Now that the dust has settled: What went wrong?

Now that the dust has settled: What went wrong?

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I don't know, I will find out when they release the GOTY enhanced edition.

>le every game can only be judged in the enhanced all dlc included final product xD

Horrendous visuals. I have no idea how people can play it for long sessions without their eyes bleeding

Nothing. It was pretty fun.

>buying civ games before they release the final version with all the DLCs
Do you enjoy beta testing or something?
It has always been the case for civ games. Just look at the player numbers. I don't even understand why you are mad at me for saying this.

Will they ever be able to top V?

other civs are just there and you cant interact with them. you're either fighting them or not. the lack of world congress is boring

well it's already topped v since v is the worst in the series. It simplified the game so cancer could " get into it " and now there's so many cringelords whose first civ game was civ v.

I still don't get CIV doesn't let you conquer territories and even cities through culture.
It could make playing while not at war not a complete dull fest, while also allowing to implement religion in a less annoying way.

why the FUCK is this a thing, the a.i hasn't moved their fucking units in forever and they're blocking this choke point in my land so I cant fucking move anything through it like what the fuck how the fuck do I get them to move theyre just standing there and this cancer shit with 1 unit per tile.
How is this even a finished, released product? I feel like this is deeply disturbing at how I feel like I lost the game just because the A.I has their units sitting my land.

i hated everything about this game, like said the visuals are unappealing and eye sorey

This is coming from someone who spent close to 10,000+ hours playing Darkest Hour and HOi2 DD/Arma

Game's not fun to look at, hate its style, and I can't get past that to the mechanics

I'd say its because England doesn't like you, but thats giving too much credit to the AI. More likely they have so many units, they can't shuffle units away.

Best bet is to restrict access to your borders and buy tiles

Not the soundtrack.

Wait the game STILL has this problem in it? I quit the game because the AI put all his units inside my borders, and this was almost one year ago!

It seems to be a high difficulty oversight, I play on Diety and this is a regular occurrence since the A.I have such large armies and their units just shit all over the place.

And then when all the religious units start flooding your borders like a united tidal wave of " this land no longer belongs to you " as well, WEW LAD

Right now I have some retards great general randomly sitting in my land on some forest I want to cut down and I can't because it's there. When will it leave? Who knows.

This is so ridiculous.....

No Baba Yetu

I wish it was intended. Maybe the Developers would say it is. If it is, it's badly implemented. If the A.I opened a diplomacy with you and said they were blockading me since they dislike me then it makes sense and it would be cool.

Maybe I should play on lower difficulties and see if it's different with the A.I having much less units.

This is a valid criticism against civ v since v's theme sucked balls and no one will remember it at all.
civ vi theme is very top notch as well.

When I used to play 6, I did so on Prince difficulty because babby. I can say that the volume when I played last around when Persia and Macedonia came out was only that crazy when Gilgamesh was at that hard coded ten tiles away from you,

Brave New Worlds theme I still remember, but I can barely remember the base games music song other than it sounded as vectored as the art was,

>making a civ game without raging barbarians as a feature/option

Yeah, I'm just a civ freak. Got like 5k hours on civ 4

i liked civ v's theme. it's christopher tin again, he did baba yetu. this time he did something european instead of african.

>the modding scene was weak for civ 5 and will be just as weak if not weaker for civ 6

>Now that the dust has settled

you all should kill yourself for starting your threads with this

You know what's actually cancer? Starting a thread with a screen shot of something in game and then green texting what is being implied by the image

the modding scene was weak for civ 5 because it was borderline impossible to play mods in multiplayer.

The colossal fuck up known as Civ Beyond Earth was a giant red flag for Civ6. Getting anything other than a final version of any Civ game is a mistake. Civ5 is in the best playable state with mods right now.

Civ6 Strategic View is comfy as fuck though

choices don't really matter every turn, lots of time doing bullshit. Districts aren't so much planning and customizing your empire as they are just putting the most optimal ones down and ignoring others.
Camp districts slow the already slowed military aggression to a complete halt and war is literally zero fun now

Literally no improvements over Civ V. Fucking unnecessary.

>shit forced leader choices
>cancerous quotes
>directX 11 and higher only(would not be valid in many games but considering the player base and mobile tier graphics)
>flawed base game mechanics
>forgettable soundtrack
>no road building
>no corruption
>no inflation
>shitty combat
>outclassed by 20+ year old Civ 2 and Civ 4 and Civ 5

iPhone graphics

What? Civ VI by default has raging barbarians. They're more competent than the AI half the time.