WoW: Origins

What's the quintessential Sup Forums-approved race/class combo?

Other urls found in this thread:


female gobbo anything

uninstall wizard

male panda rogue desu

tauren shaman

PS. if you have ever made a worgen, goblin or pandaren, neck yourself


a man of excellent taste I see


Few expac's before I would say now faggs go for something like or this

thats what everyone played when they were 12. now that we've all grown up, orc mage is the true patrician choice

Undead rogue is like the most overdone class combo in the game if we ignore the fact that anime elves exist. Better to do something funny these days.

I dont get why there's no Undead Paladins.

>unsheaths and slow walks
>let the bodies hit the floor starts playing
>camera zooms erratically on every crit

Any shaman is pretty damn broken.

You mean fun like in something new? Like tauren rouge or orc paladins or just other combo available in game?

Also I liked undead rogue, fits the race.

good choice

Orc Warrior

Female orc rogue

whoever made this needs to be found and shot, if he hasn't been already

I used to think this was so cool
Now I cringe

We we're all 13 back then

troll drood

I wish I could have Pepe as a pet he's so cute.

>Go to youtube
>search favorite class + linkin park
>post results

did you get the whistle? it's almost as good.

>picks the furriest race
>shits on other races
You don't have to lie make yourself feel better. The big Tauren cock is great, you don't have to put other people down to justify it.

Female Nelf Death Knight

The uninstall wizard, because WoW ruined the genre.

Undead Rogue & Mage
Orc Warrior & Warlock
Troll Shaman
Tauren Druid & Shaman (maybe Hunter)
Blood Elf Mage
Human Anything
Night Elf Hunter & Druid
Dwarf Paladin & Warrior
Gnome Mage

Everything else is a freakish aberration.

..Was enjoying NElf Hunter..