GOAT of all time, or just GOAT of the year?
GOAT of all time, or just GOAT of the year?
ugliest artstyle ever
Top contender for GOTM. Divinity Original Sin 2 is the only other competition. While O.Sin 2 was great, it didn't improve enough on the original, while Cuphead I can safely say is the most original game I have played in the last five years, easily.
Overall, I'd personally say Cuphead is the better game. It is just so much more compact, fun, and instantly interesting.
its the shilliest game of the year
Can't think of any other game coming out this year that will get me as giddy as cuphead
>that ugly tumblr shit art style
Bleh. This shit is worse than Undermeme desu
t. millennium babby
>tumblr art style
nigga if half the autismo artists on tumblr drew shit like this, we wouldn't hate tumblr as much and every single BArista on the site would have a job in animation.
DivOs 2 is the GOTY, sorry mate.
Nah the GOAT GOTY is Divinity Original Sin 2™.
I just got suggested a speedrun of this game on youtube. I watched it for about 2 minutes then I gave up. Are there still people that like fucking 2d platformers?
Yes, you faggot.
This is more up to date.
>2D platformers in CURRENT YEAR? Unthinkable!
GOAT of the Year?
Greatest of All Time Of the Year?
What the fuck does that even mean? Are you brain dead user?
Cuphead is a good game. The hype around Cuphead, which is nothing more than a true arcade style reflex/platform game, is emblematic of how shitty modern games are in 2017. A decent platformer with a decidedly high amount of difficulty and a sharp skill curve blows people away. Yes, I'm an old fuck, but holy shit does this game put the entire industry into perspective.
Its an 8/10 for me, pretty good but hardly GOTY
Made by a chad too.
Why do you retards fall for the fucking bait? You think you're smart, but you do stupid shit like this
Christ almighty, microsoft has been shilling this shit nonstop.
Not a lot of good games released this year. BotW and Tekken 7 is about it.
Shit gameplay and unfinished art. It sucks
DOS2 improved so much that I can't go back to play dos 1
>>DOS2 improved so much that I can't go back to play dos 1
What do you feel it improved on? Genuinely curious.
Like your mom?