>Gameplay should be irrelevant.
How long until games will become shitty movies or "modern art"?
Gameplay should be irrelevant
Other urls found in this thread:
Some time ago Rock, Paper, Shotgun posted an article in which they say that games should have a "skip boss" button.
Basically game journos want game to have either no gameplay or that it should be completely skippable.
And it all started with some idiot that couldn't get past Cuphead tutorial.
What the fuck is the point of playing a game if you don't want to actually play the game? Are they gonna get rid of visuals from films as well?
They just want to write about movies (and their special snowflake opinion about it), but Hollywood is not pumping movies out fast enough.
>How long until games will become shitty movies or "modern art"?
Were you living under a rock for years?
unfortunately gameplay is already irrelevant
just look at the most popular western "games"
This. It's already happened, at least with mainstream Western AAA games.
Mein führer
>posting some flip flopping faggot from Twitter
Fuck off.
japs truly are the last hope of video games
Dumbass that quotes Sup Forums as a source.
Most journos have hit "tired gamer syndrome" like most people do when they get in their later twenties or older, but because their career is playing video games they can't just find anew hobby like normal people and instead want to make games more like movies.
>Sup Forums defends this
In case you needed any more proof this place has been colonized by neogaf.
>Some time ago
two days ago, your screencap even has the date in it.
>Japanese development tends to treat games more like they're... well... games.
What's the problem here.
No most are useless hacks who could only find a job doing game journalism and are either completely spiteful of the success developers have or just to damn retarded.
I hope more of them keep outing themselves as being cancer to slowly weed out the problems.
It blows my mind that people like this never just look up a longplay of the game in question on YouTube.
there are already plenty of good examples of art/storytelling in video games, the media just covers trash like Gone Homo
They envisage a future where games are another medium to push ideologies. Gameplay makes that both less accessible to players and harder to make for ''''devs'''''. And as a side-effect of course, they'll actually be able to play the game without being humiliated for lack of skill.
This could be the work of someone like this (pic related)
>What's the problem here.
The number one focus in games should be diversity. That's what people want.
>Game journos cock sucker turned gamergater cock sucker
At least, find a respectable twitter faggot to quote
The idea of "Developers and reviewers hating video games" goes back to even before mass effect3
Twitter drama threads should be a bannable offense
It's here if anyone wants to read it without giving admoney to such a horrible piece of shit:
>those comments
The videogame industry won't collapse and give birth to a second renaissance. It will bow to the whims of asshats that don't want gameplay, effectively turning games into "interactive" movies eventually however we will see a resurgence of gameplay when it becomes "novel" again. This is all just one massive fashion trend.
>video games as an artform
God artfags are the worst.
He seems to think 3D games NEED to be cinematic experiences
>hating anitta
Gaming journalists hate difficult games because they require you to do something gaming journalists aren't capable of: learn from mistakes.
How come japanese RPGs are so much more convoluted with shitty dialogues and cutscenes while having primitive grinding gameplay?
Ian Miles Cheong is the dumbest motherfucker on twitter who does nothing but score own goals and make liberals look good by consistently having the dumbest take on any given subject. I refuse to believe he has any followers other than people who just want to keep track on him for laughs, but then again GG kiddies aren't the brightest.
He literally sits on Sup Forums hitting F5 and then uses that as a source for his articles, then has the audacity to criticize other journalists.
>watch naked and afraid
>there's always that one cunt
Feminism taught women that they are inferior to men.
I waited until it was 15$ so I guess I lucked out
still havent played it though
The problem is it's so fucking forced.
When you set out to create art, you've already failed.
>"replayability" (another shunned term)
>and "gameplay" that made gaming skill-dependent
And re-playability and skill dependency can't lend itself towards art or what?
Fuck those. Tetris is more art than anything they'll ever make. Within or outside of videogames.
I'm honestly shocked Ian managed to turn around, he was absolutely crazy 2-3 years ago
In other words let us "play" said game, write about it and get paid for what would end up being the equivalent of watching a playthrough on youtube.
The Playstation library already is for the most part
Western devs need to realize that they don't control a majority of a person's experience with a game. They don't control who they're sitting next to, who they talk about it with, their life situation, their genre preferences and biases going in, etc. Even the most railroaded, no-gameplay "experience" is going to be colored by personal factors outside of their control. The best you can do to facilitate this is make a game with a good ruleset that's fun to interact with. The "experience" will naturally emerge from there.
Didn't he used to be a super duper "all republicans deserve to die" type shitlib a few years ago?
>How long until games will become shitty movies or "modern art"?
This is actually the opposite of what's happening. The dull "journalists" may be dragging games back by trying to turn them into movies or even books, but the truth is that a whole breed of early critics is cropping up all over the Internet, each of whom easily puts all
these buyer's guide copywriters to shame. It may not be obvious, but gaming journalists are a dying breed.
This user gets it. To make this happen, they want to drive out "gamers" themselves.
Modern feminism IS a case of inferiority complex turned into a social movement
They should actually implement this and put a baby pic next to your game file if you play on easy or skip bosses. Also lock you out of best ending and such like some games do
Isn't AC Origins new mode just a Museum mode and not a "Like playing the game but with no combat" mode?
I forgot about this happening
>Involve ideas for Mirror's Edge 2
Considering how shitty the characters are and how forgettable the game was, I can believe it.
>How long until games will become shitty movies or "modern art"?
