>it's not cheap at all
Fuck you too Emil, why does your shitty shop even exist

Other urls found in this thread:


>Emil is a canon homo who wanted to get on Nier's big papa cock

To sell you rare materials so you can upgrade your weapons asshole.

Or, alternatively, gay brother Nier's little faggot cock.

Why buy what I can get from drops?

>Reach Route C.
>Suddenly everything's a massive damage sponge and twice my level.

>not being overleveled by doing sidequests and able to oneshot adam as 2B

I was going to, but some user's said I could do them later with no trouble at all.
Of course I see my error now, but hindsight's only helpful in the future.

I assume you've done the Treasure in the Castle side quest then? The knight with the unbreakable shield wasn't very fun when I couldn't even see his health bar move after a few full combos.

You show me where anyone else is selling it cheaper.

That's what I thought.

Because they are not enough when you start dicking around with more weapons.

user, it's time to git good.
Inb4 dumb excuses.

Upgrade weapons and pods. Pods are fucking OP.

By the time you're at the point where you're trying to upgrade absolutely everything, spending the cash to get those items is a far better use of your time than farming them.

Especially since prices for selling your items to stores scales with your progress. Meaning the optimal time to sell all your machine cores is on your third playthrough at least.

Have fun grinding.

>Attack Up +4 [48]
>Evade Range Up +5 [68]

wow thanks emil that's really good wow

Are you making good use of chips? The health restoring make you effectively immortal. You're the first I've seen that finds the game difficult on normal.

As soon as I could stack up on 99 healing items after the tutorial area I never died again.

Fuck sidequests amirite

You have to attack him from the back, let 9S distract him with his shota ass then go in for the kill

>The health restoring make you effectively immorta
But where do you get the material to upgrade pods?, shit's rare af.

The start of route C is a brutal step up in difficulty but it will get easier again.

It's not a matter of getting good, it's a matter of actually doing side content now.
Though I'm not the best either.

Yeah, I'm onto upgrading everything now. Already got two good enough Lv 4 weapons, but I'm still doing everything else in third palythrough.

>the optimal time to sell all your machine cores is on your third playthrough at least.
>stumbling on those cores I forgot about got me instant 500k.
Literally saved me.

I'm not suffering here, it's just a massive leap in the enemy levels. Route B would've been an absolute joke if I'd levelled higher than I was, so I thought I was on track,
I can still kill stuff easily enough at level 30 with Taunt and Damage Chips, it's just kinda tedious

I killed him, he only has three attacks that are way too telegraphed. My damage was just way too low.
Also, 9S is not here.

Well, Sup Forums?

Fuck no, I want to 100% everything first

>The health restoring make you effectively immortal.
That's why I never used it until I played the Colosseum with Berserk mode while being under leveled. That and the high level whichtime chips are basically cheats.

>It's not a matter of getting good,
Nigga it is, I skipped a lot of quests for the same reason you did and I still had to severely gimp myself to keep the game balanced at normal, like never upgrade a weapon beyond lv2-lv 3, never upgrade pods at all, and use mostly low level chips.
"Normal mode is pretty easy" is not a meme.

>Not 100%ing everything before going for the final ending

It's impossible because you need 9S and A2's unit data along with everything else in the Tower and you can only get it all after ending E

You could do what I did, and just say "No" when asked to do the restore at the start of the credits. It'll kick you out of the credits, save, and you can go right back to the chapter select.

I skipped ALL of the side quests though (except Emil's one), and only ever fought story enemies. Never bothered looking for the Weapon lv 4 guy because 2 was strong enough for all of A/B and the starting Pod was strong enough to kill everything as well.

It's mostly my own fault but surely you can see why I'd have a bit of trouble in that situation, can't you? I never said I was unable to win, just that everything's health bar seemed to suddenly become more than tripled.

Does it really matter? You can go back and redo the credits fight at any time, right?

You already know that attacking after clicking R2 to backstep unlock different attacks, how useful throwing weapon attacks are, that you should test the weapons to see which attack sets you prefer, and so on?

He's dumb but you are technically wrong, you when the pod ask you the very first question after ending D you can choose to stop the game there and go back to the title screen. Forgot of the answer was yes or no, though.

technically you have to fight A2 again as 9S, but yes, it doesn't matter.

