Hat in Time is a day away from release

>Hat in Time is a day away from release
>gaming journalists are just now trying to tie the game to the alt-right because of Jontron

Why do this so close to release when they had months to address the issue?

Other urls found in this thread:


Still a shit game.


> shitty Unity platformer
> muh random youtuber for 12yo
> muh alt-right and Sup Forums shit

Yooka-Laylee is back baby.

I see, so we're gonna get a "what if Playtonic didn't say anything" scenario with Gears for Breakfast.

What is with these dickless nonces trying to essentially run Jon out of town. He said some dumb shit? So does every glorified blogger at your average gaming news outlet but I don't see the pitchforks out for those guys.

>shitty Unity platformer
Have you played it already?

Because AHiT went under most people's radars until just recently?
If it isn't a hot topic, people won't care.
Now before this thread devolves into shit,
someone post the goods.
You know what I'm talking about, you faggots.

Its not using unity.

Not him, I played the Alpha and Beta

The guy’s retarded, it’s made in Unreal 3

One can hope...


Be a good way to handle it, will only piss off the libtard journalists even more.

>Muh Sup Forums
consider suicide nigger

looks fun and i'm planning to buy it.

>Look it up
>First result is neogaf

I don't like jontron, but that was probably done a long time ago. You can't expect the developers to go out of their way to remove something from their product. Keep him out of future projects, but it isn't that big of a problem that he remains where he already was, even if he's a nazi.

Because maybe NeoGAF is insanely biased and wanted to tank the game when they had no time to change it, if they even could

Yeah he said some dum shit, but he also said a lot of truth that people don't want to hear

>he also said a lot of truth that people don't want to hear
He said next to nothing truthful

>some truth

It don't matter, the game has been shaping up to be shit ever since day 1, the developer has made no effort to improve the game both from a mechanical and from a level design standpoint, and instead of doing final touchups they instead decided to sell the game based on pedophilia temptations. This is just the game journalists taking the piss out of it.

>Thread discussing Jon is 30+ pages
>Thread discussing the game is 2 pages
Really jogs the noggin.

Played the Alpha and Beta as well and I gotta say there doesn't seem to be any real changes to Mafia Town's layout, it's the same jumbled ass mess that it was years ago.

Jontron did nothing wrong.

Jesus fuck, no wonder Playtonic had to take an initiative.

We really are in a "what if Jack Thompson won" timeline, but with far-leftists instead.


because it wasnt a case of someone saying something in the heat of the moment and later apologizing for saying some stupid shit as is the case most of the time when a celebrity does something like this. No, Jon doubled down and said he stood by the statements he had made for the most part. And it would seem those are really his views and thats perfectly fine, he is welcome to voice them any time he wants to. Just dont try and pretend Jon didnt make the bed he is currently laying in

>yooka shitlee removes jontron
>ends up being mediocre
>hat in time keeps jontron
>ends up being great
Is jontron a seal of quality?

I wonder how people would react if a hat in time was to actually outsell yooka-laylee somehow.
I have a hard time seeing it ever happen, but I really do wonder how people would react if it did.

He shouldn't have accepted the debate. He was unprepared for it from the start.

>Jontron did nothing wrong.

Motherfucker did everything wrong. Made himself look like a retard with exceedingly shit arguments in the 'debate' he agreed to

>people who get offended when i say hitler did nothing wrong are just brainwashed sheep unlike me

After Yooka-Laylee i think I've given up on a platforming collect-a-thon revival. Maybe the genre always sucked and I was just an autistic kid.

Back to neogaf

PDP blurting out Nigger is saying something dumb, JonTron spent an hour and a half parroting enthno-nationalist talking points, and doubling down on them when given a chance to go back on them.

We are people acting like Jon personally went to their house and raped their cat? They're just fucking words. There were no actions. It's clear the only route for him to gain popularity is to become a tranny that way people who talk shit about the game will be labeled as transphobes.

>He said some dumb shit?

Like the other user said, he didn't back down from his retarded arguments and just went all in on that shit.

Can somebody post this "infamous" Jontron video? I need to see it before I form an opinion on all this bullshit.

that debate was so god damned cringy. Jon never should have agreed to it because it is obvious he is not used to actually defending his views. Unless you were predisposed to agree with Jon he came off looking like an absolute retard

I hope so. I might actually support the devs and get the game just for standing by the guy. I don't understand how Playonic could've made such a bad call. They looked like SJW babbys and I'm pretty sure it contributed to low ass sales.

So what exactly did Jon do right in that debate?

Did YL sell that well?

And he subsequently apologized.

To be fair the guy pewdiepie called a nigger absolutely was playing like a fucking nigger.

If only this site had some sort of board dedicated to politics.

but, Yooka-Laylee was bad. Comfy platforming and collecting in cutesy cartoon worlds will always be something I'm interested in, if done well.

just search "JonTron debate" into youtube, it should be the first result. It's like 2 hours though.

Take it from me, don't even bother messing with e-celeb drama.

It's still a shit Unity game. Whether or not some literally who white supremacist is voicing a character doesn't change that.

>White supremacist
This doesn't add up?

>3.3mil subscribers
>Last video has 2.5mil views in 3 days
Wow, the media's boycott sure is in full effect.

Besides Banjo Kazooie/Tooie, DK64 and Yooka Laylee what games even fit into the collect-a-thon subgenre?

who the fuck cares. He could have literally said "i hate niggers" and I wouldn't give a shit that he voices some nobody character in this game. I ain't buying it because I want to hear my favorite youtuber jontron's faggy voice in the game.

