>game has a fishing minigame
>features a good variety of fish, fish sizes, and a aquarium to look at your fish
Shit you love in vidya
i love how modern games transitions from cutscene to gameplay seamlessly
Anytime the fourth wall is broke.
Thank you Dark Cloud 2
The Order: 1886 will make you jizz.
Thanks, already watched that movie
Fuck off, retard.
>City at night has bright lights.
>It starts raining.
>Music's fucking sublime.
Nothing makes me happier.
>Modern games
Dead space 2 does this, can't stop playing because the game doesn't have break moments
>game has a day night cycle
>village has different musical themes for day/night
I love that shit.
>item/buff gives you a chance to apply bleed/poison/bonus damage
>one attack got low damage but hits multiple times
>item/buff can proc on every hit
>You can customize the looks of your characters
>This transfers over to cutscenes
>If there's a flashback, the game remembers what your character wore at that time and properly displays your gear relative to the flashback's time
>You can equip fashion gear over top your ordinary gear so you don't look like a mess but still have the best stats
>Game anticipates if you do something in a non-standard way and has unique dialogue for it
>Game accounts for unlikely occurrences
>game has DoT effects and the like
>game accurately describes to you the chance that these moves have to inflict these effects and how resistant enemies are to certain ones
I feel like this is a tumor that should have been removed from turn based RPGs decades ago and yet I still find games that tell me nothing more than a "this move has a chance to inflict poison.' What are we talking? 2% is a chance just like 97% is you fucks, how the fuck can I strategize with this?
>bleed builds up even when you block with a shield
pretty fun going against heavy shieldfags in pvp for dark souls
>final boss is your brother
If a game nails ambient sounds/lighting there's a high chance I'll instantly jizz in my pants, RDR nailed it perfectly, so did Modded Skyrim and Stalker: Call of Pripyat
>you can travel to alternate world where the environment and stuff is slightly changed
Stuff like Future/Present in Zelda OoT, Dark/Light world in ALttP, Silent Hill games, Guacamelee, etc.
I love this so much.
Tell me about Claus. Why does he wear the mask?
>Day/Night cycles where things actually calm down at night and different people or things are outside.
>Final bosses that make you use everything you learned over the course of the game.
>Boss themes that use music from previous stages or boss fights in its own theme
>Rain you can hear on different surfaces
>Rain that affects the lighting and actually wets clothing.
>Games that don't force you into the story and lets you explore and talk to people.
>Game ends on a bad note
>You can replay the game and the main character, by some unnatural mean, acquires knowledge of your last playthrough and uses it to get a good ending this time
>videogame has a cool and deep card minigame
Rage and Witcher made great card games that were as fun as playing the game.
I liked the racing way more.
Sleeping Dogs my nigga
>bonus boss is a boss from the previous game/entry from the series
>it plays his theme from the game or plays a remixed version
Say what you want about Fianl Fantasy but I've always loved how they often did this with Gilgamesh and FFXIV's trial bosses are one of the most fun bosses in MMOs I've ever played against.
this was a fun little game
Let me get the best shit out of the way.
>villains use the power of friendship/love
>the villain treats his underlings well
>the villain is absolutely right, so right that your character/party have to question THEIR motives
>When your favourite character gets buffed.
>Timed blocks
>Non animation-tied movements/attacks/blocks mechanics
Give me some of that sugar Dark Messiahs'.
>tfw couldn't figure out how to git gud at gwent and never won a single game against the quest npcs
it just seems like everything was centered around spy cards and i didn't have any
>tfw you didn't understand you had to win multiple rounds using cards from the same cardpool
I beat his ass so bad in the first round though.
>Enemies can become afraid of you or panic when you show up.
Ace Combat has spoiled me.
>Game is about a fish
>You play as the fish and attempt to find romance
>You must produce offspring in order to advance
not a game
the fucking nigger is this
Is that the dino kid from barney?
>RPG shop shows you explicitly if the gear they sell is better or worse than your currently equipped gear
>Lets you automatically equip gear after buying it
>Then asks you if you'd like to sell your old gear it just unequipped
>If you beat the boss of a dungeon, the enemies within that dungeon will run away from you
>If you're over a certain level, lower level enemies will run away from you
>If the game detects you can win a fight in a single round of normal attacks, it skips the fight entirely and just gives you your XP and loot
>Do you wan't to start your adventure? Y/N
>credits roll
>When I can dress my girl in many different clothing and armor
>Being able to change my appearance after the beginning, especially in a lore friendly way
>Guns that jam, weapons that break, without being too frequent or annoying
>In game working operating system and/or email
>Well executed survival/basic needs mechanics
>Home or base building
>Romance that doesn't treat sex like the goal, relationships that are their own reward
>game has a card game Sup Forums assures you is easymode but you never understand it
Fuck you Caravan, I just want blackjack.
Can you give an example? Not memeing, I am really curious about which game comes to your mind.
>When I can dress my character in many different clothing and armor
>When there's a large variety of armors and clothing available
>When exploring is rewarded
When the game is good.
Destruction, the bigger the better. It's the one thing Dice got right with BF1
>pic related
>chewing through wood and sandbags with submachine guns
>breaching doors and walls with dynamite
>dropping a whole windmill on some fuckstick scout with a field gun shot
>you have a base you can decorate
>flashback thing
Say whatever shit about Fallout 4, but seeing the main char without any mod like I originally made it during Kellog's memories was the shit.
>game skips the fight for you
Fleeing enemies are cool but that shit is dumb as fuck
The Xenoblades are the only games I've played that do that. Such a nice touch.
