Fighting a boss is 99% pattern memorization, and execution of a routine (dodge, move, attack, parry) until it dies.
(1% being rng)
Where's the fun in that?
Fighting a boss is 99% pattern memorization, and execution of a routine (dodge, move, attack, parry) until it dies.
(1% being rng)
Where's the fun in that?
user, everything in gaming is pattern memorization and execution of routines. You want something different go read a book.
Not in Minecraft for example
>99% pattern memorization, and execution of a routine
So, basically just "learning" then.
the entirety of minecraft is learning routines and executing them, that's why it appeals to clinically diagnosed autismos
it lets you learn and master boss when at first you suck complete shit at it. It gives a feeling of self improvement.
I don't think video games are for you.
The entire fucking brain is based on pattern memorisation.
OP is a weeb faggot.
ITT: autists that love to do the same thing over and over
What do you like to do?
Suck big fat tiddies
Single player games are like tic-tac-toe, you have to play multiplayer to actually use your head.
I don't want to be with other people and I don't want to be reminded I'm too old to be playing games.
There is no such thing as a soul, you are a biological machine. The very existence of your consciousness can be reduced to patterns and routine.
>Look at me I just finished highschool and watched some Sam Harris videos!!?
Sounds repetitive.
>stupid point shot down
>made a complete fool of
>start throwing out reddit-tier buzzwords
ebin retort, faggot
Then you should play old games like Quake, everyone that still plays is a 30 year old virgin
>I'll reduce what he said to greentext, that'll make him wrong!
>There is no such thing as a soul, you are a biological machine. The very existence of your consciousness can be reduced to patterns and routine.