Say something nice about it, Sup Forums. It's an underrated gem.
This is unironically my favorite single player game of all time
But it was a multiplayer game.
File 1 has a single player focus, file 2 has a multiplayer focus. File 2 is also way harder than file 1 because of this.
They both have a multiplayer focus. I love the shit out of these games, played the shit out of both of them online and offline, and want nothing more than an HD rerelease with File 3 content included.
You can't bullshit me like that.
Check out if you haven't already, you can emulate outbreak and relive that classic experience.
I love the Outbreak games. Kevin, David, Yoko are the best characters. What are your favorite scenarios?
All of the scenarios from File 1 are great. Outbreak, Below Freezing Point, Decisions Decisions, The Hive. Only one kind of annoying is Hellfire.
File 2 had too much emphasis on gimmick enemies. The animals in the Wild Things, Hunters in End Of The Road, Axe Man in Flashback, etc.
Underbelly is okay because the bugs are only in one spot really, and Desperate Times has Lickers but is still mostly normal zombies. DT is probably my favorite from File 2.
> not picking alyssa of peace
Never had the guts to play Outbreak 1 again ever since they closed the servers. Feels like all good memories will flood in at once
Its even better multiplayer
>want nothing more than an HD rerelease with File 3 content included.
I could settle for either, it's amazing that Capcom hasn't revisited the Outbreak series since online play became mainstream. Seems like an Outbreak file set in Terragrigia would print money and could easily be made a self-contained story since the city was destroyed so the survivors wouldn't have to do anything but escape.
Meant for Not sure how that happened.
Uhhhh yeah it actually does exist...
At first I thought he was talking about the city in China that got nuked with the virus.
It was pretty shit as a single player game and as a multiplayer game it was unplayable since it was laggy as fuck.
Just finished it on an emulator 3 months ago only cool part I liked was the endings. Worst gameplay in terms of RE .
What the FUCK is this shit? What happened to Resident Evil?
Capcom fucked up releasing Outbreak 1 and 2 on PS2. Almost nobody owned the modem add-on, they should've waited a few years for PS3. Hopefully they'll rerelease Outbreak on modern systems some day.
I like all the scenarios except for wild things. My favorite might be decisions, decisions. My favorite to play as is David King because I am a handyman and do plumbing work a lot.
I mean, its not bad by any means. But its a lot less fun single player. That, and it just feels like a generic RE, and probably helped the classic series die...
I liked playing it coop with a friend. Don't remember much of it, though.
gib pc release plz
I never played multiplayer and I still love it. Super challenging game.
>Worst Gameplay
>hardest in the series due to limited inventory, items, and unforgiving damage you can take.
You play as a bunch of idiots, how is the gameplay supposed to be smooth and fast? The challenge Is what makes it great you fucking casual.
Best girl.
>What the FUCK is this shit?
Resident Evil.
>t. never play resident evil 1, 2, 3, 0, CV, etc.
File 3 content (models and such) got used in umbrella chronicles. I tink that's the best you can hope for.
The sad thing is that they had originally talked about it being a 20 level long game, but decided to do level packs, rather than release it all in one go.
Because of that, people got bored of the games quickly (people in general) because replaying the same 4-5 levels all the time gets repetitive. So the sales of the first two installments couldn't support them releasing the last several.
Basically, crapcoms greed ruined everything. If they had even just split it into two installments, the whole affair would have gone much better across the board.
Really loved it. There was a good variety of areas between File 1 and 2.
I think Capcom tried to recreate that magic with Umbrella Corps and Operation Raccoon City, but it wasn't the same
Outbreak is great. Played through the first in singleplayer and had a blast. Got a copy of File 2 but it's scratched to death. Will probably emulate it eventually.
Outbreak was way ahead of it's time. It's a damn shame that Capcom has never considered re-releasing it like they do with almost every other RE game. An updated port/remaster with new scenarios, characters etc. would be one of my dream games.
>2 & 3
Casual detected
What really sucked is that File 2 had improved mechanics that you couldn't use in the superior File 1 scenarios.
An HD collection could fix that if it includes everything in one game.
You can unlock File 3 stuff for O1 and O2, Masked and Unmasked Hunk for example.
This upset me so much when I was younger.
My nigga. I love this game way too fucking much and it's so sad that it's one of the most overlooked RE games. It really was the perfect formula for RE: refined classic survival horror mechanics mixed with multiplayer.
Also, Cindy is the best waifu.
