How do we stop it?

>selling extremely well
>two GOTYs in just one year
>Third party support
>Metroid Prime 4 and motherfucking Pokemon

When will it end?

Ends at third party support


spoiler: it doesn't

By the third or fourth year the only games it will be getting are shitty NuPaper Mario and NuMario Party and you know it

I bought a switch for minecraft

>not even full hd

>thinly veiled shill thread

why even pretend

noone cared if your console was full hd 20 years ago, idiot

good consoles were available back then, good consoles are available now

The Switch XL will be available by then with the latest graphic chip from Nvidia. We'll also be hearing another Zelda game in development around that time too.

1080p isn't full HD?

Name literally three games that are 1080p/60fps

>still waiting for BTU
>it might miss a 2017 release entirely

Splatoon 2
Mario Kart 8 DX
Fifa 18

Mario Kart 8
Splatoon 2
Fifa 18

Now do the same for Xbox One and PS4

The Switch is an underpowered tablet with no games.

>selling extremely well
No its not
>two GOTY's
Nothing out on this is GOTY quality
>Third party support
A bunch of ports
>Metroid Prime 4 and motherfucking Pokemon
Rehash shit no one wants

Wtf you on about OP?

This delusion lmao

How about 5?

God of War III Remastered
Gravity Rush: Remastered
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix
The Last of Us: Remastered
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection

Go back to your kiddy console with shitty graphics, nintenbabby.

> compare a newly launch console with another console that has been available for years

> calling all nintendo players "kiddy" because they are too poor to get themselves one

How pathetic can you be

They are giving us great games but I am a little worried

>Mario Kart

>No more Heros


Do you think there are new ip's?

>variable framerate
Splattoon is definitely not always FullHD



No Animal Crossing no buy

You missed Fire Emblem 2018 and Octopath Traveler.

>Instant deflection at sony even though 0 of those posts reference sony in any way.

I wonder who the anally ravaged one really is?

I can only guess this is a false flag by a sony nigger to make nintendo fans look desperate.

Sup Forums seems to be the only place that cares or shills the Switch actively, hourly.
How do we "stop" it? I mean, I would hardly know it exists if it wasn't spammed on this board honestly.

It's lost Dragon Quest and Monster Hunter, if SMT5 goes, I won't even look twice. There's literally no reason for most people to own one, and I have plenty, better games to enjoy.

So let people like what they want, I can't make Japan, for example, start liking good shooters like R6 Siege over Splatoon because they are mostly kids. What am I going to do? Nothing, because most people don't even care that the Switch exists.

There's also Pikmin 4 which Miyamoto mentioned was near end of development during the Wii U days, I think that's getting reworked as a Switch game for 2018 or 2019.


But I don't get it, there's nothing about the Switch that would make a non-nintendofag buy it. If I didn't buy Wii, 3DS or Wii U, why the fuck would I suddenly buy a Switch? The games are all just the same ninendo stuff, nothing that interests a non-nintendofag

You'll wait and see


>Hurr the Switch isn't popular despite having extremely popular franchises like Zelda and Mario Kart available for the system

Bad shitpost.

Bold prediction: there won't be any more DX ports past next year. It's going to be all new shit from here on out baybeee.

When are the media apps coming? YouTube and Netflix would be great on this thing.

You just crashed the suicide hotline, all nintendo friends are queuing up.

>Mario Kart 8 is literally a port from the wii u
>even fans of splat2n admit it is more like splatoon 1.5

you're just old and don't see the convenience of having portable shit, kids are raised on tablets these days so they can't comprehend being tied down to a giant energy sucking anchor

>Not even full hd
>Name games with full HD AND this extra stipulation I've added


>Upscaled ps3 and Vita ports


>replying to yourself after being laughed at

It already stopped itaelf by having gay colors and mario games. I only game on the xbox one because of halo and everyone should too. Fuck japanese companies and games, they have never contributed anything

I need to keep my fish away from you.

Don't support it and trash talk it on any occasion. Always accentuate the negative sides of it and don't mention the good parts, and even disinform if you have to. Also, be sure to point out that it's the only current gen console which has an emulator (a very well functioning one, for that matter) to anyone considering buying one. And tell them that it lacks many of the features any other modern console has: Netflix, Social Apps, etc., even a fucking internet browser.

That's what I do. I use CEMU for all Switch games and have successfully persuaded a dozen friends from buying it. In fact, I pirate and emulate everything that I can except for Sony games, and I do this with no remorse, since I'm helping Sony kill the competition and cleanse the market.

>I use CEMU for all Switch games

Except technology and standards have improved since then, idiot.

And yes, good consoles are always available. And Switch isn't one of them...

if it bothers you so much, you can just go back to neogaf.

"waaaah, I want this to be another Wii U, but it's too successful!"

You gaffers are absolute and total faggots.

Only games that would make me buy this thing are: F-Zero, a good Starfox game, a Majora's Mask esque sequel to BOTW.

Blacklight Retribution
CoD games
Forza Motorsport 5/6
Halo: Spartan Assault
Halo 5
Rocket League
Shadow Warrior
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5
Trine 2

Holy shit I hope this is bait, otherwise you have fucking issues

Half the games can be emulated no problem. The other is just a matter of time.

I hope you drop dead before that day comes

How can you be emulating half the Switch library when CEMU only emulates Wii U?

Should I get a Switch now or wait a while for an improved version (even if it's just more HD space)

>Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 Remix
>The Last of Us: Remastered
>Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection
games for children 101

We know Platinum and Retro are working on stuff. Monolith is already getting started on a new project. We're gonna get smash eventually and if that's not what Sakurai's working on then we have that to look forward to too.

