It's the 4th of October. Why aren't you reading Umineko?
It's the 4th of October. Why aren't you reading Umineko?
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>Celebrating the anniversary of a mass killing
Must be magic
Ojous do things to muh dick, should I play?
I just finished Fata Morgana. 10/10
I should really start looking into Umineko, but Umineko Project is only like half-done so I don't know where to start. All I know is I want to play with the PS3 sprites.
because that shit is fucking retarded
>there are no more than 18 people on this island
>in red text
>ignoring how fucking retarded the concept of "it's true because she said it is" red text is
>introduces a ton of characters that leads to more than 18 people on the island
Also Battler can't argue about magic not existing when he's teleported to different fucking dimensions to do his "logic" battles.
>WTC5 will be set in an open world, not a closed space
Expectations? Does R07 still have the spark in him or is he washed up?
There are lot's of good complaints that can be made about umineko, but having a problem with
>there are no more than 18 people on this island
is not one of them. Other than erika (who is accounted for), please explain who these additional characters are
Where do I start?
Umineko Project is incomplete, the main game looks horrendous, I just want to check it out and be able to read through the entire thing with PS3 sprites.
I read to the end of the first chapter and found it kind of intriguing, but too long and slow. Does it get better?
Cause it doesn't look like the new Higurashi VNs yet and the anime really fucked it for me
>Last point
Battler is like if you got a reddit atheist and brought him to heaven to meet God. Battler must be literally retarded to think magic is fake after all of that shit that happens
Gee I don't fucking know.
Also that's just one specific point, the main issue is how the entire game is supposed to be logic based yet it requires you, and in some case literally states for you to suspend your disbelief (e.g. the aforementioned red text) for it to even try to make any sense.
He's arguing that magic is not responsible for things that happened on the island. Its irrelevant if magic happens elsewhere
Because I shouldn't, and never will until you tell me that I should in red
Reminder that Buttler was a homo faggot gay for his uncle, Kyrie and Rudolf slaughtered their whole family, Ange will never learn the truth and magic doesn't real.
Nobody on the right side even exists stupid.
And sakutaro and ange aren't on the island
Eva killed Kraus and Natsuhi. Rudolf and Kyrie killed everyone else and themselves so Angie and Battler got the full inheritance.
>Open world WTC
>Main game looks horrendous
It's part of the charm
>It's the 4th of October.
i tried to prove that magic does not exist in dangan v3 and i succeeded, beating some dumb delusional loli to a pulp. i'm sure furudo erika would approve it
Search "umineko english ps3 sprites".
The download link should be one of the first results.