>waaah muh ebin pol meanies!
take your hurt fee fees back to neogaf or reddit.

>And he subsequently apologized.
You mean that half-assed non-apology that was barely up publicly on Youtube that he eventually took down?

What did they mean by this?

If only this site had some sort of board dedicated to video games. Oh wait, it does.

That'd mean more if he actually was still actively pursuing his arguments instead of dropping it altogether unlike others who constantly inject their beliefs into everything they do

Yeah because you can compare a fascist sociopath that killed hundreds of thousands to a youtube celebrity that said racist shit when cornered by left media.
you're an imbecile.

They care about the game and not putting any politics into it, which is fine by me. I won't consider someone a racist just because they won't take out work from a contractor who was already paid or talk about it. It really does not matter

I believe the 3D Mario games can count as collectathons. Also there's the Spyro games, the Jak+Daxter, Ratchet+Clank I think. There's collectathons still, their just rare since making a good one is difficult.

he is right you libtards back to neogaf

not an argument

See, this is why no one takes people like you seriously.
You're never satisfied, so why bother catering to you?

2012fags plz go. You're not oldfags like you think you are

Apologising would have done nothing but show mercy to those fickle limp wristed cunts, that never works, give them an inch and they take a mile.
What he did took balls that many people in his position seem to be lacking these days. If speaking how he really feels gets him ostracized then that says more about the sorry state of the industry than him.

He isn’t, retard. Stream your suicide.


True, the media world turning into a massive clickbait-monster that has chosen its demons is still the bigger problem here. I'd just rather know how accurate anybody's criticism of JT's words are.

Thats the correct response.
Never apologize to extremists, you let them scream into a corner and do nothing until they find the next big thing to be outraged about.

>Unity game
No its not you fucking moron


I think you replied to the wrong post bucko

>game doesn't pull a Yooka-Laylee
>because of that we'll wait till the last minute
>post "scathing" politically-charged article with the intent to drive away easily manipulated people
>thus lowering sales of game that is ~clearly~ supporting racism

Yeah I guess collectathons are usually rare.

>is a white nationalist
>is Iranian

Jon is just a fucking moron.

Could a mod delete this thread? Or move it to Sup Forums.

I love faggots in this thread.

> I-It's not an Unity game!!!

That's fucking right you mongoloids, even an Unity asset flip project looks better than this loli shit game for pedo virgins.

I guess I never thought of the 3D Mario games or Spyro as collect-a-thons, but you are right.


Yes, it's all those dirty non-racists that are extremists!

>What he did took balls that many people in his position seem to be lacking these days
it did take balls to say what he said, that doesnt make it any less utterly retarded. Did you even watch the "debate"? You may agree with Jon's general positions but he looked and sounded like an idiot when the cards were on the table.

>If speaking how he really feels gets him ostracized then that says more about the sorry state of the industry than him.
I cant think of any industry that Jon would have done well in by spouting poorly constructed ultra-nationalist and blatantly intentionally racist shit. I guess except for blogger Alex Jones's website

>hat in time is by all accounts a great game
So since the alt left's hope of just letting a shit game be forgotten they're going to go full bore trying to attack it.

>Why do this so close to release when they had months to address the issue?
they tried ignoring it so it wouldn't get no sales

that failed

time to go nuclear


Who gives a fuck about Jon. What people should really be caring about is this game is garbage and the creator is blackmailing thief.

It's about a video game.
If you don't want to discuss it then how about just ignore the thread?

>Say Irish and Italians were always considered white
>Say the courts don't have a bias in favor of white people
>Is Iranian but got offended when he was told he wasn't white
>“We’ve gotten rid of discrimination in our Western countries,”
>The people who call you out are the extremists

>blatantly intentionally racist
not him but nothing here sounds racist.


Rate my circa 2017 spineless omega cuck journalist headline.

>Being this ass blasted you got called out for being wrong

3D Mario games hit a great balance, and Odyssey is looking to be fantastic so far.

Yooka just failed to improve and innovate new ideas, or even stand on its own charm like Banjo did.

>Making it you mission to defund and deplatform someone for words doesnt make you an extremist


>creator is a blackmailing thief
do tell

Game looks fun to me, planning to get


>presentation is more important than facts

typical libtard

What exactly did Jon even say that made people upset? Cliff notes version? I really don't want to watch a 2 hour debate. Preferably with context if you can.

>>Say Irish and Italians were always considered white
Irish and Italians don't need defending though, one managed to sneak their way up to the upper echelon of government and banking and the other ran Chicago, New York, San Francisco and other cities for half a century.

Most likely a nigger posting. See, these guys are bred from the cradle to think they are persecuted more than anyone else. What they don't seem to understand is that there are mean people. Those same mean people who would call a white person a fucking moron would call a black person a fucking nigger with the exact same intent. Yet everyone flips out because the second sentence is racist and we won't tolerate racism !! even though both example carries the same spite.
It's all in their head. But nowadays with all those white people coming out saying that everyone that is not white straight male is being persecuted by them, they're fucking all in. It's just like their parents told them: white people target blacks on purpose because they are blacks. Then it takes only one fuck up that doesn't take in consideration what I've just stated, and Jon is now Hitler. He didn't even -apologize adequately- so they could shit on him even more. He deserves death and failure for his opinions he keeps to himself until pressed by an extremist political agenda.
Then they think people are too stupid to realize all that bs and wonder why people voted Trump.

Hating Sup Forums is like yelling "shoot me i am tumblr"
Its a trend that started this year and i think its because of leftypol tardds who infested this place ... could also be ... you know who.

Um, using facts and evidence is racist, sweety.