Ey some nerdos are into shitty interactive movies. So whatever. As long as they admit as to what they are really into i aint give no fucks about others being into shit i aint. And hell instead of whining about game jurnos shit why not just self moderate yalls immature asses and after stating displeasure just ignore that shit and dig past the mainstream to find shit to enjoy. Ya lazy fuck boys.
Fuck off NeoGAF, stop shibbolething
>Walking simulator meme is going to legitimately become a thing because of the cancer known as journalism
I suppose it's just because RPGs are inherently reliant on their writing. There are few that are gameplay-driven, even if there are many that obviously put a lot of effort into the gameplay.
Too bad people can and will vote with their wallets. All the big companies have been beyond redemption for years and I don't feel like I've lost a thing. There are many smaller studios and indie devs and of course the Japs making good shit.
>replayability hurts art
Fuck, music isn't art anymore, apparently.
I'll say it again, any attempts at making video games "less video gamey", or "more accessible" is propaganda aimed at diminishing the art status of video games and turn them into mindless entertainment products.
Art is elitist and exclusive as consequence of being art.
How long?
Years ago.
this guy is insane and attention seeking
I am seriously so angry at where video game industry is going now. I can't even rant to my friends about it because they think it's fine and would make me look like a total asshole
Vidya is one the only few things in life I might enjoy in some form but even that is getting crushed little by little
Yes, but asian lefties are the first to be crucified after all the white male trailer trash are destroyed and sometimes they realize it and back off.
>There are many smaller studios and indie devs and of course the Japs making good shit.
Indie devs are all full SJW and Japan is starting to get pozzed too (Persona 5). It's over for all.
E-celeb discussion and twitter gossip should be their own board
I actually do agree with user
More people are turning to lets players with early access or just in general in order to make a decision on whether to buy a game and looking less at reviews
First there was the doom gameplay now we have cuphead tutorial, its only a matter of time before game journos and reviews become irrelevant due to the fact games arent art
>boss fights are my least favorite parts of the Souls games
What the fuck? So what does this faggot like about them then? Souls, like DMC is just some filler levels to get to the actual interesting parts, ie: the bosses.
>goobergate tries to stay relevant
>it's late 2017
Jesus Christ, that's just sad.
RPG gameplay is more than combat number simulators. Part of the appeal of DQ for me is talking to NPCs to get directions and secrets and the act of exploring itself is fun.
I work with Ian at DC
give me questions to ask him and I'll throw paperballs at him
Kill yiurself neo-gamer.
>last guardian
>that other limbo game
we already have modern art shit
They actually used to have a soul unlike now.
Problem is that JRPGs don't have good gameplay nor do they have good story. Most of them are shounen-tier level of writing. Which is hilarious when people praise FFVI/VII stories as god's gift to this earth.
The article is biased as fuck. Espcially when he starts naming companies that make shallow as fuck games like platinum or nintendo. Good example being Mario Rabbits being a shallow and repetitive experience of something that already exists. But it's okay because nintendo does it.
>oh sweet a game journalist who spends every waking moment crying about liberals on twitter how BASED can you get??
>goobergate tries to stay relevant
"I survived gamergate" is a fucking platform for someone's congressional run you goofy fuck, they don't have to /try/ to stay relevant when games "journalists" make a mockery of themselves on a daily basis.
>"cinematic" is too difficult to spell, so I skipped it like a bossfight
You don't really expect me to take Ian Miles Cheong, of all people, by his word, do you?
How is Persona 5 SJW?
And seriously, this thread is about gameplay and how retards think games are just another type of movie, not muh es jay dubya.
Japs are our last hope for everything
I know, that's why I said many of them obviously do put a lot of effort into the gameplay aspect, but they just tend to have a lot of story as well because it goes with the genre in most cases.
Why does he have the last name of a communist nip?
Why are you acting like running for congress gives somebody any kind of legitimacy? Literally anyone can run for congress.
Yes. It has nothing to do with playing the story unchallenged, it's just to give you the ability to explore the map with no interruptions. The guy is just using it as an thin excuse to repeat an idea he wrote about several years ago.
True, but he used to be a SJW until he said one wrongthink and they roasted him hard. The greatest anti-SJW fuel is SJW's.
video games became 60$ movies, i hate how this is never going away because money
if you don't want a challenge of sorts then go watch a movie you dipshits
>le strawmen green text maymay mommy look I came directly from reddit mommy look at me mommy M-MOMMY! ME WANT MILKIES NOW MOMMY! GIVE BABY MILKIES RIGHT NOW MOMMY BABY HUNGRY!!!! *suck suck suck* *SLUUUUUUURP* *squeeze* *drip drip drip* *BUUUUUUURRRRRRRP* mmm yummy nummy milkies in baby's tummy tum-tum!!!
>Sup Forums is one person
The funny part is that as a kid I thought cutscenes were the most important thing in the world and skipping them was literally a sin, literally--an affrint to all that is human. Now that I'm a married man with kids, I skip the cutscenes if I could and don't play games where I couldn't. Because those cutscenes not only take time away from the actually unique aspect of the art form--gameplay--but also are so fucking stupid that I feel second-hand shame from watching even parts of them.
>people don't play videogames to play videogames
The most popular Western game right now is Player Unknown's Battleground. Regardless of your opinion on the game itself, multiplayer games like this are "pure gameplay".
Fucking this. J"RPG"s are a fucking cancer that is only praises because it's from Japan.
There's a reason I dropped shitendo and easternshit: it's all shallow garbage widely hated by actual smart people.
Rekt that neogafer like the cuck he is kek
Ah, I see you are a man of good taste as well.