There was a guy at my uni carrying one of these around and the girls in front of me were just laughing at him

There was a guy at my uni carrying one of these around and the girls in front of me were audibly frothing with moistness at the sight of it

>games for children 101
So the whole switch library?

LOL, that guy has no idea what he's talking about. In fact this was all a blatant shitpost, so what else is there to expect.

I'd get one now and sell it later if/when something better comes out.

yeah, them too.

Or maybe you are just a man children that has to bring his bing bing wahoo everywhere.

Kids don't like Nintendo games.

>Third party support
3 watered down ports from Bethesda isn't anything to brag about.

New Smash Bros when?

That goalpost moved fast for you faggots, huh?

Cool. You can go back to NeoGAF now.

Fuck off Todd.

Jesus Christ once and for all so even braindead shitposters like you can understand:


I know i know its a hard to understand concept but its Nintendo deosnt operate like Microsoft or SOny.

Sony showed the "upcoming" games in 2016 like Spider-Man and God of WAr.-
They showed the same fucking games in 2017 and yet they arent released.
So 2018, 2 years after the announcment they are coming.

Lets take a look at Nintendo:
Metroid for 3Ds = Announced few months in advance
Kingdom Battle = Announced few months before release
Mario Kart = few months before release
Splatoon = Few months before release

In the absolute most cases Nintendo announces games that will get released 3-12 months in advantage.
In other words be patient and wait this year and the next Nintendo Directs .
I mean look how fucking good the Launch Window is so far, its amazing compared to every other console in the last 2 generations

Really dude just take off the trip

>How do we stop it?
Just ignore it like the rest of the industry.

>selling extremely well
It's doing predictable numbers. Since both homeconsole and handheld markets merged, it will do much better than WiiU (that goes without saying) but not as much as 3DS, as their handheld sales have always been decreasing overall. 60 to 70 million lifetime units are the best estimates.
>Third party support
Now that's hilarious. It's always good to be humurous in life. Just don't believe your own jokes, that can be harmful.

just buy the switch with BOTW for 300 euros, what other game should i buy ?


Nintendo's the only company that has so many great IPs, they don't need third parties to succeed.
They still profited, it just came down to shit advertising and name

>There's literally no reason for most people to own one, and I have plenty, better games to enjoy.

I love it when assblasted haters are this obvious. You can just imagine them punching the words into their keyboards with tears streaming down their face.

Nah, Nintendo royally fucked themselves after SNES. 3rd parties are amazing. Just think back to NES/SNES classics and count the number of 3rd parties (hint: it's a lot). Now just imagine a world where Nintendo consoles still had those around.

Having good 1st party titles doesn't excuse the abysmal 3rd party support. They aren't mutually exclusive

Yeah they kinda are. It's a zero-sum environment, and Nintendo takes up half of all sales on their own consoles. Basically it means that for third parties a Nintendo console is worth half of a Sony console.
The only reason they had third party support at all was because they revived the entire industry. In the end a strong first party is way more important. After development costs are covered each first party title is worth 5-6 third party games. There's a reason that despite all "EPIC SONYDOMINATION xD!" it took until 2012 for Playstation to have a single more profitable year than Nintendo.

When big mega conglomerate companies like Sony and Microsoft entered the industry, it should have been the death of Nintendo.

Even with the lack of 3rd party support, they've endured through innovative hardware and software.

Why would you want to stop it? Why would you want less games to play in this world?

What the fuck, Sup Forums. Who are you even trying to spite?

Fucking this.
Competition breeds excellence. Enjoy playing lackluster games for the rest of your life when your company "kills" the other two.

Technology and graphics have NEVER made a game better.

>Switch XL

you guys don't actually expect this, right?

>And Switch isn't one of them...

wew lad

XL was a bad term. But there will definitely be a hardware revision with stronger tech.

>>two GOTYs in just one year


>In the end a strong first party is way more important.
>because Nintendo don't have third party at all

Spoken like a true Nintendo apologist.

Highly doubt it until years have passed, because they won't be able to develop for both revisions of the system. Switch original people will be stuck without the ability to play new games for the Switch+

Having trouble reading graphs? Don't worry user, we can't all have a high school education.

Enjoy the ride. I don't get why people get mad about consoles doing well.

This. They knew they didn't need to aim for high hardware specs because their market is children who don't recognize frame rate or resolution yet.

Getting kind of stale now.

> they've endured through innovative hardware and software.
Not on the homeconsole space, which they've already left behind.

NES - 61.91 million (good)
SNES - 49.10 million (ok)
N64 - 32.93 million (not healthy)
GC - 21.74 million (bad)
WiiU - 13.56 million (bad)

They've endured thanks to their handhelds and the Wii/DS exceptions, the lack of 3rd party support and format/hardware/online parity with other consoles clearly affected their relevancy in the homeconsole market.
Like I said, haiving amazing 1st parties doesn't excuse the rest. Just as Xbox still having a lot of 3rd party support (in the west at least) doesn't excuse their lackluster 1st party roster.

why did you prove him right though?

>unironically including skyrim
I can only imagine the shit if a sonybro had the balls to include that in a ps4 collage

Not that user but

900p/60fps > 1080p/30fps
Any fucking day.

The Switch has games? So I should get one then?

If the games look good to you, sure. Don't let Sup Forums's textbook contrarianism influence you.

B-but Nintendo still makes better games!