>play an hour
>goto sleep
>play an hour
>goto sleep
How do you play videogames with crippling depression?
>play an hour
>goto sleep
>play an hour
>goto sleep
How do you play videogames with crippling depression?
Other urls found in this thread:
You don't. Like the #1 symptom of depression is "no longer enjoying activities that used to bring you joy". You should work on fixing that depression. Talk to your doctor about how you feel during your next physical checkup, and they'll recommend some local therapists to talk to, maybe even prescribe some drugs.
t. just did this
play good vidya
I killed myself two weeks ago.
You clearly enjoy video games or you wouldn't be playing them. Stop feeding into the depression meme and get stronger. stop sleeping and play vidya 24/7
Not OP but therapists did nothing for me. Video games are my only salvation.
you need to find whatever is so enjoyable it cures your depression
I cant, i lose motivation, or get a headache, even if I like the game.
Try drugs.
Do something extreme. Make them remember you.
>he fell for the neet meme
And drugs made me worse but having a therapist to talk to helped me immensely, led to me being more open and honest with my wife, and reconciling with my mother who I hadn't spoken to in a decade. Different people are different, but it's worth trying both because chances are ONE is going to help you. If neither helps you, then you're either just being stubborn or it's time to swallow a bullet.
>I lose motivation
>I get a headache
Are you fucking serious?
Man up. Be happy.
Just be yourself
What exactly are you depressed about, anonymous poster?
There is nothing you can do, man. I had exactly the same. I tried using vidya as a distraction, but it just didn't work as well as I wanted.
Seek professional help, user. They helped me, they could help you too.
Dear OP
If you are playing life on easy mode (have enough money to eat at least 3 meals per day) then I suggest you seek help from a therapist so you can stop being so bored.
It also helps to do new things. You will become depressed if you do the exact same thing every day, this means leaving your comfort zone and doing something you typically have never done before.
Boredom is caused from a lack of schedule and poor sense of time, give yourself a bed time and stick to it, and wake up at the same time every day and do not sleep outside of those times.
If you are playing life on medium-hard mode:
I suggest staying strong and creating art to keep yourself going.
>maybe even prescribe some drugs.
Stay the fuck away from this.
your life is already fucked, don't make it worse.
Try killing yourself, I hear that works.
Finally, just make sure you feel like you aren't under anyones control. Do not restrain yourself because you are afraid, do things that you are afraid of doing and be yourself.
It helps some people, makes other people worse. A girl I know owes her sanity to drugs, whereas I was prescribed Wellbutrin and dropped it within 2 weeks thanks to insane and scary side effects.
I wouldn't suggest avoiding drugs out of some blind paranoia, but try a dose of something and see how you react. If it goes poorly, drop it. If it goes well, congrats.
I don't have a reaction image to sum up how I feel about this image
Seek help faggot. Therapy didn't help me but it gave me the push I needed to help myself
If you're going to have such an irregular sleep cycle, why not try the Uberman Sleep Cycle. Sleep for 20 minute intervals and stay awake for 4 hours.
what if, in the end, I discover that truly no one could help me, not even myself?
I think such a revelation would end me
You gotta play all day so you forget about your problems
I've a job.
who the fuck sleeps throughout the day? The day is where shit happens. If you take naps you're a fucking beta.
So you're saying that if therapy can't help then I should kill myself?
Had that with welbutrin, wasn't good. Celexa and prozac based stuff worked better but I felt like I was spinning my wheels and just putting a new dependency into my life. Cycled off, not smoking and or drinking everyday, emotionally cathartic concert, then a good night with friends on mdma and I've been feeling way better, self hating less enthusiastically.
Tldr welbutrin a shit
This is the kind of shit that 15 years old use to brag to everyone about how fucking enlightened they are.
It's like being introvert, being an atheist, being an INTJ, or being sapiosexual.
You won't find that. This meme that "drugs make you not you anymore" is unhealthy, I have no idea how I got better. I just did after being depressed and suicidal for years
Get a waifu OP
People who have long breaks. If you have one hour break you can eat before it even starts and then take an hour-long nap.
Shit is awesome and you don't feel like a used towel at 3PM.
schoolkids and neets need not apply
he's wrong. A chemical imbalance IS a physical disease and the depression is a manifestation of that. He's talking out of his old wrinkly ass.
