Occasional reminder that Diablo 3 is one of the best selling video games ever.
Occasional reminder that Diablo 3 is one of the best selling video games ever
Best game in the series by far
>Blizzard will never be good again
It's also a pretty decent game
reminder that path of diablo private d2 server is having a ladder reset/patch on friday
They gave free copies to every WoW subscriber to inflate the number.
Bring back Sup Forumsnet or fuck off.
Way too obvious mate
RoS is great
>RoS is great
PoD is a nice breath of fresh air with it's ability rebalances and shit
population will probably be decent aswell for the first 2 months or so, last ladder reset peaked at ~2k players online I think
It helped that all the PoE streamers hype it up and bring life into it all at once. but damn PoD is so good I dont know how I played this game without it.
Why do you like pain user?
>game is trash and universally shit upon
>makes a shitload of money anyway, effectively encouraging more of the same
fuck this gay earth
Best selling doesnt mean you unsolicitedly gave away free copies
except they went ahead and fixed everything wrong with it don't forget that
Diablo 3 is the most succesful scam/koolaid in video game history
yeah, well I played the game at release like many other unfortunate bastards.
Diablo 3 and Blizzard can suck my fat cock. Path of Exile is better in every way.
Overwatch is worse.
PoE is boring and ugly
People actually enjoyed overwatch though
Signing up for a year of WoW subscription isn't free.
The AVATAR to Diablo 2's titanic
But do those wow subscribers ever have diablo 3 in mind?
I assume they do since the only other reward was a mount which isn't really worth binding yourself to a game for a year, in my opinion.
according to whom?
The art style of PoE > Diablo 3 for me. I'm a longtime Diablo fan and prefer the aesthetics of D1 and D2. PoE is much closer to those than Diablo 3 is.
>PoE is boring
I can't just rewire your brain so that it's functioning properly.
Why does everyone hate launch diablo 3. Were you just so bad you couldn't handle inferno? You just farm get good items play the ah then steamroll.
I'm not going to spoonfeed you because it will trigger my PTSD from Diablo's 3 launch.
Just Google it.
>"and then we doubled it"
>play the ah
hitting that refresh button in the AH menu for hours and sniping deals sure is fun and exciting gameplay and exactly what I would expect from a hack&slash
>according to whom?
People with taste lmao
Luh mayo, (bruh)
dude please. The story was shit and that's all there was. And thanks to the RMAH loot drops were anemic.
>Implying it will have the same legacy as Diablo 2
>Implying it won't ruin the franchise in the end
>Implying Diablo 3 wasn't a mistake
Idk then could have sticked to baby modes. Inferno was made to be hard as fuck then everyone freaked the fuck out when it was and required really good gear.
Inferno was made to be hard as fuck to force you to look for shit on the RMAH, not fun.
go back to asking ubisoft to skip bosses
that's all there was though, that's the problem
Out of those 30 million, how many came from console?
Yeah but that's why hell mode exists. You hit 60 before you got to inferno, you beat the game 3 times before you got to inferno. If you expect to just walk through inferno without having to grind one way or another then It would have been too easy.
and that's the problem, the grind was boring Auction House shit
Most people agree D3 is the best game in the series and has the best gameplay, outside of its launch with the server problems its a widely praised game.
and then you stop playing if you don't want to grind the gear yourself.
>grind for ~50 hrs
>find jack shit
>brother spends 10 bucks on rmah and instantly outgears me
>being bad at a diablo clone
next time just say loot 2.0 made Diablo 3 into a decent game.
So is PONG, but do you really want to play it?
RMAH was completely shit and not excusable. I just chose to never use it and I made it through fine.
nice jaggies
woah there, RoS may have fixed everything, but let's not go nuts
I unironically agree.
But the new loot system did make d3 a decent game. Anyone who says otherwise is contrarian or has only played d3 when it was released with AH
Made the game an easy never ending grind. Would have liked ROS with the original inferno tuning. Was good to freshen up the gameplay and makes far more sense with the direction they took the game.
The diablo franchise nothing but a never ending grind.
my suggestion wasn't really meant to be bait, but just a more accurate description of what happened.
but saying modern D3 is regarded as the best in series IS 100% bait or something that someone would claim w/o playing the other installments.
ARPGs in general are nothing but a never ending grind.
it's actually a lot of fun now
[passive-aggressive smiley]
>>"and then we doubled it"
I wish these thundercunts would learn how to balance properly before launching products or updates.
>universally shit upon
"Universally" in this context meaning "Sup Forums no like".
you should get your BlizzConĀ® 2017 Virtual Ticket while you're at it
wow nice wasted money bro, you sure "owned" vee
Almost nobody legitimately like diablo 3 though, thats why its probably the deadest blizz IP
>virtual pleb
>Almost nobody legitimately like diablo 3 though
imagine actually believing this
fuck that loser
I like Diablo 3.
gameplaywise, yes.
gameplay of course, being the only metric that actually matters, everything else being fluff
There's that word again...
>Thinking the gameplay in Diablo 3 is at all justifiable in any way
Playing through as the Monk was the most boring experience I have ever had playing a ARPG. Playing through as the Witch Doctor six months afterwards was the second most experience. There is no build variety or character progression, you are just doing the same thing throughout the whole game.
When is diablo 4 going to be announced?
Not this year. They will milk Diablo 3 DLC first.
I laughed my ass off selling a near perfect manticore for 250$ on the real money ah
Thanks bra
diablo 3's good as a casual game that you play for an hour and then get bored of and go back to whatever it is you were previously doing
diablo 1 with a bro on ps1 was god tier, especially with swedish voice acting
Hate to break it to you Sup Forums, but the only fun thing about D2 was the game breaking builds.
All you did was chase after them patch after patch. In the form of item bonuses. Wilson never got that, but the RoS team got that in spades.
VERY few builds in the franchise history was more fun than the original broken U7 monk build. I feel bad for any early quitters or purists that never experienced it.
>mfw I looked up the swedish voice acting
Occasional reminder that human shit is the worst smelling shit ever.