I guess you didn't play them yourself
>RE1 you have enough ammo for every enemy in the game, RE1DS you can just knife everything
>RE2 you have more than enough ammo for everything AND you can get a machine gun in a locker if you really wanted to
>RE3 you can LITERALLY create ammo
>RECV has the easiest knife before RE4, if you slice the legs the zombies fall and take triple damage.
>RE0 has those bullshit monkeys and the bullshit bat boss, but if you use the knife for the train section you're set on ammo for the rest of the game.
I used to like Alyssa the most, but Cindy really is better.
What's your favorite scenario Sup Forums? Mine would have to be Desperate times. I loved going through the RPD before it fully fell.
I remember this game playing it online. I kind of hated the fact you could not use mics. But I liked the idea of the A.I thinking on it's own at times.
Desperate Times is the best scenario in File 2, but Decisions, Decisions is better overall.
Thanatos best tyrant.
i had the hdd but you couldnt really use it because you would simply get kicked
>Not wanting to protect that almost smile
>0 tits
Would protect, would not waifu.
Best RE main theme coming through.
The only superior level that File1 has is Decisions Decisions. At least you can't clear any of the stages in File2 in less than ten minutes unlike Outbreak, BFP, The Hive, and Hellfire
Can't argue with that. Best credits theme right here:
Tfw you part ways with the AI at the branching part of Decisions, Decisions and continue the scenario unaware if they'll survive and return with their sample. Always a cool moment to return and see only one of them standing there in danger status but with the sample in hand.
Yeah, I definitely think File 2's scenarios were more fleshed out and diverse. Like you said, they couldn't be beat in a just a few minutes, and unlike File 1, most of them had different ending routes (you could either get on the subway or miss it and escape on foot in Underbelly, you could either fight the lion or the elephant in the ending of Wild Things, etc.) whereas File 1's scenarios had different routes, but always ended on the same thing.
Feels good man.
>First time playing DD
>Playing as David
>Fail to get the serum
>Mark and David fix up an APC to fight Thanatos in until the bombs drop
Wait, isn't the unique ending with David and Mark only triggered if you play as Mark? I played as David my first time and didn't have Mark as my AIPC, so I got the shitty, anticlimactic helicopter zombie ending.
No pretty sure you can get it as either. I don't remember the specific conditions.
Mark and David fight a massive zombie horde in the APC. It's Kevin and Jim who fight Thanatos in the special ending.
>Playing as Jim
>Fail to get the serum
>Jim and Kevin are left behind
Jim was the best.
reminder that resident evil 4 had dynamic difficulty that changed mob amounts, reaction time, how brutal they were and generally all kinds of neat tricks and twists instead of flat out just changing health and damage
why haven't the new ones done that
Dude, it's written in the official strategy guide that you have to play as Mark to get that special ending. File 1 picks your companions for you, and you don't get Mark as a companion if you play as David. It's dumb, but that's how it works.
Shieet, guess I don't remember as well as I thought I did.
The Hive was fucking terrifying.
It's all good man. That's just the perfect excuse to dust it off and play it again as a refresher.
I'm wondering, is there any of the scenarios you guys dislike or just don't prefer over any other?
For me, if I had to list them, I'd say The Hive is the worst. It's not necessarily a bad scenario, but it's linear as fuck. You don't need to enter most rooms to complete it (you don't even need to activate the shutters), and unlike Hellfire, there is only one route, so there's nothing that forces you to explore other rooms (unless you're in harder difficulties and need supplies). Plus, not only you're forced to kill the Leechman, it's extremely easy to do so.
I never felt like playing Flashback because of the stupid poison mechanic ruining the pro tackle and run tactic, however I've warned up to playing Flashback after learning how to deal with dodging.
Speaking of Flashback you forgot the escort mission ending you can get if you never make it to the hospital.
He is quite literally the best considering everyone uses him to speedrun
I didn't like the Hospital one, being constantly followed by the leech zombie was annoying as fuck.
Underbelly, I hate those fucking roaches
Nice. Wish I still had my copies. Gotta find a rom.
You can play multiplayer with emulators, my dude.
You can still play online with emulators
I never liked Wild Things. It's an interesting idea but the animal enemies get annoying. Same for all the hunters in End Of The Road. It was better in Below Freezing Point where hunters were a special enemy instead of the main enemy.
I feel like it was ahead of its time, and Capcom could have made a ton of money capitalizing on a concept like this when stuff like Left 4 Dead exploded, but instead did jack shit and then made abysmal shit like Umbrella Corps instead.
