ITT: memes that are no longer relevant

>Japanese devs are better than western devs!

ITT: Games that were never relevant

so what you're saying is that it stopped being relevant as a meme and became fact right?

>western devs are only good when they try copying japanese devs

Post precious child

ITT: a virgin dev shills his shit game in desperate attempt

>*plays Zelda Scrolls Skyrim*

A boy falls in love with a girl.

Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.

hecking kill yourself OP

why do western devs are so good at making 3d plataformers?

It's not a meme, and this game is a shining example of that.

Kill yourself

*buys sonic forces*


Why do I think of rule34 porn everytime I see that picture?

I remember this synopsis. Which manga is it from?

I think it's some old Sup Forums copy pasta

it's kind of sad that none of the relevant youtubers are latching onto this either

One flaw of this game is the beginning of the mafia level. The girl runs away from you but you can easily catch her but still need to wait until she reaches a point to trigger the event. Still gives me bugs bunny time machine game vibes and I loved the game.

Am I too autistic?

Ah, I’ve been as they say : “Memed”

Name single good western game, because I have yet to play one.

Black Knight 2000

Why is this game being shilled so much here?

another flaw is that if you jump in the rowing boats at the docks, they'll sink slightly and the water clips through and fills them

another one is that one mario pipe in the wall which you can jump in but can't enter, it's just a black texture wall

then there's tons of unfinished looking shit, like the character being completely dark when you pick up and item in some spots at night

it's the dev spamming this shit

cuphead threads are also spammed by some mentally ill lunatic

Help, I'm being marketed to

what really? Thank you user, now I am waiting a little bit before buying it. Maybe I will pirate and look how it is and if I can overlook the flaws like in botw then I will uninstall and buy it.


it 100% is not finished, it's pretty undeniable, it's full of all sorts of weird clipping and lighting, I'm guessing they've run out of money and have to release it

you can also notice how unfinished it is in the barrel throwing mafia boss, who starts spamming the same ''you can jump!?'' sentence over and over again.

Yeah figured, that´s why I am waiting. If the game sells well they will release some patches.

Bubsy 3D

Mr Bones


on the positive side it's probably full of exploits suitable for speedrunning, apparently there's already discoveries like getting to places where you aren't supposed to without same late game hats and skipping some mission

when this games comes out and is bad (its made by mecha so it will be), I want you to say sorry for making all these threads

that´s great for people who like to speedrun, but for me speedrunning is only interesting, when there is an achievment behind it.

Otherwise I just want to play it like it is supposed to. I remember how fucking buggy pc games always were by me years ago. I beat DA:O and you talk in the end with every character, suddenly the character I killed is there talks to me but without any model.

Give me the rundown on mecha. Wasn't he the dude making all that TF2 inflation porn?


>prepare for lewds

Sup Forums NO

>Japanese devs are better than western devs!


This cute fucking face irritates me to no end for some reason



it's yooka laylee tier in polish except with better controls and camera

however this will not get the shat on like yooka laylee did because people aren't expecting nearly as much from this as yooka laylee, which was huge news and was supposed to make 3D platformers great again and all that shit

that pipe w/ a black texture is actually a portal/warp to a mario sunshine fluddless-like level. Definitely dont think its conveyed that well, but climbing in there does warrant a nice surprise. While i agree that the game does look unfinished, im sure theres tons on the surface level that we haven't actually scratched until it's out. if my $30 feels wasted ill just refund and pirate.

t. jealous sheboon

well it glitched out for me or something because it was just a wall to me

I'm a guy btw