>Profile picture
Good thing we're on Sup Forums
How painful is to jump under a train? I feel it would be a pretty fast death, right?
if you feel worn out from a regular day at work after a decent nights sleep you need to adjust your diet or lifestyle. If you don't have enough energy to get through a day without sleeping you're doing something wrong.
don't give up
>muh chemical imbalance
Total meme spouted by people who have no idea what they're talking about so they parrot this utterly meaningless phrase.
That girl is still crazy. There's no such thing as drugs that make a person mentally healthy
Yeah but you also ruin somebody else's life in the process. Don't be a fucking fanny. Killing yourself is completely pointless.
he's saying that if you don't wanna get helped, then you definitely should kill yourself because you're postponing the inevitable, which is your life ending full of regrets and pain and nobody else to blame but yourself
then you wish you'd have killed yourself
or gotten help. It's never too late because you're the one who decides. Everyone is worthy of redemption, nobody needs to suffer so much
>take a nap
>feel like complete shit
Shit just aint for me.
At least show some courtesy to the occupants m8, no one needs to that on the way to work.
Exercise more
Become a full on narcissist, American Psycho style
Literally just work out, all day, every day. You might feel like an exhausted pile of shit, but don't you already? Do it because you have nothing else going on
And so is leaving. Anyway, I don't think I'd do it before my mother dies. Soon.
>in the end, I discover that truly no one could help me, not even myself?
been through this myself.
I just said fuck it, and start climbing upward out of the hole myself.
It also help that I was watching Fight Club at the time.
>You might feel like an exhausted pile of shit, but don't you already?
Fuck, you're so right.
Fix your sleeping pattern, that shit is really unhealthy.
This. People always talk about naps like they're amazing but I just feel groggy and confused after.
Chemical imbalances are real actual physiological processes in your body that can cause depression, so he's mostly wrong.
I do think it's fucking dumb that we call alcoholism a disease though. I didn't catch a disease, I just drink a lot.
This. I used to work a job that had me switching from days to nights every other week, I unironically wanted to kill myself after a year.
LITERALLY just spoke with my doctor 8 days ago about all this shit. Some forms of depression are objectively caused by chemical imbalances in the brain, which is a real thing 100% supported by science and remedies by prescribing drugs to correct this imbalance.
But please, tell us more about your medical degree, kid.
>play game
>find out that I missed some optional stuff
>have to go back to save that I made two hours eariler
>never play game again
Fuck me.
get a juicer and do a 7 day juice fasr
You have an even greater chance of just being horribly dismembered/disfigured and spending hours/days/weeks/months/years in horrific unimaginable agony.
I did a frightening amount of suicide research and I came to the conclusion that the quickest, most successful, least painful way to kill yourself is a high-caliber bullet to the brainstem.
this, my wife naps and wakes up feeling great, i nap and feel like i have the fucking flu...
Just drop your perfectionism attitude. Get it on a future playthrough. Let go.
I think I read some study that found 90 minutes is the optimal nap length to wake up feeling refreshed. Any shorter and you didn't really get any quality rest, any longer and your body is pissed it had to wake up because it thought you wanted to sleep.
>number of Americunts on antidepressants has almost doubled from 1999 to 2012 and it's probably even higher now
>global depression drug market estimated to be worth over $16 billion by 2020
>"it's a chemical imbalance muh doctah told me!!"
You need to go outside. Playing vidya all day will make your life feel even less meaningful and your depression will only aggravate.
Spot a quiet area nearby, fill your phone with music you enjoy and go for a walk. Empty your mind and observe the world around you.
That worked for me.
But... the sun is so damn bright... and hot...
>play an hour
>goto sleep
brah you have sleep apnea. Sleep with a wedge pillow, so the mucus can drain and not obstruct your airway.
I also sleep with some other pillows so I can rest the right side of my face against one while I sleep
Wow, you're so red-pilled! I totally believe this anonymous teenager over decades of professional peer-reviewed studies!
>Chemical imbalances are real actual physiological processes in your body that can cause depression,
this maybe true but drug is not the cure.
I get really paranoid about being dependent on drug so I never use it.
I just suffer alone silently, it went on for years but I get used to it and eventually I start improving my life bit by bit,
When shit hit rock bottom,the only way to go is up.
>effective drugs are used by people with an ilness to treat that illness more frequently as they are available
>"Uhhh that prove disease r fake"
Try again with a higher IQ. If you'd like a hint I can provide one. Why might people be getting more depressed in America?
all those "imbalances" can be fixed by natural means, better sleep, healther lifestyle. eating better and being social.
your brain produces chemicals based on all of the above.
i used to struggle with anxiety and depression and it was all down to how i lived my life.
