Other urls found in this thread:


Nothing actually changed, they just ported the same code as the PS4/Xbone version for parity
which means we're getting fucked here



It broke any mods people had, and that's about it.


+ Berserk armour added

Any news about a sequel?
Or perhaps the mmo coming to the west?

There clearly are a lot of people who would want either, why don't Capcom do it?


1GB isn't even big enough for a one paragraph plaintext Readme document with the state of modern programming, or as I like to call it "Pajeet kune do."

>why don't Capcom do it?
Because Capcom.

PC really got ps4 treatment? I bet that shitposting faggot from 3 days ago is now mad.

what happened

just launched game and I'm still hearing Into Free and Reshade is still active, all good here.

>enb and one music file

>not mods
You're upset because your pawn isn't nude anymore, are you?

Did the new port sell well?

I don't wanna make a new thread for this:
is this game meme-tier good or actually good?

it's great

it's upgraded graphics

It's probably just Japanese localization and updated textures. No Berserk armor or anything.

how could this update fuck up retexture? i lost more than three skills on warrior, and that one for changed spawn locations

the original version is still out there to pirate so it's not like it's impossible to play it

story is shit
the atmosphere is nice and the gameplay can be a bit clunky at times, but overalls the gameplay offers so much and there's a lot to learn about the game
also save bitterblack isles until you've learned the ropes of the game or have gotten pretty far into the story
i'd say give it a shot user

it's a better version of Dark Souls with DMC combat, legit one of the best games this decade

>everyone screaming about 5 new enemies
where are they?
inb4 one nippled cyclop recolor

He's shit posting.

lets not kid ourselves
it's more like dark souls and dmc had a baby

WHY CAPCOM CAN'T USE KICKSTARTER TO RAISE FUND FOR DD2? I bet it will be milllions in week.

so they can keep milking DDDA
please buy them all

>it's a better version of Dark Souls
do you've never played Dark Souls
>with DMC combat
so you've never played DMC

It's absolutely nothing like Dark Souls outside of visuals and the gameplay is fucking terrible. Why are DD fans always so delusional, if you like it you surely don't like it for those reasons or you really haven't played those games.

How to tell an user hasn't played Dark Souls, DMC, and maybe even the game itself.

by replacing the textures

>endorsing large corporate abuse of crowdfunding meant to help small independents

Corporations have crowdfunding already, they're called "investors" and "profits from previous ventures/products."

Neck yourself.

Will they patch out those FUCKING UGLY stomach bandages, why were those carried over? Theyre so ugly and pointless

>Publisher using Kickstarter
And DDO was their response to the game's success. DD2 never.

I will not. Since investors don't want DD2, but players want, why can't players be investors?

I've heard some of the textures were tweaked. All I checked was if the night sky is still fucked, and it is.

main menu music is still there

>do you've never played Dark Souls
its slow and clunky with terrible hitboxes

>every action game after Dark Souls is a better or worse Dark Souls
Fuck off
They can't even be compared past being able to wield large swords.

>Terrible hitboxes
Come on now, user.

Can anyone fucking confirm if the nude mods are still working. I only just bought DD:DA recently and haven't got to play it yet, but was excited to make a nude amazonian warrior girl with a bunch of submissive manlet male pawns serving under her rule. I was gonna play this as an erotic high fantasy game. If I don't have nude mods this wont work.

what about it?

If you're arguing that Dark Souls has even okay hitboxes, you need to play the games someday




Clearly a shockwave.

>console babbies paying $60 for a decade old game with no changes

it has absolutely no real story so if you're looking for a game with a story look elsewhere

All the mods work, it only ruined mods for people that had them installed; they have to reinstall them.

It has a fantastic story, and doesn't beat you over the head with it.

It's a nice philosophical tale, as long as you don't stop before the actual end of the game.

The PC version is legitimately the best version, it was the first version to have perfect 60 fps and has a ton of options graphically and otherwise.
iirc it also didn't cost 60 dollars

user, I recorded that gif myself.

Remember to download Dragon's Dogma Online™ to continue your support of the series (only if you live in Japan).


First of all, y'all are posting DS2, that's your first mistake, and on that second one the shield bash thing clearly has super armor or something. Also your own damn fault for not healing.

so it's just like dark souls then?

it's basically every japanese game
there's sort of a story but not really and it doesn't matter

alright here's DS1

Why is there a retard posting dark souls webms in a Dragon's Dogma thread?

Anons salty that some other user had the balls to imply that dark souls combat isn't anything other than 10/10 perfect.

isnt that just because that a AOE attack

That's an intentional shockwave. It does less damage than the real hit would have but always staggers the player. It's a questionable design choice but it sure shows that you probably haven't played these games at all.

It's the best mediocre game you'll ever play

>it's bad on purpose

>gets hit by the rumble
You're supposed to back up off of him for that heavy attack.

git fucking gud.

what is this gif supposed to say?
>get hit with the shield

Again with the DS2, nobody defends that game's bad hitboxes. They show up in all the games but are pretty uncommon outside of 2, mostly because of a bug with how the player's hitbox works in it. If you had played the games you would know this you know, you don't just have to parrot and cherrypick stuff because other people do.

here's DS3 to finish the trilogy of shit hitboxes

It's fucking garbage and killed Monster Hunter. We would have never gotten World if it wasn't for this piece of shit.

Thank you for beta testing

>DS2 doesn't count because I say so

Now how in the fuck did Dragon's Dogma kill Monster Hunter? Tell me your logic.

fellow ps4 faggots, hire Crestfaller, he’s a level 24 proper fighter

I want to get rc without doing anything

He's a butthurt Nintendo baby pretending he played Dragon's Dogma because World's climbing on monsters is similar to DD's and they use the same MT Framework

That's actually a really good hitbox, they just didn't make the handle do damage when it hits. Again, that's more of a design flaw than a hitbox problem so I'm questioning if you really know what that word means.

>long-ass weapon
>attacks point blank
You can choose to be bad on purpose, but the game series was widely accepted as good. Git gud and let it go, or continue to just be a wrong whiny faggot.

Could the patch be optimization?

I thought this patch came out earlier this morning. How do we not know what it is yet?

Why? The game already runs pretty well even on low end PCs doesn't it?



>but the game series was widely accepted as good
>argument ad populum
Guess LoL is the best game ever huh?

Why cant the flat eyed yellowniggers not publish full engrishuh patch notes?

git gud already

my favorite is where they have some white intern translate it and gets everything wrong except numbers

They can by being actual fucking investors in companies. Crowdfunding literally is not being an investor. The lie that you are one when you fund a kickstarter a huge problem.

It's funny because they could add a background bitcoin miner or any botnet feature people wouldn't give a fuck.
>huuuh what is changelog is this an app
t. typical windows geek

berserk armor you say not just the black swordsman armor?


>patch makes all children unable to become the Arisens lover and disables the option to create lolis

So I'm guessing the game is 30 fps on ps4?

Not him, but ds2 is widely criticized for being hands down the worst game in the series, with terrible hitboxes, slow gameplay, and bad design decisions.

900p/30 fps. As expected of PS4.
For the PLAYERS.

>disables the option to create lolis
Game would only probably honestly

>DarkSouls autists ITT already
God damn, just get out.

I love the habits Pawns can form.

My Pawn back in the Vanllia game used to run off and pick flowers the second a fight would finish, no matter what her Inclination was.

how good is the character creator?

I played the vanilla game back when it first came out. Is it worth redownloading on PC and trying out the new content starting from scratch?

If you want RC make a female.

They patched PC version?

Wasn't it already there?