>didn't get the bad end during his fight
>can't replay it
>stuck with a save file with every bad end except Y

And this is my second playthrough since I sacrificed my first save.

>I skipped ALL of the side quests
>It's mostly my own fault but surely you can see why I'd have a bit of trouble in that situation, can't you?
Yeah, skipping to extend could be pretty troublesome. You can still compensate that with the chips and upgrades, just don't abuse them, they can easily lead you to the opposite scenario and break the game on normal.

Good job idiot now you have to play this good game again

to that* extent*.

Its not gay if its Nier
No homo.

>mfw noticing the stupid ass song he's singing is Emil's Sacrifice but in a cheery tone

>You already know that attacking after clicking R2 to backstep unlock different attacks
I knew this.

>how useful throwing weapon attacks are
Aren't all weapons throwing attacks? Or are you talking about something specific here?

>that you should test the weapons to see which attack sets you prefer
Well, yeah. I didn't find any Combat Bracers till now, but I'm partial to Main Little Dagger/Sub Small Sword and Main Heavy Sword/Sub Small Sword.
Not sure what the red glow A2 has on her dodge does though, is it just visually different?

Yeah, I'm not dying all the time or anything. Just taking much longer to win.
Only troublesome enemy has been that Desert So-Shi Worm, because I was not even remotely prepared for that.

>Only troublesome enemy has been that Desert So-Shi Worm, because I was not even remotely prepared for that.
Protip: Pod Wire makes the fight much more fun.
You're going to enjoy the final sidequest

Why would anyone skip ALL quests in a game of a series known for having great and crazy as fuck side stories?
Anyway, just farm a while. Which level are you? Get some EXP+ chips and go to the castle or the desert and get some kills.
Are you still in the scripted mission of route C or have you already unlocked free roam?


>Aren't all weapons throwing attacks?
Yep, all weapons have throwing attacks, I should have written just "throwing attacks". Some throwing attacks are just charge attacks, but others are (R2 forward dash + attack).
BTW, level 4 weapons have specific skills.
>Not sure what the red glow A2 has on her dodge does though, is it just visually different?
Honestly I never understood that as well, but she has a longer dodge IIRC.

(R2 forward dash + attack near the end of the dash*).

Next time actually stay and fight your battles instead of running past everything my man.
Maybe roam around for a bit, find some cool shit.

>he didn't exclusively use Exp gain and Drop rate+
>he isn't swimming in machine cores that he can sell for profit

>fighting Final Father Servo as 2B because I wanted his ass dead right then and there
>hours of chip damage slashing him and zapping him with the laser pod pass by while Emil constantly zooms by singing LA DI LA DI DAAAAA
Best boss fight in the game

But his stuff's so cheap that you won't believe how much you can save.

His prices are so low that you need a greatsword to slash them more. Any lower would be illegal.

>tfw you cant 100% the game because you get locked out of ending Y if you dont get it first.

Please tell me theres a way to trigger Emil's 2nd boss fight again. the quest never pops even when I do everything leading up to it.

Same happened to me, shit was surreal.

>Please tell me theres a way to trigger Emil's 2nd boss fight again.
There is. Start a new game.

>You're going to enjoy the final sidequest
I'm picturing infinitely re-spawning Goliath Walkers with audio/visual/system interfering EMP blasts and at least two So-Shi worms.

>Why would anyone skip ALL quests in a game of a series known for having great and crazy as fuck side stories?
Because you can do them all at the end using chapter select and I'd rather do the story first so I can enjoy them both more.

>Which level are you?
32 now, but that's after doing a bunch of stuff in C and doing the first A2 part.
I'm just gonna level to like 40-50 and then go back to story, even though I think they'll just end up at like 80 near the end.

I think A2's dodge is a bit longer, or at least seems a bit more forgiving. Couldn't say for certain, but A2 feels easier overall.
Could've just been the hours of 9S play though.

I simply didn't want to fight throwaway mobs every single time I walked past.

It's the only missable ending of the game, sorry man. It's always better asking or checking a guide when you have to deal with with endings fuckery.

I'm glad that shit didn't happen during Devola and Popolas fight. Imagine having his retarded song play while Song of the Ancients: Atonement was playing.

