It's time to discuss the best RPG ever

It's time to discuss the best RPG ever

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That ain't my favorite RPG.

That's not the Witcher 3

wtf is that guys problem?

Fallout 4 thread?

Gothic 3 nice!

Okay. Let's go.

He felt like his parents didn't understand him so he started listening to black metal and worshipping Beliar.

That's not Skyrim.

Heal sluts has to go

We already have threads about this, see:

That's not Divinity: Original Sin 2 by Larian Studios


What's this image trying to convey? It felt as if I was much more vulnerable and flimsy in G1 than G2.

2 has crits which results in being clubbed to death, personally I thought the only hard part of G1 was fighting Orcs for the first time at the cemetery without magic.

I was a Gothicfag for a long time, but Morrowind is the better game, solely because of mods and the way you can replay it. Gothic is only about the main story which is basically divided into three slightly different paths. When you think about ES and Gothic had really different approaches to envisioning what a RPG should be. Seems like they will go the same way with Elex. I heard they even reacquired the Gothic license, a man can hope.

>Gothic is about the main story

Gothic was never about the main story. It's about world design, atmosphere, exploration, and insane amount of content density

To a certain extent, but you could say the same thing about Morrowind. Maybe content density is where Gothic shines, but it already is smaller. What I was trying to say is that Gothic puts you more into predefined roles in the universe, while Morrowind lets you do bullshit stuff without ever caring about the main story. The way that Gothic progresses in chapters, with creatures not respawning outside of chapter resets is a clear sign of that. I love how the world changes "through" the story and chapter, but on the other hands it limits autistic roleplaying that you can pull of in Morrowind. Especially modded Morrowind.

>It felt as if I was much more vulnerable and flimsy in G1 than G2.
You're either nostalgia fagging over 1 or just don't remember it well at all. In G1 you basically have around 4 tiers of armor each of which basically renders you nigh invulnerable to 99% of the enemies of you level. G2 on the other hand has much better thought out balance that doesn't boil down to meeting defense thresholds

this. saying that morrowind or G2 are better than one another is blasphemy, they have a very different approach to the RPG genre. however, they're a lot better than the later entries to both series

Valine will never come back and release episode 3.

I haven't played in quite some time, but I remember that in the beginning of G1 you couldn't take on anything tougher than a scavenger at first, and also various shit like you had to learn to hold a one-handed weapon with one hand instead of two and performing awkward swings, whereas you had this skill in 2 from the start. While in G2 you could quite easily dispatch packs of field raiders and goblins from the get-go. Also orcs seemed way tougher in 1 than 2. You needed to be about lvl 20 to beat an Orc instead of about 10 like in G2.

When lad, that might have been true in vanilla G2, it sure as hell isn't in NOTR. And I'm not even sure about vanilla either, everything that is not a young wolf or a normal goblin was the bane of your existence for the first few levels.

he's right about the roaches though, they are easy XP at the start because they come alone and don't have much HP.

Field raiders? I die to those pretty easily. Might be that I just suck.

>spend hours downloading fixes in order for game to run on my machine
>shitloads of boring build up 'your the hero' talk
>can barely understand controls to get out of start crypt
>get overkilled by wolf just outside

yeah fuck this game


the chicken method is back step, back step while they charge, attack once, back step again and so on.

This post makes you out to be very incompetent, my man

Thanks for making this for me a year back

You don't know about it?

Story telling and progression is really good though.

Is this the Sup Forums version of Sakurafish?

truly the dark souls of RPGs

But Dark Souls is the Gothic of RPGs which is the Severance of RPGs which is the King's field of RPGs

You're not the game's target audience, so try games like CoD or Skyrim since you're their target audience

>truly the dark souls of RPGs
you called?

They're all Final Fantasy clones anyway

Thats not KoTOR

I've played NOTR, and he's right. Goblins, scavengers, bloodflies, young wolves and field raiders are easy.

Gothic 2 unironically is a mix of Skyrim and Dark Souls but 10 years before they both came out.

good game

How's elex?

Dark Souls looks like shit in your PC

So he watched the rape for an hour? Fucking pig

haha nice meme friend, can i save it xD?

That does not appear to be "Deus Ex" (2000)

what a shame

So do you think they pull of something good with Elex or will it be shit? I'm worried about the jetpack thingy, will the way to play it just be to pull a mob, hover up and shoot it? Do you think there will ever be another Gothic since they have the license back. (it could just take place in the Gothic universe and not be about the nameless hero).

So I keep seeing your fucking Gothic 2 shill threads and it interested me.
Is it worth playing the first one first or is 2 the only worthwhile one?

Totally worth it because there are reappearing characters and locations and it will be much more enjoyable if you play the first one first.

Thank you for making fun of my childhood game

Reminder that ELEX 2 is already in development

it hurts

Not a bad thing, if I remember right G2 was made in something like eight months?

If Elex is anything like Risen 1 I'll have a blast.


>one giant open world again like Gothic 2/3/Risen1
>typical faction system
>world is bigger than Gothic 3 but as dense as Gothic 2 when it comes to content
>combat is only a slightly upgrade from Risen 3's combat with humanoid enemies being easy to exploit and cheese

I think this was in the city of Utrecht, people started noticing necro-gay-duckrape after it became forbidden to feed the ducks and the ducks got bored apparently.

how haven't I heard of this before? looks great

>enemies being easy to exploit and cheese
This is every game they've made though.

Necro Duckrape sounds like a bandname