Dead Game
would be better as an FPS
You can't be serious.
Nice music and atmosphere.
Traced or ripped off artworks
You're thinking of a different game, Midnight Animal
This post is quintessential Sup Forums.
A complete misunderstanding of a situation about a totally different game, but a complete willingness to shitpost anyway.
It should have been a spectacle fighter but westacucks can't do that, this is the next best thing.
The devs have good taste in chinese cartoons.
No. Ruiner just have copied/traced or heavy influenced artworks.
this game is shit.
Welp, guess Dark Soul is shit then.
Found the salty Nintendo fan.
>if something looks like stuff from the genre that it is, it must be traced
What a tremendously stupid post. Cyberpunk looks like cyberpunk, stupid.
i never played Dark Souls
My last nintendo console was the gamecube
*discusses Ruiner*
sasuga user
What? Speak english fag head.
It is just a reaction pic. I never played a persona game.
You're garbage.
>I don't play videogames
>waaah they're stealing art!!
Literally what the fuck
it's the Dark Souls of the cyberpunk genre
Is it worth the $20?
It looks like fun and I enjoy a good challenge if it feels balanced.
Would a Ruiner cosplay still be worth it even if I didn't have the time or money for an LED helmet, and just made it out of foam and painted it instead?
>>I don't play videogames
Dark Souls, Persona and Nintendo games are the only games?
I'd pay eighty. No joke. Call me a shill; I don't give a fuck.
Nah. You need the mask.
In game art extracted from the pak.
dbr (dot) ee/UU2n
How do I make character walk in the directions I want, not slightly to the side?
what retard designed the controls?
Never had that issue. I got my brightness set properly, though. Most fags crank that shit.
I fell in love with the visuals, but i'm not a fan of these kind of games. I don't know even how to call it, isometric shooter?
It's still on my list, but it's gonna be a while until i check it out for real.
That's just how it plays. It was weird at first and got me killed a few times but I got used to it a few hours in.
If you could measure your fun in watermelons how many would there be?
Buying this game now, after seeing it shilled in every Cuphead thread.
Ya'll niggas better not be lying to me.
The genre's twin stick shooters.
>that fight with bogdan on hard
im sure love to run around box for 5 minutes
So many goddamn watermelons. But sometimes it's too many watermelons. Sometimes I'd get hit by offscreen watermelons, or I'd be getting hit by watermelons and the game was clear about it. But after getting a feel for it, I had countless delicious watermelons.
Why are people posting it in Cuphead threads? I don't understand.
The game's made for me. It's like they jacked my fucking brain.
This is honestly the most trust worthy video game review I've read in a decade.
Is this game named after the classic Nine Inch Nails song?
I was so hyped for this, esp with the NiN trailer edit but i heard it has bad gunfeel and most of your actions don't feel impactful.
RUINER's the pistol he uses. It's some custom automatic pistol or some shit.
Why the good fuck would you ever swallow the opinions of others? You're killing your enjoyment. Second I stopped caring about that shit vidya got way the fuck better.
it'll play the shit out of it after i finished the hob. gaming was dead for me but hob and runier hyped me again.
If only it wasn't a 3d hotline miami
That is pretty cyberpunk.
Nine Inch Nails music is also pretty cyberpunk.
It's a great song so I am guessing they are fans.
Well gee, thanks for selling me on this game. Hotline Miami is fuckin' awesome.
>we need a futuristic SMG that isn't lasers
>I gotchu senpai
Its cyberpunk Hotline Miami with shields and health bars and dashes. I'm in love.
I though we were friends....
It's always Vectors and P90s because the Bizon is too Russian.
Is there a PS4 CE?
honestly this
give me /cyb/ games
i finished this shit, Valhalla, DX1 and DXHR and am playing through EYE right now
I ended up relying on melee a lot and forgoing guns unless they were shotgun types that cause a lot of burst damage point blank. Shooting normally is asking to get your shit fucked up a lot of the time and shooting in slowmo is boring with most weapons because it takes ages for the projectile to connect and enemies are fairly robust.
Fake news. But they retweeted it, so who knows. Are there any UE4 games on Switch yet?
>she takes her pants off for the highest rating
What did Her mean by this?
she wants (you) to take Her
You know exactly what she meant user.
God I love this dub
Except Gogol's girlfriend.
Why does this remind me of Shadman?
What are the voice lines saying when you fuck up and get a low rank, I didn't hear it often enough to tell.
Convince me to buy this game
I hate twin stick games but I liked Furi and REALLY like played-straight cyberpunk.
one of them says "This is painful to watch. Try again"
If you're on the fence why not pirate it first, there's a magnet link floating around somewhere. If you want to play things by the book then Steam refunds are a thing if you want a two hour demo.
I mean on the results screen where you see what rank you got for the area.
oh, i dont know
Is the girl wearing a brand of sacrifice button?
Or are my eyes messing with me
along with
>akira pill
and in another artwork/angle in-game
>aphex twin
idk, they always cut off early for me. sometimes she says "shit happens, puppy" but dont know about the rest.
would you..
Still don't know what she gives you.
Anyone used the reflex booster? I could be wrong but it seems kind of redundant to me since I found slowmo only really useful for dodging and you already get slowmo for avoiding damage anyway when you go into planned dash mode.
c-can you fuck her
You sound like you don't know many artists
it's overpowered
I love it. I hope this game sells well. And I hope some outlets shill for it 15% of what they're doing for cuphead.
this game is pretty fucking amazing.
Only skills you need are max dash and bullet time.
does anyone know what is said during the QTE´s? its chinese, but i cant hear what is said.
You do know the OP is suppose to be where you choose some part of the game to discuss, if you throw in the game and demand discussion it's no different than wanting to make a general.
Shit thread.
the herp
no she doesnt
I doubt anyone here speaks mandarin or cantonese
seems to have worked fine
shit post, faggot
Anyone know anything about the physical release?
>he's so new that he doesn't know the two week rule!
an user can hope.
No. It's a fucking disgrace that no one has drawn porn of Her yet.
comes out in october with a statue of the mc
I just started and did first level, every weapon except for pipe and shotgun feels like shit.