Really? What exactly makes him good for speedruns? From what I've seen, most speedrunners either use Kevin (because he's the fastest and his 45. Auto ends boss fights in seconds) or a character who has time advantage on a scenario (Yoko allows you to complete BFP faster, Alyssa can lockpick her way through Outbreak, etc.).
Coin Flip I'm guessing. That and he knows where everything is at.
I think he means online mode speedrunners, actual speedrunners like Carcinogen use Kevin for the reasons you listed.
Not sure about speedruns but I know he's spammed on Very Hard Nightmare Solo runs for his special invincibility frames
>So, Raccoon City now belongs to the boogeyman...
Just found this video, apparently there's a mod for RE6 that swaps a character's model for Kevin. I have no idea how the modder did this shit.
>tfw never got to play online
Who's voice did you hear?
Mark for me
I heard YOKO in Alyssa's voice
ALYSSA in David's voice
KEVIN in Yoko's voice
Get it on emu and then follow the guides on
I'm currently playing through both of these with two friends, for the first time. We just End of the Road remaining and then we're done.
I can honestly say that his is definitely one of my best coop experiences of all time. The game does have some annoying issues, like the constantly respawning enemies and movement based on camera direction instead of character direction (like it is in REmake), but it all still comes together so nicely in coop.
I love how the characters all have different stats, abilities and items, making them all feel unique. And the fact that you can play as pretty much every NPC in the game, with them also having unique stats and items, makes it so much better.
It's truly a hidden gem that just came out at the wrong time on the wrong platform, considering how difficult, or rather impossible in some cases, it was to play multiplayer on a game that really needs it to shine.
I'll probably go through it all again on Hard if my buddies are up for it. How does a Hard playthrough compare to Normal? I get that there are some new enemies and some things are switched around.
Movement is only based on camera direction if you use the analog stick. Using the D-pad plays just like classic RE based on character direction.
>Only one kind of annoying is Hellfire
Why is that one annoying? It's mostly just normal zombies with some lickers thrown in.
I thought Wild Things was really cool due to it being so different while still being pretty fitting thematically. But I can understand why you wouldn't like it.
I don't understand how you can think that the Axe man was a bad gimmick while still liking The Hive with that fucking Leech Man.
I thought Underbelly was pretty boring, mostly due to the location feeling being so bland.
Desperate Times was great, but it could've been better without that stupid gas.
Also higher difficulties change item and enemy placement, so it can feel completely different in some scenarios.
>play Jim
>hide in locker while everyone else inevitably dies
Yeah I forgot that fucking gas shit.
Also, Axe Man sucks because there's nothing you can do to get rid of him other than fight. The Leech man can be ditched by using blood packs.
If you master the tackle and run technique you can move on to Very Hard
>Get eaten by shark first time playing Decisions, Decisions
>Have no idea what I'm doing first time playing the forest level, manage to pick up on the cues from people spamming voice commands over items on the ground
>I trigger the ending cutscene too early, causing the last guy who wasn't in the room to be counted as dead
This truly is the best RE game. I hope they remaster it next after RE2.
>Playing BFP
>Yoko player doesn't pick up the Desert Eagle
>Stomp her to death then run her over with a train
I would say Outbreak as a whole is a masterpiece.
>join a game
>everyone knows exactly what to do
>realize I barely even know how to play the game
I feel embarrassed.
Don't worry, people who don't know what the fuck is going on are what make the game fun.
I could only play these games offline. I remember them being bullshit hard from dumb AI that took forever to help you when using commands
Try getting some friends to play with or host a game with the room titled as "Newbie/First Time Playing" on normal. Wait for it to fill and just follow somebody around. Learning all about the levels is the funnest part.
There's also one where you can play as Luke (USS soldier with gas mask, basically Hunk).
It seems easy to import models to MT-framework.
Like Square with Crystal chronicles Capcom will never make a sequel or port this game
>he's re fan-lite
Revelations is one of the more mainstream spin-offs (despite being atrocious). There's a bunch of less popular ones like Gun Survivor and Outbreak, as well as the TPS spinoffs
Really? Why'd they do it like that?
Sadly, I've just got an Xbox 350 controller now and that D-pad sucks.
I stopped playing the games after 5. I tried 6 and thought it was hot garbage.
That's true, but at least on normal you can keep stunning him with potshots with the regular 9mm.