most of these mainstream tranny cunts don't have "mainstream wage jobs" either, but overpaid "social media" jobs that can easily let them afford the surgeries they want if they sought them out.
>they don't even try to pass
it's worse than that. they don't like when anyone else CAN pass, which is why they're furiously trying to convince people that "traps" are offensive.
This is true. Some trannies on tinder are just fucking ridiculous. If it wasn't the dick, I just might swipe right on those motherfuckers.
This is an objectively stupid idea, even if 10/10 cumslut.
This is like setting up your own stalker-creation service. This is like the Noid campaign crossed with someone telling the guy who shot reagan that Jodie Foster can be romanced in a game where you shoot presidents.
I literally cannot overstate how obviously bad an idea this is.
who was even asking for this
This face looks cute to you?
No shit you only notice the one's that can't pass, the ones that do you'll just think are regular girls
why do people encourage a mental disorder?
Asked for what, the tranny to be given attention? The tranny itself asked for it and keeps asking. Who else?
Maybe he's terrible at marking and keeps giving women with beards pity C's
I got you fa m
i will hunt you down and ruin your life you bigot
You're missing the point of my post turboretard.
I'm not talking about the trannies that can't pass, or the good trannies that actually try actively to pass.
I'm talking about this weird movement surrounding trannies that don't even WANT to pass.
Because you can't tell if they're actually trying and are attractive. You only see these monsters in gayming because of the large percentage of autists who aren't self aware
I don't know why you keep following their twitters and reposting their every tweet on Sup Forums. Maybe you have a disorder yourself.
Literally not figuratively who
Looks like a dude senpai
>why yes, I burn bridges with my employer network and step on people to get ahead
So it's accurate then.
Well this person was gross and didn't take care of themselves as a man, why start now? Same with Cosmo, they're gross neckbeards who become girls* with terrible hygiene.
>datable character in an upcoming game
And that'll sell?
Do even transgenders attracted to other transgenders?
If you are sane of mind you can actually get through life pretty well even as a transgendered person. But I doubt being transgendered that much of a selling point.
Nah trannies these days don´t want to have complete sex changes. They want to stay in the middle, so they can be transpeople and have victim cards to throw at the slightest chance. And if they regret being monster they can always or somehow change back to be whatever they were at first.
>it's a mental disorder to want to chop your foot off
>it's not a mental disorder to want to chop your penis off and get an open wound that spews puss and requires constant dilation or else it'll close up
maybe because it's a dude
How do I do that? It's not fair they get to play life as a boy or girl.
>sane of mind
who even is this?
>wide shoulders
>big ears
>spiky nose
>no hips
Yeah, no... It is not appealing to me
lmao jesus christ
Boi, who is Wu lol.
>twitter screencap
>giving attention to trannies
>game shilling
all in one post jesus what happened to Sup Forums
>implying a tranny dating sim wouldn't be hilarious
>Can date CWC, Wu, ProtoMagicalGirl and Cosmo
>all the endings are bad ends
yeah it always end with them killing themselve because no amount of love and shit will help their mental illness
but aren't traps and tranies the same?
I assume the difference is that a trap wants to keep his dick?
so, so, so, so, so, so bad.
both are mental disorders
just you wait for the inevitable rise of the self-inflicted amputees and their fight to defend their mutilation. seriously, bodymodification is a scary concept and if we don't stop it, it will never end. and i'm not speaking about "wow cool, bionic arms and backs so i can lift more!"
What about a secret ending?
Traps don't consider themselves to be girls. That's why the argument that trap is a transphobic word is retarded.
That guy is at least trying.
Some do. Traps are called that because they come across as an actual girl.
right-wing death squads when
Traps that come across as actual girls don't actually exist in real life, user.
Traps are purely a 2D thing.
Does anyone here think that if I try to make a trap dating simulator that it'll make any money? I could probably make one pretty quickly. Not sure who to include in it, I also don't know much about all these fags other than the train wreck that's Cosmo
Get cancer and die.
Dilation destroys lives with how often it needs to get done. It's shit how little people talk about it before getting pushed to get their surgery by other people who have done it
the delusion of those castrated retards, jesus christ.
Literally what is the point of fantasy if it's something you can fuck anytime.
No trannie that looks like that dude is gonna have high standards, he'd fuck any fag willing to give him the time of day.
Might as well make me a dateable mane in it, even though I'm an ugly manlet. The nerve of these people.
>AGP hon drawn as anime girl is all of a sudden perfect
Where are the beard stubbles?
Or the ginormous adam's apple?
Or the hair with exactly 0 effort put into it?
include actual cute traps, not mental trannies
into the helicopter they go
I was a fucking leftist liberal by 2004 standards, I have no idea what happened considering my positions basically haven't changed
it falls under cosmetic surgery. similar to wanting part of your nose removed to appear more attractive.