>8 Asians with a pedo pandering fake Swedish
>1 White woman thrown in just for an excuse
>because voting decided everything
Why is this serious lack of diversity allowed?
>8 Asians with a pedo pandering fake Swedish
>1 White woman thrown in just for an excuse
>because voting decided everything
Why is this serious lack of diversity allowed?
Other urls found in this thread:
That white woman only got in thanks to votebombing and it should've been 9 asians as god willed it.
Best girl
hahah he posted it again fuck off idiot
that blonde bitch in the far background is not asain
SHe's the french one OP mentioned
Because Japan has shit taste.
I want to munch on new girl ass
helena a best
>Why is this serious lack of diversity allowed?
What do you mean user? From what I'm seeing, it's already full of diversitits.
Two of those asians are half-white. Does race-mixing only count if one parent is black?
They all look the same anyway
Same. Not counting Rachel she has the highest H rating yet
kasumi is such a generic titty ninja and the clone template for the majority of the cast (including two more of her) but i can't stop fapping to her because she hits all the right spots in my rape fetish
i hope she appears again in the next NG game
Swedish girl best girl
>he doesn't know MUH WHITE GENOCIDE
Actually, white with anything else isn't white anymore.
How much dog fucking will Marie and Honoka do in this game?
God bless Zack and his personal cum slut island
Because Asians don't have an obnoxiously vocal group that babbles about diversity unlike the West.
I'm literally shaking this is so problematic. how did this even happen? the original doa had 2 japs out of 4 female characters. doax had 2.5 out of 8. on launch doa5 had 3.5 out of 10. now vv has 7.5 out of 10. I'm so triggered I can't even
True, but white/asian matches seem to produce good-looking offspring
OP's image is more like a good example of diversity because the term stands for fewer white people in number and that's what learned from BBC.
enjoy your elliot rogers children
Because KT is lazy and just half-assedly used the code from the old versions of the game. That's why it has less content than the original.
The most they probably added was the cash shop functionality because they knew the idiots who bought the DLC for the fighting game would move to this one.
>lewd asian game
>full of titty monsters
>only alternative is dedicated loli bait that looks like a 10 year old
what the fuck is wrong with these sorts of games and having a lack of characters with A-C cup chests?
Elliot Rogers was half jew half jungle monkey Malaysian
blame Itagaki
though to be fair he's more responsible for the lack of diversity than the size. DOA chests were C~D back in the day, now they're all blown the fuck up.
To be fair Marie's body is more in line with east Asian adults.
What is this? My dick needs to know more.
Ishokuhada Gyaru
>8 Asians with a pedo pandering fake Swedish
But they never really looked Asian.
>ywn be drugged and abused by a colored asian whore until your nuts are completely drained
just fuck my shit up
>Should we bring over the girls who didn't get in before
>No lets create some combination of the two shittiest ones instead
It's a combination of Marie and Leifang though :^)
>two shittiest ones instead
Tina and Lisa
>Sup Forums loves BLACKED: the game
Because you suck big nigger dicks for breakfast
You're just being ironic, right?
I hate Marie Hoe and Honkers so fucking much. And this new chick whose name I've completely forgotten raises my ire even more. Look at all those samefaced skanks. I bet the Nips did this out of jealousy because they'll never look as good as literally anyone else.
Who cares. They all fuck dogs anyway.
>Being this retarded
His father is British and his mother is Chinese