I can't, I simply can't, that's why every time I start a new game I always look to see if there's hidden and/or missable content, and if there is I use a guide to make sure I don't miss it.
Congrats, how do you feel now?
I guarantee you that in 2 years if not less, you'll hate yourself even more for being dependent on drugs.
>Drugs don't work and the reason I know drugs don't work is because I didn't take drugs but instead suffered silently for years and years until nothing got better but eventually I grew numb to it all
>therapy didn't help me but it helped me
This doesn't make sense.
It's more like
>play an hour
>browse the internet for sixteen hours
>go to sleep
Try to avoid drugs if you can. Good luck user, I'm with you
>i used to struggle with...depression
No you didn't. If you did, you wouldn't have magically fixed it by talking to your friends and eating lean meat. You're a bullshitter who thinks going through a rough patch is the MEDICAL ILLNESS DEPRESSION.
I'm the one who flipped out on Wellbutrin (paranoia/hallucinations) and dropped it, but therapy has helped me immensely. Try again later.
I used to be like you, had to get all content a game had to offer. After getting so burnt out on games (shit almost became a chore) and falling into a rut for some time, I've returned with a new philosophy. Who fucking needs all that pointless shit, fuck it, not me.
But whatever, good fortune to you, user. Maybe this is truly your path that you must walk.
I just smoke a lot of weed and do new things. I'm glad I don't live in a grey concrete hell filled with shitty human beings like the rest of the USA apparently.
>depression is a chemical imbalance cured by drugs
>no doctor ever tests for these chemical imbalances before prescribing said drugs
>more and more people taking anti-depression drugs
>exponential growth of depression
really activates my seratonin
I don't have a depression, neither do I play vidya. Only Sup Forums for me now
thanks doc. it wasnt "magically fixed" it took years of work and effort.
I just distract myself from depression by making myself do shit constantly even if it feels horrible
I'll leave the pills to you my man.
>decades of professional peer-reviewed studies!
These same studies which suggest depression is actually an evolutionary subject and not a "chemical imbalance" to be resolved by popping pills.
Because of whiney beta types who deny their own agency and would sooner opt for the easier, lazier option of grabbing a cheeky prescription that their doctor has told them will solve all their issues.
Stop backpeddling. You argued that chemical imbalances don't exist and that doctors are hacks, but now you're saying that years of work "socializing" and "lifestyle" fixed your non-existance chemical imbalance? Which is it?
I've got one too
>play game for a hundred hours
>reach the end of the game
>suddenly lose all motivation to play the game and never finish it
It makes perfect sense. Even if the therapist didn't directly solve user's mental issues, the act of talking to the therapist led user to rethink how he looks at certain issues and react to them with a more informed approach instead of emotional gut reactions.
My therapy was almost identical. She didn't snap her fingers and fix me, but she helped me talk a lot more openly about my feelings instead of burying and ignoring them. The last year was really hard on my marriage and I constantly felt like I was on the brink of divorce, but after therapy I opened up and just let out everything I'd been thinking and feeling in a deluge of honesty. There was a lot of crying on both sides and it was a very painful process, but afterwards I felt SO MUCH BETTER, better than I've ever felt in my entire life. Now my wife knows how I feel and what I need, and I know how she feels and what she needs. We've never been closer and I owe all of this to finally admitting I needed help and talked to a therapist.
>Why might people be getting more depressed in America?
Try exercising. It'll boost confidence and make you feel a lot better physically
Depends on the person. My brother suffered from depression for years, then he started taking drugs and he actually has a job, goes to uni and lives a normal life instead of sleeping all day.
So for him it was either want to die every moment or be dependent on drugs but otherwise live a normal life
Drugs CAN be a life savior for the right people
you cant fucking read can you. i said the imbalances can be fixed naturally. not in the way the doctors say with meds. NOT THAT THEY DONT EXIST. and that the right way to do it is fix the reasons why you feel anxious and depressed with lifestyle changes that benefit your mind and body.
then, i have to ask, why i even took the time to justify myself to you in the first place?
fly paramotors
>dude just man up lol be an alpha just magic away your depression
So what should those "whiney betas" be doing instead of talking to a doctor about their illness and then following that doctor's advice? Like, in what world do you live? Did your parents teach you never to see or trust medical professionals?
pretty much, since most consultations are done and dusted in less than 10 minutes. chuck a prescription at you that costs more than the meds would have cost to buy from a supermarket. that doctor really doesn't care if you get better or not. he/she cares that you cashed in that prescription..