>Wanting to bother with "mash A to win" fights
Fuck off.
>Have choice to live honest fulfilling life
>Game shit-talks you for it
>Other option will lead to you murdering a bunch of people you made friends with, getting your arm chopped off, almost causing a nuclear holocaust, and any romantic persuit ending in life-destroying disaster
>And you can't fuck the robot, no matter what
So, STALKER + Waifus + Fallout 4 basebuilding?
the first DMC spoiled me because of how seamlessly shit transitions from cutscene to game
>the spider cutscene where you start in the middle of a jump
I want to kiss Kat on the tummy.
>Game has a bestiary and flora encyclopedia
>the character himself fills them out or adds additional notes when he acquires a specimen
and costumes showed up in cutscenes too
Give some examples fampai, sounds comfy
>you can climb enemies
>nights are actually dark as fuck without a lantern
>character has a transformation or something similar
>magic is actually usefull like teletransport or waterwalking
>game has several large main quests. The order in which you do them matters
>equipment condition affects the item's aesthetic
Yeah pretty much, that sounds great.
I get to be the waifu tho, I don't share my fucking spotlight with other sluts.
Off the top of my head, Tales of Vesperia final boss is absolutely right about blastia being out of control and while it would suck for the people who relied on them they had to be destroyed.
Party ended up doing exactly that in the end.
>airship stage
Fucking love those since S&K
i never actually finished dark cloud 2 because i spent too much time raising fish and playing golf
>NPCs you interact with from time to time ask if the girl that wasn't with you previously is your girlfriend.
I don't know why, it's always amusing to me.
Probably because it will never happen to you in real life.
Hey, is that user you responded to your girlfriend?
>fishing minigame grants you good items, keeps track of your records
>blackjack/poker/slots and roullette minigames that let you multiply your cash or win prizes
>collectable card game minigame like FF8 and Witcher 3
>a good Double Barrel Shotgun
>a good Revolver
>weapon you use to stab/slash can be thrown
>inventory Tetris
>you can parry stuff
>you can juggle enemies
>characters have a relationship meter next to them and have flirting minigames
>player housing
>silenced weapons and stealth takedowns
>you can pick up a lot of shit in the environment and use it (like Dead Rising)
>your character can do wrestling moves under certain conditions
i seriously think if i would manage to include all these things into a game it would be the best singleplayer game of all time.
I wish, the little slut wont put out
People can shit on Twilight Princess all they want, but I think we can all agree that the Fishing Hole was fantastic.
>seasonal cycle
>huge area to fish in
>big variety of fish, dependant on lure, season and location
>you can fish solo or with Hena
>cozy little hut with Purdy, Hena, your trophy tank and the ball rolling minigame
Twilight Princess minigames were just comfy in general. I have yet to see a game with so many good minigames that feels like real gameplay.
Fug I want a Tokyo Jungle but with sea creatures
dumb weeb
get back in your cont/a/inment board.
because dead space don't have pre-rendered cutscene
That shit in fighting games where you drag a guy across the stage and slam him into a wall. That will never not be cool. Also on a related note, big metal gauntlets that are so powerful they eject steam or shells after hitting someone.
>game allows fishing
>You can get shit other than fish
>Including high level upgrades to your gear, if you're lucky enough
>The game is supremely comfy to support ling fishing seshes interspersed with upgrading your base and gear
The only way to git gud at Gwent was going around beating the little people thus collecting a card from them, then buying others at shops, then doing the quest NPCs once your deck was good enough.
Gwent really was easy mode.
>Cooking mechanics and food based buffs
>Ranch/pet raising
that sounds like grinding. if that's how you were supposed to advance that quest, i'm glad i didn't advance it. did i miss out anything interesting? or is it just a way to make some extra money and xp like fist fighting and dice poker?
>You resolve the issue by talking and the whole conflict was because neither of you realized you were fighting your brother.
>You help each other in the end
Nigger literally just use the basic leader and spam spies until your hand is stacked and you can win in one turn
>That shit in fighting games where you drag a guy across the stage and slam him into a wall.
this is eternally a guilty pleasure of mine, especially if the super variant is just to do it twice on both ends of the stage with some extra particle effects.
What does RF stand for? I've been looking for a game with ranching creatures and food/farm shit, and apparently I've never played RF1-4.
Rune Factory
>Leitmotif peppered all over the soundtrack that you hear throughout the game.
I fucking love this shit, especially when the theme itself is already GOAT
Hell, I don't even care if it's just in a scripted animation, it's still cool.
It actually wasn't that grindy, you can be ready for the first quest within like 3 hours if you know what you're doing.
Otherwise, the rewards weren't that cool, aside from some quest-exclusive cards, which was my main impetus for doing so for the cheevo.
>that deadpool theme
geez, i forgot all about that...
Rune factory.
Skip 1 and 2. Emulate 3 and if you have a 3DS, buy 4.
Like, do it right now. go download 3 and play the first 20 minutes and reply to me with your opinion.
God damn I love rune factory.
>powerful weapon that drains the user's health
>magic fueled by HP instead of MP
>tfw you use all your spies and steal your enemies' spies using decoy and manage to also revive most of your used spies
>tfw 10 cards in the hand on the last round and your opp. only has 3
>Magic fueled by HP
>Spell that raises damage dealt the least HP you have
>magic fueled by HP
>spell that gains damage as you lose HP
>it lifesteals based on its damage dealt
>Melee character has a counter special and fuck huge defense
>Magic character has spell that raises Melee character's chance of being targeted to its max