Switch sales = Great

Nintendo is selling great in USA, Japan, Canada, etc. Why not in Europe?

Amazon US
#1 Super Mario Odyssey
#4 Switch neon
#11 Switch gray
#21 Switch + Mario
#76 PS4 Pro
#95 Xbox One S

it's the same in europe

Because us and japan is full of degenerates and autismos and there is a lot of amerifats in Canada

Why do people categorise EU as one entity?

Some places like different shit

Because European prefers soccer and video-games where you watch a movie

>it's the same in europe

Most Europoors are too retarded to play anything but FIFA.

Italians and the French being the only non retards.

ayo where's that sony cuck that keeps going to that middle of nowhere wal mart

>Because European prefers soccer and video-games where you watch a movie

>Fifa 18 outsells Fire Emblem warriors in Japan

Guess nips are dude bro's too

I'm Italian and fuck, 99% of the population is crazy about FIFA.

Who cares ?

>3 stars
And yet they eat it up

>Most Europoors are too retarded to play anything but FIFA.

Top 10 sold games in the US 2016

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
Battlefield 1
The Division
NBA 2K17
Madden NFL 17
Grand Theft Auto V
Overwatch (no Battle.net sales)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III
Final Fantasy XV

Italian here, we only play FIFA.
Nontendo's home consoles disappeared after the SNES, Wii craze aside.

Yes, but Italians are also JRPG master race weebs.

Amazon stars are retarded, they say "delivery didn't come in so 1 star but the game is good though"

Switch is still selling out in your country friend


It's been sold out in Europe for a long time

Man soccer is the gayest sport

Imagine dedicating that much of your time to it

In before yank, I don't watch nigger kneel or nigger netball either

>ship a handful of switches to Italy
>a handful of autistic Italians buy them

>Man soccer is the gayest sport

Nope, that's volleyball, can't believe grown men play such a gay ass sport

Now if only that were true..

t. Manlet

Europe is not a strong region for Nintendo. That's why Sega stuff was popular there back in the day and why Sony has taken their place now.

>nigger netball
I never heard that one before. sweet.

I didn't know that the situation in Europe was so terrible.

You cucks literally buy the same garbage as EU but worse, your nation called the new cod garbage and spammed the dislike button on youtube and yet... it's the best sold game of last year in the US

>All these PSN gift cards because no one trusts Sony with their credit cards

Black plz

Fuck i was wondering why there were so many gift cards