BTW, you can see here if there are some moves you haven't tried


Emil did nothing wrong.

>it did happen for me

He's only gay for bro Nier

Jesus that must have been amazing.

That happened to me and it was amazing. I guarantee that's one of the things someone brought up in development and Yoko said "leave it in".

Using EXP+ chips is a bad idea if you intend to do sidequests, because otherwise you will be grossly overleveled for both route B and C.
Drop Rate + however are amazing to get you mid-high tier materials such as titanium alloy, a metric fuckload of chips and a bunch of cores. I had over 1M in middle of route B

>looking for a rare material
>it never fucking drops
>ask the internet for help
>emil apparently sells the stuff i need
>he never fucking has it in stock

ended up just grinding for it in the end. thanks emil, you fuck.

>pray and continue
Wait what the fuck is that, is it a console only thing?

> I'd rather do the story first so I can enjoy them both more.
The quests themselves are pretty (or very) tedious, but a lot of them have good story bits in their final part (yes, there is basically nothing in the middle of the quests) that makes the story more complete for different reasons (surprising, usually the ones who looks potentially more story related actually have jack shit, while the ones who looks like just fetch shit have the best story bits). A couple of them even have some small story related consequences, and there is one that is more main plot related than it seems.

>emil drives into a dramatic cutscene and you can hear the song from a distant.

Some of his shit is related to the location in which he spawns, for example he sells 2 weapons only when he's near the camp.

happened to me.

fucking emil man

>A couple of them even have some small story related consequences, and there is one that is more main plot related than it seems.
>my face doing the complete Keepsakes Quest
To hide such a cutscene behind a quest you didn't even expect to have it while also tied to another quest is kinda dickish.

The story enemies later range from lvl 50-60, at lvl 50 you should be fine.

According to some people, when she flashes you have a fraction of second of bonus dmg. Nothing really gamebreaking, and it last long enough only for one hit.

Holy shit.

Route C, you do end up overleveled but I was pretty on track for Route B I think.
A decent chunk of enemies were of equal levels to me. the lowest they got were around 5-10 under me. I mean I definitely didn't feel overpowered. There were still very few side quests I couldn't beat due to being under leveled, and my refusal to do the hackerman thing and faceroll everything. Father Servo deserves a worthy opponent

If you connect to the network, you can find where other players died and do that. I'm assuming its on PC too,since I dont see the point in removing it.

I was connected to network all the time on PC and never had that option


PC has that, but not the "pray" part.

hey guys, whats going on in this ro-

i know that. went to the right place when he was suppose to have that material but didint.

Emil inventory depends on 2 factors: The speed of the song he is singing, and the place you shot him down.

He usually is singing his normal song, but sometimes he goes a little crazy and sing his song speed up. Whenever he does that, it means he is selling top tier stuff (6+ chips / end game materials)

I dont know for sure how the placement works, but i know i got him to sell Momory alloys and other high tier materials by shoting him down inside the crater in the middle of the city, and he was singing speed up. It might take you a while of resets to get him singing fast while in a route that goes through the crater.

Console only thing, i think it heals the player you prayed to if he is online and playing, kinda like rating messages in Dark Souls.
I think they couldnt make the PC connectivity work that well.

oh, well then they probably took it out because it was kinda pointless. Apparently it was supposed to heal the player,whomever the body belongs to, in their game. atleast that's what I understood from it.

But well, fat lotta good that did if they weren't playing and it never happened to me.

Besides keepsakes, amnesia.

I think its the single most important sidequest in the game

The hardest part of the game is the beginning.

However, you're not wrong, everything is a damage sponge and theres only like 5 enemies in the entire game. NA is a repetitive piece of shit that only waifufags won't shut up about.

Whos the best character in the game and why is it Jackass?

>blows everything up
>kills you with a fish
>rude as fuck
I love her. Best girl.

And was planning a large scale revenge in ending C continuity.

Jackass spinoff when, Taro?

>coerces you into eating a fish but in such a way that it seems like its your idea.

Jackass is a best.

Was 9S right?

>Prices so low
>That you need a greatsword to slash them more

His song is the best.

>Taunt chip
>Parry chip
>Slow downs on perfect dodge chip
>Health back on kills chip

I love the chip system. Its like a "build your own gimmick" gimmick